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Xaaji Xunjuf

Awdal selel diaspora members say Somaliland unity is sacred+VIDEO+PICS

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Che -Guevara;712831 wrote:
Nothing is sacred kiddo.

I would be more concerned with the 'devolution' currently occurring in the former 'Puntland'. Sool is gone, Eastern Sanaag is gone, and now the 'base' is coming apart with the continuous murders in Galkacayo plus new 'mini-regions' such as 'Rascaseyr State' (just announced).


Meanwhile, Somaliland's writ of control expands yearly. I remember the early years where the central administration barely controlled Hargeisa...


Progress.... It's a beautiful thing!

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^LooooooooL@devolution of Puntland...You must mentally play in your mind every-time.


It's Somalia man, how much more can anyone possible worry. You seemed more worried than I'm or is it excitement?

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Interesting, control expands yet Awdal State has been formed. The most important part about this is that it started in Awdal it's self with people bringing out Somalia's blue flag, then Awdal State flag. It is now spreading throughout the diaspora.


Now in Hargeysa Siilaanyo needs immense security to visit parts of the city, he is yet to even step out of the Burco, Bebera, Hargeysa triangle. Cayn is in armed conflict with secessionism. Regardless of the assassinations taking place in Gaalkaayo by criminals who conduct hit and run tactics. There is no armed groups engaging in open war like we see in Cayn.


All of this anti-NW Somalia conflict has occured strongest in the short time Siilaanyo has been governing.

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Mintid Farayar;712885 wrote:
I would be more concerned with the 'devolution' currently occurring in the former 'Puntland'. Sool is gone, Eastern Sanaag is gone, and now the 'base' is coming apart with the continuous murders in Galkacayo plus new 'mini-regions' such as 'Rascaseyr State' (just announced).


Meanwhile, Somaliland's writ of control expands yearly. I remember the early years where the central administration barely controlled Hargeisa...


Progress.... It's a beautiful thing!


Indeed Somaliland is stronger then ever from east to west


Somaliland general from awdal and selel western front.


Somaliland army in eastern Sool gambadhe



Somaliland in taleex


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This is just a reminder of an old discussion from 2 years ago. Should I dig it up for you? In order to refresh your memory on your own talking points and how they've fared against the tides of history?


Puntland exists for one reason and one reason only - Only as a means for Puntland elites to take a shot at the top leadership of Somalia. The closest those elites came was the tenure of Abdullahi Yusuf and now the opportunity has passed. Therefore, the glue holding it together has slowly evaporated. Chunk by chunk, it will come apart.


The devolution continues.... (You're right, Che, - the word has a nice ring to it)

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For an orphan of the Queen, you sure cry too much about PL. Do you have nightmares about Afweyne [AUN] at night? Do you hear voices of Abdulaahi Yusuf or piss on your pants?

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Jacpher;712902 wrote:
For an orphan of the Queen, you sure cry too much about PL. Do you have nightmares about Afweyne [AUN] at night? Do you hear voices of Abdulaahi Yusuf or piss on your pants?

When the argument fails you, always come back with a personal attack... This tactic has been tried often by ones far more capable than yourself. Try again, son...

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