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Where Would Somaliland Fit In The Nairobi Somalia Conference

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Written by Ibrahim Mead

Apr 17, 2011 at 05:37 PM

What is happening in Somalia is what was happening there for the last twenty years. Somalia made her self the deaf that can not hear, the blind that can not see, the ***** that can not think right and the owned that can not own her ( fate) self, and this is no joy for Somaliland to see her in that situation. That she is used and owned and sold her self that way, willingly!

The only think Somalia remembers and repeats like the parrot is that they own Somaliland when she doesn’t own her self!



What is cause for concern is that the UN Representative who virtually runs Somalia’s affairs, and some others in the region are persistently exerting pressure on the elected government of Somaliland to join a none-existent and owned Somalia! That is an unkind proposition which defied the wishes, aspirations and self determination of the people of Somaliland! That is a naked attack against Somaliland! That is a cause for concern!


Somaliland must be rewarded for what she has achieved under difficult circumstances. Somaliland must be awarded for what she has contributed to the general peace and stability of the whole region. Ironically Somaliland gets rap instead, from the so-called stake holders of Somalia! Not counting Somalia, for she transcended idiocy and settled on insanity! The UN Representatives want to drag Somaliland in to Somalia’s predicament! They want to "Somaliaize" Somaliland! In doing that they even deny their own charter, the UN’s charter of human rights which stipulates the fundamental rights of self determination! Somaliland determined to be Somaliland, which she was, and which she is. They minimize at times and deny at other times of all that Somaliland has achieved with minimal or no foreign aid! What is wrong with this declaration?!


The forces which undermine the peace and stability of Somaliland are:

a) the insane Somalia,

b) and those who have a stake to keep the handicapped sister insane!! They are the same people who every now and then push and pushing Somaliland to join the madness of Somalia illegitimately in Nairobi or else where!


"In every part of the world the good desire of men for peaces and decency is undermined by the dynamite of jingoism, and it needs only one spark, set off any where by one egomaniac, to send it all up in one final fatal explosion" (****** delight-by Robert Sherwood)

here it is not neither jingoism nor egomania who set off the fatal explosion, it is the insanity of sister Somalia and those who claim they have a stake in her and the denials of the truth and the reality on the ground!


Somaliland took root in her ‘Somalilandness’ which no one can uproot it. Why don’t they understand that? An uninformed may wonder! The point is that they understand it but they still continue doing what they are doing! On the Somaliland side she says "we are not insane like our sister! We are a sovereign state recognized by her people"


To go forward one has to focus on going for ward. Not looking back word for restitutions or revenge. That was and is what made Somaliland what she is. That is what put her where she is now. Somaliland united her communities in forgiveness, in peace, in stability, in democracy, in inclusion, in common ground, and in consensus...


Of all these achievements, the international community, headed by the UN is every now and then attempt to drag her in to the quandary of Somalia! Instead of rewarding for her rights and for her achievements, Somaliland gets rap from the so called international community by denying her fundamental rights of self determination, her rights to write her fate. They don’t want to recognize her- never-happened- higher moral ground she exercised through the years. Now they are pressuring the government to participate the already failed Nairobi Somalia conference and others which may follow!


Where ever you see sharks gather and roam around, there is blood! Sharks by their nature smell blood from miles and come to that place as soon as they can. Right after three or so months of Mr. Siilanyo’s administration we saw the sharks of all names local and foreign gathered in a neighbouring country and in their usual place-Nairobi. All made every effort to undermine the new administration or more correctly Somaliland. The question is where did this blood come from? And why there is still bleeding there? Because sharks are still every where around the mother! Who is bleeding? I think Somaliland must ask her self these questions and address the problem.

Unless Somaliland stops and tackle this bleeding the sharks will roam around her and eventually cut her apart, therefore Somaliland ought to stop and address that bleeding. Some Somalilanders say they know where it is coming from but they have to dare to address it and do it right and sooner rather than later!


It seems that the UN and other players in Somalia’s (misery) case are relentlessly dragging Somaliland to abide the law of congruency! Congruent is defined by the Webster dictionary as "coinciding at all points when superimposed, agreed or corresponding to i.e. congruent angles" that is Somaliland must have the three equal angles of demons which are:

1- extremist Al shabaab.

2- Sea pirates

3- moral less belly and pocket gangs of no bounds and of no shame!! Who will benefit this, should this happen? Of course those who are pushing this proposition!


One my seem safe to believe that ‘the inherent fundamental human rights of self determination of a people like the case of Somaliland, is not enough to satisfy the UN and other so called stakeholders of Somalia! Somalia means project! Big one!

It seems as though the players of Somalia’s never ending agony are saying to Somaliland, "why don’t you become like your sister Somalia? Unless you join the game we will never recognize you! And if you join the game, what is the point of recognizing you? Your exemplary conflict resolution, your peace and stability, your independence of your solutions for your problems, your rights of self determination and your commendable system of democracy and freedom are not yet enough! We are not after that! We are after the great (Hal laqaalay) project, Somalia!"

Somaliland insists and says, "We can not be that, we shall keep what we have achieved and we shall remain what we are" and that is the difference!!


Where does Somaliland fit in the Somalia conference in Nairobi, Kenya?

The following countries are called stakeholders of Somalia:

they are: African Union, Burundi, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, European Union, France, IGAD, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Norway, League of Arab States, Organization of the Islamic Conference, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Uganda, UK and USA.


The following are called delegates:

1- Sh. Sareef’s faction called TFG,

2- the Region of Puntland,

3-the region of Galgadood

4- a Faction called "Ahlu suna wal jamaca"

Also the following was called another delegation:



Is Somaliland a stake holder in Somalia and Somalia’s astronomical conferences as the above countries and organizations are said they are?

I don’t think Somaliland does have a stake in this project, as Somalia is a project for one entity or the other at one time or the other!

Somaliland is not a stake holder in non-existent, fragmented to factions Somalia, owned by some of the so called stake holders!

Somaliland is not a stake holder in insane Somalia!

Somaliland is not a part of the project called ‘Somalia’ therefore where does Somaliland fit in this puzzle, called Somalia conference?

The short answer to this is nowhere, as far as I am concerned! Somaliland would be part of this puzzle called Somalia when Somalia regains her sanity and owns her destiny thus get ready to talk to Somaliland as two equal sisters honestly and in good faith.

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(What are the Objectives of Somalia’s conference in Nairobi, Kenya?


As stated in the agenda "the aim is to re-invigorate dialogue, consultation and cooperation among the Somali (a) institutions and other stakeholders with a view to agreeing on the way forward to end the transition and determine post-transition arrangements and The key issues to be discussed in the Nairobi Somalia conference include the following:

Priority tasks and a schedule of implementation before the end of the transition period, covering, inter alia, the key areas of security, reform, constitution-making, and good governance Advancing the implementation of the agreements with the Puntland administration and Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a; Addressing overall relations of the TFG with regional and local administrations; Requirements, benchmarks and necessary resources for the implementation of the transitional tasks" where does Somaliland fit here? NO WHERE!




Delegations will be invited as follows:




TFIs Presidency (4) Transitional Federal Government (6) Transitional Federal Parliament (10)


Regional Administrations Puntland (4) Galmadug (4)


Organizations Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah (4)


Observers:Witnesses to the Djibouti Process, the International Community and other delegations (1 delegate each):African Union, Burundi, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, European Union, France, IGAD, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Norway, League of Arab States, Organization of the Islamic Conference, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Uganda, UK and USA.


Other Delegations: "Somaliland" (4)??!!


Chairperson: SRSG Augustine Mahiga, assisted by RC/HC Mark Bowden.) [source: UN Representative’s office]


Confronting the political impediment that Somaliland government is facing must be countenanced, with honesty, courage, resilience and convection, and that is what is expected of her government first and foremost. And don’t forget that Somaliland is an example of resilience but also an example of horrible leadership at all time!

Lately there is a movement by Somaliland known enemies to change the subject and divert the new international attention towards Somaliland and Somaliland's quest for recognition particularly after the successful elections which became model for Africa and beyond.

Those who called them selves "Somalia's intellectuals headed by known and unknown Somaliland haters gathered two times in a neigbouring country to undermine Somaliland’s achievements and aspirations!




In pursuing her (right) proposition for the recognition, Somaliland shall need compromises related to the subject from a sane and equal counterpart called Somalia some day. Not to those self appointed traders of the misery of Somalia, but by (Somalia) the real people the issues are concerned to them when the said people regain their conscience and gain their sanity!


The conciliations must be, or should be, compromise of issues, not of principles and bottom lines. Not the independence of Somaliland at any cost because the people have spoken ‘loud-and clear’ in this end, in returning and restoring the independence of Somaliland in an open democratic fashion, in a referendum in 2001. That was an expression of Somaliland people’s rights of self determination, which is enshrined in the United Nations charter as it is enshrined in the constitution of Somaliland


We can compromise our political positions, and maneuver around that but never the independence and sovereignty of Somaliland. Never the determination of a people to their inherent rights of self determination by the ballot and not by the gun!

Somaliland sought and made every effort for the right of return to their homeland- Somaliland, and they did it, and that is where they are now. There is no point of going back from here.


Compromise does not mean cowardice, although it is frequently the compromisers and conciliators who face with the severest tests of political courage! In the end of the day they know that there are certain matters that ought to be their end product.


In the days ahead, only the very courageous will be able to take the hard decisions necessary for Somaliland’s survival in the struggle with many enemies from different directions! Enemies with leaders who need give little thought to the popularity of their course, which need pay little tribute to the public opinion they themselves manipulated! Those are determined enemies of Somaliland striving to break the mother into submission or at least weaken her position.


To offset that one must be a believer of this 2nd Republic of Somaliland, the referendum of Somaliland and the self determination of the people of Somaliland and any other people who sought that right under the charter of the United Nations. Somaliland’s leadership must have both the emotional and the gut-connections with this 2nd Republic of Somaliland. Only those who have that connection will not weaver, the rest is process.

To end it, it is the aspirations and the self determination of the people, which are sacrosanct [Muqadas] and that are where the rubber meets the road. No one else has the right to deny or evade or stampede or twist this inherently human rights of a people who strived and spoken loud and clear for the return of their lost Republic of Somaliland, be it local or foreign groups! Even though she may not have the ability to hear, however the author repeats his call to sister Somalia and that is ‘two are better then none’.


To be continued….part-2

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"We can compromise our political positions, and maneuver around that but never the independence and sovereignty of Somaliland. Never the determination of a people to their inherent rights of self determination by the ballot and not by the gun!

Somaliland sought and made every effort for the right of return to their homeland- Somaliland, and they did it, and that is where they are now. There is no point of going back from here."

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