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Thousands of dolphins block Somali pirates

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Ghana News Agency (GNA)

Friday, April 15, 2011



Thousands of dolphins blocked the suspected Somali pirate ships when they were trying to attack Chinese merchant ships passing the Gulf of Aden, the China Radio International reported on Monday.


The Chinese merchant ships escorted by a China's fleet sailed on the Gulf of Aden when they met some suspected pirate ships. Thousands of dolphins suddenly leaped out of water between pirates and merchants when the pirate ships headed for the China's.


The suspected pirates ships stopped and then turned away. The pirates could only lament their littleness befor the vast number of dolphins. The spectacular scene continued for a while.


China initiated its three-ship escort task force on Dec. 26 last year after the United Nations Security Council called on countries to patrol gulf and waters off Somalia, one of the world's busiest marine routes, where surging piracy endangered intercontinental shipping.


China's first fleet has escorted 206 vessels, including 29 foreign merchant vessels, and successfully rescued three foreign merchant ships from pirate attacks.


About 20 percent of Chinese merchant ships passing through the waters off Somalia were attacked by pirates from January to November in 2008, before the task force was deployed.


A total of seven ships, either owned by China or carrying Chinese cargo and crew, were hijacked.


Tianyu No. 8, a Chinese fishing vessel with 16 Chinese and eight foreign sailors aboard, was captured by Somali pirates on Nov. 14 and released in early February.


The second fleet of Chinese escort ships arrived at the Gulf of Aden on Monday to replace the first fleet.

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I can just imagine those dolphins oo isbaaro u dhiganaayo burcadbadeedka. lol

It might play out like this:


Dolphin: hand over the ransom money

Pirate: waryaa waa ku shootgareynaa xayawaan badeedyahow!


Dolphin: and you are a pirate, so what! are you gonna hand it over or do i have to flip over you to get it?

Pirate: Haddaad lacag dooneysid maad raadsatid badaan wey weyntahaye. AK47 idinku rusheyn haddaadan iga leexan xayawaanyahow foorida badan.


Dolphin: why should I hijack ships when I can just take it from a pirate like you? now enough with the chit chat, hand it over or else..

Pirate: yaah! warya maxaad leedahay! sug sug, Farax Suulweyn ayaa rabo inuu su'aal ku weydiiyo

Dolphin: No questions, hand over the dough now


Farax Suulweyn: iskuus me waat yuu duu wit zis manii or ching ching in da waater, yuu aar Free Willy no?

Dolphin: darn it! they r so smart (indhaha xirmaaya and starts to retreat clearing the isbaaro)


1 hour later, inside a Chinese fishing vessel docked somewhere in the red sea, a bunch of chinese guys are busy plotting another scheme to rob the pirates. :D

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