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Black Dollar Scam

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The Black Dollar Scam


And now we come to the reason some 419 scam victims are asked to travel to countries in Africa - or London, Paris, Rome, Amsterdam, New York, and especially Spain - to help retrieve the funds. This is usually the last step in the scam and involves the infamous Black Dollar Exchange Scam. It also means meeting the swindlers face to face - a very dangerous proposition.


In this part of the deal, the victim is shown some of the alleged money. It is then explained that the currency was damaged in storage, or that it stolen money stained by the U.S. Treasury to identify it as currency for recycling, or some such folderol.


The only way to "clean" the currency to make it usable is by applying a special chemical to it. The swindlers have unfortunately run out of the chemical and it is very expensive, however they will provide a demonstration of how well the chemical works, so that the victim is convinced the chemical will work.


The demonstration involves showing the victim real U.S. currency that is black and completely useless, i.e. Black Dollars. The currency is then washed by the swindlers. During the washing process, genuine clean currency is switched for the Black Dollars. Having impressed the victim with the efficiency of the chemical, the swindlers sell him a supply and give him boxes of Black Dollars to wash. Unfortunately, when the victim opens the delivered cartons they are full of newsprint and the swindlers are long gone.


There are several variation to this theme, but they always come down to the same thing - the victim has to shell out more money. A fortunate victim will only end up a bit poorer for this last experience. The unlucky ones are beaten, mugged, robbed, shot and left for dead, or made to disappear. A bankrupt victim is only worth his watch, jewelry, credit cards, and identity papers, the latter being the reason victims are asked to travel to a foreign country.

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