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Declaration of the Consultative Conference of SSC

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Prof Cali Khaliif, Leader Xaglatoosiye, Ahmed Sulieman Dafle, Garaad Jaamac Ismaciil,Dr-Cali Ciise Cabdi, Eng-Maxamed Xassan Xaad, Saado Cali and numerous SSC delegates, intellectuals, politicians meeting in London issued the following statement.


Declaration of the Consultative Conference of SSC Diaspora


Guiding Principles


The declaration of the consultative Conference held in London on April 21-24, 2011 have been centered on the issues of peace, security, the provision of humanitarian assistance to those adversely affected by the war campaigns waged against our people and ravaging drought which envelops our territory. The related issues of the extension of social services, of carrying out reconstruction projects and of the undertaking of development programs have also been discussed. The deliberations have uncovered the necessity of crafting of a common political framework and identification of appropriate administrative mechanisms for assuring peace and stability in our territory among us and our neighboring communities and in the wider Horn of Africa area.


The common political framework incorporates the enduring commitment to the principles of :


· Unity and territorial integrity of Somalia


· Democratic self-governance and the abiding rights to resistance against aggression


· Peaceful political dialogue in managing conflicts


· Peaceful building, sinking the deep roots of stability and sustainable development


· Good practices in self governance such as accountability and transparency


· Sustainable management of the ”commons” (grazing areas and water points) in accordance with the carrying capacity of the land and the curbing of desertification.


Our commitment to these principles guide our strategy of self-governance and decide our own destiny. They motivate our embracing of conflict management through peaceful political dialogue and peace-building. They drive demand to end of the military occupation of our territories: towns, villages and country side. The above principles also guide our dedication to resistance and pursuit of liberty for our people.




The other Conference Recommendations and Conclusions are with regard to:


· To hold an all-inclusive conference inside the country for SSC people, both at home and Diaspora.


· To name a technical committee that will select the venue of the meeting, decide on the time and raise funds for the conference


· To hold the conference in one of the towns of SSC that meets the criteria set by the technical committee at the appropriate time preferably in the rainy season


· To fund the conference from the resources of the SSC people and to invite local and international media to cover the conference


· To convey to domestic and international communities the commitment and conviction of the SSC People to live in peaceful co-existence and harmony with the neighboring communities inside Somalia and in the Horn of Africa at large.


· To insist on the in alienable right of the SSC people for self-determination, to resist occupation, and to come up a visible plan to achieve the liberation of SSC territory.


· To unite the efforts and power of the SSC (economic and security) in order to achieve peace and sustainable security


· To develop the SSC territories by focusing on rural sustainable livestock management, curb renewable natural resource degradation (Desertification and resource depletion), and develop water resources


· To develop the physical and social infrastructures such as airports, roads, schools and clinics etc.


· To develop the human resources of SSC through skills training, repatriation of qualified professionals, short term voluntary services and minimize the influx of the local communities


· To promote investments in SSC regions through potential sources of funds such as NGO's, contributions from local and diaspora communities and regional and international aid agencies


· To strengthen Nugal University including the research capabilities for conducting surveys and needs assessment


· To promote private sector development, specifically micro, small and medium enterprises


· To promote awareness through social networking and media outlets




Finally, we wish to inform the people of Sool, Sanag and Ayn that the efforts of the SSC diaspora are united and indivisible in order to attain liberty and development in our territories, and will endeavor to achieve the same for all the people inside Somalia. To this end, the SSC Diaspora Conference recommends the convening of an all-inclusive congress of SSC communities inside the country at the appropriate time and without delay.







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Finally, we wish to inform the people of Sool, Sanag and Ayn that the efforts of the SSC diaspora are united and indivisible in order to attain liberty and development in our territories

They forget to define the territories from X in north to Y in South :confused::confused:


I am wondering weather I included in that territories

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Mahad oo dhan Allah ayaa iska leh-Shirka Khaatumo aqoonyahanka SSC

London oo si rasmi ah u furmi doonaa hadii allah idmo 21/04/2011 Khamiista

eey ka qeyb gelaayaan wufuud aad u fara badan oo kala yimmi cirifyadda

aduunka metalaayaa Jaaliyada degaamadooda kalsoonidooda iyo ku hadalka

codkooda wata,tallaabo qiimo weyn kana turjumeeysa ahamiyada gaar ahaaned

iyo wadciga lagu jiro oo xasaasiyadiisa leh loona baahan yahay wada tashi iyo

helida hanaan midnimi buuxda ah iyo go’aan ka gaarida wadada aayaha ummadda



Shirka Khaatumo oo si weyn loo soo diyaariyeey hab qaban qaabo heer sare ah

loo sameeyeey hanaankii ku haboonaa loo lafo guray ka qeyb-galaayaashuna yihiin

Shakhsiyaad maqaam gaar ahaan iyo magac weyba ku leh guud ahaan Ummadda

Somaaliyeed gaar ahaan Qoomiyadda Daraawiishta SSC,aqoonyahan si weyn looga

Tixgeliyo golayaasha aqoonta iyo waayo aragnimadda,hab daacadnimo leh,dareen

iyo damiir nool leh,garasho dhab ah ku jirto u qaatay gudashada doorkooda weyn

iyo kaalinta Ummadooda iyo dhulkoodaba ka mudan yahay(Maasha Allah)Wufuuda

ahamiyadooda iyo culeeyskooda leh oo ilaa hadda London soo gaareey waxaa ka mid


*Waftidda Hogaanka SSC oo wuu hogaaminaayo Dr-Suleemaan Axmed(Xoglo Toosiye)

Gudoomiyaha Hogaanka SSC.

*Dr-Cali Ciise Cabdi Gudoomiyaha Gudigga Qaban-qaabadda Shirka Khaatumo.

*Eng-Maxamed Xassan Xaad(Halyeey Mudnaan Gaar ahaaneed Leh).

*Waftiga Jaaliyadda Sweden(Abdi Khalif Jaamac).

*Madaxa Xafiiska SSC Neyroobi.

*Waftiga UK oo London ku diyaar ah iyo Gudiga Soo dhoweeynta oo hab habsami leh

karti iyo masuuliyadaba leh kaalintooda u gudanaaya(Maasha Allah) iyo wufuud kalle

la sugaayo sida waftiga ka imaan doona Dalka Sacuudiga wuuna hogaaminaayo Mudane-

C/Laahi Sh.Maxamed Sh.Cumar(C/Laahi Case) oo ah aqoonyahan aad iyo aad u firfircoon

kuna caan ah illaalinta danta qoomiyadda Daraawiishta SSC.


Gunaanadka qormadan kooban Guul iyo gobanimo shirka Khaatumo aqoonyahanka SSC

anigoo Allah uga rajeeynaaya guud ahaanba ka qeyb galayaasha gaaridda go’aamo wax

lu ool ah kuna saleeysan danta qoomiyada SSC,tallo qiimaheeda leh hab ficileedna sidda

ugu dhakhsaha badan loogu bedeli karaayo,raacida rabitaanka iyo maslaxada guud oo eey

rabaan Dadka reer SSC,la duubnidda iyo horumarinta Maamulka SSC,turxaan bixinta guud

ahaanba arrimaha mugdigooda leh ama khilaafku ka jirro,garashada ahamiyada shirku ku

fadhiyo iyo niyad samida iyo dareenka wanaagsan oo qoomiyadu u heeyso(La duubnidda

Shirka) Guul iyo Gobanimo Shirka Khaatumo Aqoonyahanka SSC.


-Qorre Xassan Carab

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Shirweynihii khaatumo oo isagu sida rasmiga ah u bilaabmay 20/04/2011 waxaa la soo geba gabaynayaa galabta, waxaana halkaasi lagu soo bandhigi doonaa go’aamadii ay gaadheen aqoonyahanadii halkaasi jilbaha isu aasatay. Daawo sawiradii khatumo.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;714123 wrote:

What the hell is saaado cali doing there is she part of the educated elite or was it just a clan gathering for tolka;)

Saalax;714126 wrote:
XX. She came there to sing, jam, and have some coffee.

Xaaji Xunjuf;714127 wrote:
^^^ooh that must be it so there was an after party Nice

Saalax;714126 wrote:
Xaaji Xunjuf oo haada ma sawiirka saado ali baad ka heesha lol.

Xaaji Xunjuf;714137 wrote:
saado was cute berigey yarayd baan xasuusta


Yes,there will be a huge SSC Party tonight in London UK - hundreds of SSC prominent figures, intellectuals, politicians, businesses, professionals, women, youth, etc came to meet in London UK from all over the world America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, and Africa.


Why do somalidiids care if Saado participate the SSC Conference? Saado is one of SSC and Somalia's Pro-Union Icons


Kuwan Secessionists ka ah, war isku xishooda, akhlaaqxumadana joojiya

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