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Somaliland: Explosion Targets Sool Governor in Lasanod

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Xaaji Xunjuf;713312 wrote:
Laascanood under curfew between 6 pm till 6 am in the evening. The terrorists will be caught and will be brought to justice the locals don't like the curfew i can understand that but inshallah when the Terrorists are caught everthing will be back to normal in the Milky town.


;) ;)

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Xaaji Xunjuf;713322 wrote:
six suspects caught so far well done Somaliland police in laascanood

They caught 6 people the same night. Ya right!


It is in his interest and the hargeysa admin to immediately try and calm people by lying about making quick arrests. Even the best law enforcement in the world can't catch people that quick. Basically by saying his militia arrested 6 people the same night, he thinks it will minimize the incident.


I mean these guys can't even locate 300 ONLF crossing through!


With this being said the list of culprits are many. From Al Shabaab and others or the anti-Secessionism fighters.

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