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CNN: Despite Meager Resources, Coast Guard Defend Somaliland from Pirates

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Berbera, Somaliland (CNN) -- When you read about anti-piracy efforts off the coastline of Somalia, you imagine huge war-ships slicing through the waters, with terrified sea bandits scattering in their wake.


But closer to shore, in the tiny breakaway east African state of Somaliland, it's a different picture. Despite being only a few hundred kilometers down the coast from piracy-ridden Puntland, Somaliland's coast guard operates with more than modest resources.


A 20-foot long motor boat in Berbera, the country's port town, lies at the docks, seemingly broken beyond repair. One other coast guard boat - which I am assured is sea-worthy -- is brought out. Soldiers pile on board carrying RPG rockets and AK47s.


"As you know, we have only two boats and they are very small boats," explains Issa Mahad Abdi, second-in-command of the coast guard. "The coast is very long and we cannot cover it all but we try our best."


Their performance in the water, however, seems to prove that they are more than a rag-tag group of officers. One fishing boat far beyond the breakwater cannot be identified and the coastguard race toward it. After leaping on board and searching the tiny vessel, there is much hand-shaking and everyone is on their way.

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The success of the coast guard is hardly surprising, considering the career paths of their leaders.
Mahad Abdi and his senior colleagues were all members of Somalia's formerly strong navy
, based in large southern ports such as Mogadishu and Kismayo.
There they served under notorious dictator Siad Barre.

And for doing so they are rewarded with a position in NW Somalia's so-called naval force.

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