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Raascasayr admin says Garowe clan enclave is not welcome in Raascaseyr

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Saalax;713984 wrote:
This is funny. Faroole can't visit many parts of Sool & Sanaag, Mudug. And now he is banned from parts of Bari lol.

But he has still travelled more distance in his first year then Siilaanyo has!

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Somalina The Title way saxantahay sabab i dhe ,, dee mamuulka garowe waxay ahayd caasimadi Mamuul goboleedka Buntiland sax wala , so sax maha ,, dee wayahay eeh gobolka bari qeyb ka mid ah haday ka goosteen soo Garowe admin sheekadi isku may so uruurin. Wa common sense awoow.

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Somalina;713992 wrote:
The title adiga ayaa camirtey, GD buugiisa miyaad aqrisataa awoowe?


The title should say "
Maamulka Raascasayr oo sheegay in Puntland aysan imaan karin deegaanada Maamulka Raascasayr


He lives in parallel universe. Maybe we can't understand him. Does anyone speak Somalilandish and translate what XX is saying?

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Thankful. Dr gaboose has visited more regions than the pirate leader Faroole. So i don't see your point.

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We are talking about one leader and another? Who has visited more? We know that your former so-called vice-president visited Lascaanod, but when the top leader Riyaale tried he was attacked and chased out. When a leader goes somewhere that is a clear sign of who is in control. Siilaanyo has gone nowhere outside of the triangle, he needs massive militia to visit places in Hargeysa!


Ministers and vice-presidents are not seen has threats! But regardless of this, you NW Somali's need to realize that if you want to say something negative about Faroole (i.e. like his lack of travel) make sure at least that it is something that Siilaanyo has done even worse at.


Stick to stuff Siilaanyo is better at ; if you can find anything!

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There is no rush for Siilaanyo to visit all those place quickly, he will visit it when he is planned on his schedule. Siilaanyo's adminstration is in control of Awdal, Maroodijeex, Togdheer, Sanaag, Sool. While your pirate leader is confined to Parts of Bari(excluding ras casayr), Nugaal and Northern Mudug. ;)

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He's not in control until he visits those places you listed!


If he needs that much militia to visit a hospital in Hargeysa, he will never travel outside of the triangle!


So anyways, my basic point is, dont comment on where Faroole can travel, when Siilaanyo has travelled even less.

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Thankful;714003 wrote:
He's not in control until he visits those places you listed!



Whatever helps you sleep better at night time lol. Any place Somaliland flag flies and it's adminstration exists is controlled by Siilaanyo's adminstration. Get with the program.

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Riyaale was certain he was in control of Lascaanood or he wouldnt have tried to visit. Upon entering the city he quickly realize he wasn't and left the same day never to return again!

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Riyaale was welcomed with open hands in Erigavo & Sanaag & much of the Eastern areas. Can't say the same about the pirate loser faroole that is even scared of visiting galckayo lol.

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Look you want to bring up piracy, you can! Whatever you enclave has done better at, feel free. But, you can't mention where Faroole can and can't travel, when Siilaanyo has covered significantly less distance in his almost year in power!

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Thankful i know it hurts a man from Awdal is more welcome in Sanaag than a pirate next door. ;)




Riyaale welcomed in Ceelafweyn.




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Ok, but when he tried this in Lascaanod, we know the rest!


Faroole and Siilaanyo the fact remains Faroole has travelled more!

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How so? Siilaanyo has already visited many eastern districts and far western in his campaigns. What makes you think he can't again?. Did faroole visit Sanaag & Sool in election campaigns? i doubt so. oh i forgot there was never elections in Puntland lol but rather small room ballots elected by clan elders.

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