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The Zack

Woman divorces her husband because..

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A_khadar anything is possible but it would be a rare case lol..


Zack bal intaad isleedahay dnt be too nice ya cidla lugu dirin wa iga talo. Not every girl is like this lady, and as showqi said it is very much possible she was annoyed wtih him cuz she had other motives..

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The Zack   

Aaliyah, :D saas isuma giijin doono dee, waxoogaa umbaan break-ga nice-nimada kayara kici, saliidda mean-nimada ku istaagi, zaa'id ma aha laakin.

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Haa Zack, wax yar is yarra giiji niyow. Mar mar waa loo baahan yahay in aad iska dhigto Xaaji Xayraan:D


Aaliyah, iska daa Zack. Maanta he doesn't wanna be the nice guy, gabadhasaa ka xanaajisay:D

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The Zack;712824 wrote:
^It happened to a black brother, it sure can happen to a farah. I have seen some real nice farahs in my area, opening the door of the car for their Xalimo, carrying they purse for her or what so. So yea it could happen LOL.

Hahahahaha lol, caadi ma tihid, "some real nice farahs" lool.


Kuwaas waa in la qabtaa intaynan dhibaato noo keenin ragga intiisa kale, the standard is too high! Hadhaw every xaliimo want's that from us!

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^^ hello JB, ma adigaa ii wacday?


he sounds like *N*A*C*A*S? no woman worth of her guntiino wants to put up with a NICE-MAN. of course that is my opinion and i say before the I love You brigade jump on me.


give me geel-jire any day

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^Define a Geel-Jire? :P


Horta laga maa badbadiyo a human being, very ungrateful bee yihiin. I think mutual love, respect and understanding should be practiced, no point loving someone more then they do you etc. It becomes an obsession or pure *********..This dude, tried too hard or did he? He was getting something from her though, she laughed at his jokes, he gained extra confidence - dee he too was using her..Lol

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^^ Geeljire is the one oo naagtiisoo uur ah suu u tumaayey u dilaayey feer iyo ul haraati ay sidii ku dhashey wiil gaduudan, everytime ay uur qaado and in her last few weeks or days of pregnancy she used to love the beating in la garaaco, good for her, easy delivery.


I have witnessed a similar beating whereas the family was a neighbor, and the woman used to miss when her husband is away, in la dilo wax ay ka jecleyd ma maleen kartid, habeen buuna ilma kaga soo tuurey suu feer ugu wadey oon ugu soo galney qeeladooda guriga, another nightna sidoo kale but was only 6 days after she delivered the baby, she told us to mind our business, waaba ka soo tagney, every night taraawiix ay u aheyd in la dilo naagtaa, wajigeeda dhan ayaa is badaley hadaad aragto, and she is happy, nin guriga ii fadhiyo oo kursigiisa iska fadhiyo muxuu ii tari bey dhahdaa, waa inaan gacantiisa iyo xanuunka dareemaa bey dhahdaa, raaliyo bey aheyd

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^That's not being raaliyo nuune, naagtuu wax kale ame kaa heshaa ninku? Waxaan maqlee miid intaa dawr jeer odeyashuu deex galeen after similar beatings, ee uu baan digtee odeyashuu wexee ninkaa kaa heshaa hence tolerating the beatings..subhanallah!..:D - the last time anyone got involved. Markaa qof kasta isagaa ama eyadaa oog meshuu oo meshii iis digtoo - there is a saying in Somali along those

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^^ dee haa, wax macaan oo qaraar bey heshey smileys.gif asagoo kale inuu adduunka joogin bey aaminsantahey

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Any woman surrounded by bad male role models will grow up believing that's how all men behave and that she should expect the same. Any man that contradicts this predetermined and ingrained expectation will confuse the woman, and cause her to panic, and eventually she will run from the relationship, because she's not used to being treated as a first class citizen, basically another form of self-sabotage, though not intentional.


This shows you that male role models are just as important to females as they are to men. Similarly strong female role models have the same effect on males. If males grow up around women that tolerate beatings, they will eventually inflict the same on their wives and daughters because they think its normal. There are alot of strong female characters in my family, so its not a surprise really that "beating your wife/daughter" is an alien concept.


I feel pity for the woman in the video, its a vicious cycle.

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Something is disingenious about this woman. He sounds like an absolute darling, deserves much better than this doqon


Nuune and Malika,

You don't actually believe that do ya? Physical and pyschological abuse usually go hand in hand.

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^Ofcourse not dear, perhaps I have very little sympathy for those who accept abuse of any kind - I empathies, as some of them dont know any different.

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Can't watch the vid as I am at work, laakiin going by the comments, waan fahmi karaa wexey leedayahay...


It isn't a lie if a man is too nice, it is just labolabo! Challenge aa loo baahan yahay, mid lee maanta dhan kugu soo sac-sacsan yaa rabo? I remember mid aad u maskiin ahaa, walaahi you'd think he just stepped out of his mother's womb siduu ahaa...One of those brothers when you say "jump" who would reply "how high honey and from where" uu ahaa...Ughhh, labo dharbaaxo iyo nus indhaha ma'uga fujisaa aa ku qabaneyso @his niceness...People just get bored with such things...A little challenge (?) here and there waa loo baahan yahay, like accidently, on purpose, forgetting her birthday!

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