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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland coast guards capture more pirates and illegal fisherman+VIDEO

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Sanaag:Ciidanka Ilaalada Xeebaha Oo Gacanta Ku Dhigay Koox Budhcad badeed Ah

April 22nd, 2011


Hargeysa(Somaliland.Org)-Taliyaha ciidanka ilaalada xeebaha Somaliland Axmed Aw Cismaan Cabdi ayaa sheegay inay gacanta ku dhigeen koox labaad oo budhacd badeed ah oo ay ciidanka ilaalada xeebuhu ku qabteen inta u dhaxaysa xeebta Xiis iyo Maydh.


Taliyaha ciidanka Ilaalada xeebuhu waxa uu sheegay inay qabteen afar nin oo budhcad badeeed ah iyo Laash ay wateen kuwaasi oo noqonaya kooxdii labaad ee budhcad badeed ah ee lagu qabto xeebta u dhaxaysa Xiis iyo Maydh.

Gen. Axmed Aw Cismaan waxa uu sheegay in socdaal ku shaqo ku soo maray gobolada Saaxil iyo Sanaag, waxaanu tilmaamay inay ciidamada ilaalada xeebuhu ay qabteen doonyo badan oo sifo sharci darro ah kalluun uga jilaabanaya xeebaha Somaliland

Taliyuhu waxa uu sheegay inay kormeerkan ku wehelinayaan masuuliyiin ka tirsan wasaaraddaha maaliyadda iyo Kalluumaysiga , kaas oo muhiimadiisu ay ahayd cashuur ururin iyo sharciyaynta doonyaha kalluumaysiga .

Taliyuhu wuxuu difaacay ciidankiisa oo uu carabka ku dhuftay inay yihiin ciidan wanaagsan oo si wadaniyadi ku jirto u guta waajibaadkooda qaran.

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NW Somalis are the best at propaganda! In the early and middle part of last decade the claim everyday was that terrorists were being captured when it was really just poor farmers. Now it is getting rusty old boats with a bunch of guys in it and say that we are capturing pirates!


How can the Hargeysa admin actually be believed when 300 ONLF landed on boats at the end of last year and crossed through NW Somalia undetected until they reached Ethiopia?

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Thankful you seem angry the piracy project is coming to an end 90% of the garowe pirate administration will be unemployed and lose their jobs it's a catastrophy i know.

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The Pirate Project was politically motivated and once ransom payment was given out, the whole thing got completely out of hand. I want to see the international community use all of their resources to stop this criminal act - an act that is only based in a small area of Puntland! I believe the violence occurring in some area's of Puntland is a result of piracy, because crime breeds crime. I agree with you the piracy project will come to and end and all those who are responsible must be held accountable! We are seeing it in the U.S with long prison sentences.


With that being said, your enclave in NW Somalia likes to follow media trends, i.e. if arresting terrorists is making news then your admin bring some poor farmers and accuse them of being internationally wanted guys. Now it is piracy, so you show video's of a rusty boat floating a few meteres off the coast and you claim that they have captured pirates.


The question is, why were you not able to stop 300 ONLF from landing on your shores and crossing through?

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