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Road Map To Paradise

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Nurtel Publications From Yesteryears






A Special Article



Looking back to 1997, when I wrote the following article on a forum, makes me feel very nostalgic, but the past can not be brought back, I pray Allah SWT has accepted this work for his sake, and that He grants me a dose of his mercy to continue on his path, amin.


It was six years ago when I wrote this piece, and because of this article, Allah SWT opened endless doors of understanding and wisdom of his Deen to me, I learned that Good deeds lead to one another, and that Allah blesses any work done for his sake, and since then Allah SWT blessed me with insghts that I can not explain other than to say :


" Inna salaatii, wa nusukii wa maxyaay wa mamaatii lillah, Rabbil Caalamiin, wa bidaalika umirtu wa anaa awalul Muslimiin"



Enjoy the Article:



Roadmap to Paradise



Take Adam and Eve avenue until you come to the intersection of Habil (Abel) road, and Qabil (Cain) street; merge right on Habil (Abel) and continue for the next twenty miles till you come to Noah's Ferry.


Take the ferry to Safety Land, ignore the majority of other travel agencies’ directions, and arrive at Abraham's Super Highway also known as High way One God Only (1).


Follow Abraham but avoid the exit of Sodom and Gomorrah townships until you get to Moses lane but pass Gold and Greed bridges and take it to Jesus' Mercy road. Here you will encounter a lot of confusion, streets are not well marked, and many peddlers along the road are giving away maps with conflicting directions to travelers. The Romans have renamed Pagans’ path as Jesus' mercy road.


If you are not sure about the authenticity of Jesus' mercy road, review your map. See if Jesus' mercy path is a continuation of Abraham’s Super Highway. If it is a continuation you are fine, but still proceed with caution. If you have diverged, make a U-turn and go back to Abraham’s high way (1) and re-try again.


Continue on True Jesus' road, if you do not see the following signs along the path, you should stop and review your map again. Maps for this path have been tampered with, we recommend the Barnabas edition street map to get to the Unity of God congregation, Immaculate conception corner, and Love thy neighbor community center.


Avoid to show the Roman Traffic police your Barnabas street map, it is banned, they will confiscate it and you will be forced to use the only authorized official map - the Paul street map which was drawn to direct the motorists to Rome. For that reason there is a lot of lost traffic on this road. On the other hand True Jesus road is found on the Barnabas street map, but only few people have access to this map. Keep on Jesus' Mercy road until you find Muhammad’s sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam Sunnah Expressway.


Stay on this expressway and do not be lured to rest areas along the expressway. Beware of the highway robbers, by insuring your vehicle with Dhikr security systems. All vehicles secured with Dhikr Security Systems will be protected from assaults by robbers (Satan).


Make sure that you have enough fuel. The highest grade fuel for this long and tiring trip is the Taqwa grade fuel. Make sure you demand this brand when you stop for refueling. Lighten the load on your vehicle, carry only the most important items for this trip: two meters of white cloth, good deeds and prayers of your kids is all you need. Excess weight is allowed only if it is more of the above. Other items will only slow you down or cause you to loose sight of where you are heading, and you risk losing the coverage of Dhikr Security systems, thereby becoming an easy target for the Robbers.


You need to check your vehicles safety features periodically by reading your vehicles manual - the Holy Quran. Your steering wheel must be calibrated by the Sunnah Calibration method, batteries must be charged with Iman, the engine needs to be tuned up with Ikhlas and your tires must be properly inflated with Ihsan. Most important of all, you must test the entire vehicle with the tawheed check list.


It does not matter if most parts of your vehicle are performing right, if a single part in your vehicle does not perform according to specifications of Tawheed (its conditions) your vehicle will break down and again the robbers will rob you of what is left. The overall performance of your vehicle depends on the performance of the weakest part in your vehicle, so routinely check these weak points, they may be detrimental to your trip.


There are many milestones on Muhammad’s road, and these milestones will assure you that you are on the right track. Do not worry that there are not any people on this road; just because you are alone on this road do not think that you are driving the wrong way on a one way street. Loving Allah more than anything else, loving the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam and his companions, who supported him when he was oppressed, following all his teachings, responding with patience and acceptance to lack of worldly goods, hunger, loss of family members are but some of the milestones and glad tidings that you are on the right track.


Also this road will be paved with pain, hard work, struggle with yourself and others and Iblis, the Robber, and all things that are not appealing to the soul. Never lay your guard, this trip is not over until it is over. Keep dhikr your guard, good deeds your luggage and do not lose to focus on where you are going, so you may endure the pain of this trip. When you finally arrive to your destination, Al-Jannah, you will forget all the pain.






1997 Nurtel Communications


Paradise is Possible Summer Campaign

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Brother....this is well-written. May Allah bless us all with knowledge and wisdom...and guide all the Musliims.


I really enjoyed reading your article. It certainly put things in perspectives.


Thanks bro!

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Br. Nur

A great article.


God has given you a talent mashallah. Pls keep sharing your wisdom and knowledge with us, and may allah SWT reward for your efforts, inshallah.

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Salaams Nomads


I am reposting the earliest Nurtel work I could find, as most of my past writeup are lost ( or are scattered in different Islamic forums) this one was salvaged by sister Rahiima from an Islamic site and posted few years back on Islam page were I reclaimed.


This writeup is indeed deep, every paragraph can be an article of its own, in the coming days, inshAllah I will attempt to shed some light on this important journey to meet our maker, a journey with so much distractions on the road, so much at stake and yet so much to gain with so little an effort if we focus on little things that add up and contribute to big results, things like Dhiker of Allah SWT, the remembrance of Allah SWT. Accoording to the hadith, " Two words so easy to pronounce, dear to the Merciful ( Allah), heavy on the evaluation benchmark ( Mizan) of the day of judgement.......these are (Subxaanallah wa bixamdih, subxaanallah al adheem)." ( Dhiker Security systems)


Did you find any other treasures in The Roadmap To Paradise article that I could expand on further?




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Kaafi, Raxmah and Bahjaali





The above page deserves a revisiting of that distant 1997 when I wrote the article, it was days filled with reflecftion and search for my maker, I envisonioned my self as the continuation of Adam, as i carry his seed (gene) in me, the good (Abel) and the bad ( Cain) and then, left on earth for a purpose, given a challenge in the form of an arch enemy called Satan as distraction as a test for me to find my way back to home again ( Paradise)


A thourogh knowledge of the old and knew testaments ( I was a regulat member of a Christian muslim debate group ) in addition to my study of all the deviant groups in islam helped me sort out priorities and focus on the single most imnportant issue that guarantees our delivery, the ellusive concept of Towheed and Shirk, once understood, one can not be fooled, as it is the bedrock of criterion between truth and falshood, thus, I named the path, Abrahams Highway One. ( Wa jacalahaa kalimatan baaqiyatan fii caqibihi lacallahum yarjicuun ) " And ( Abraham) made ( Tawheed) a lasting word ( Criterion) after him to be traced back to pure ( Islam ) submission to (God)."




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Present Romans are at it again, fighting present day Jesus in the form of the faithful of Islam, accusing them falsely with the same accusations like Jesus. Once more, the Romans are tipped off by the NeoCons war pimps, to kill (Jesus = Islamists) but not before labeling Islam as Terrorism, so that its dehumanized, therefore acceptable to kill hundreds of thousands of Muslims from Iraq, Afghanistan to Somalia. The world is watching, hypnotised by the monopolised media. But, an able viewer is watching, so that evil doers exhaust all opportunities to seize their evil before a painful permanent torment is adminitred to them in the day of judgement.


Hence our march to meet our maker continues, Paradise being our goal, inshAllah, as I write, good and evil are in conflict in Somalia, many souls have already fallen, from both sides, each soul shall meet its maker and answer for the purpose it lived and finally died, the Judge is the all knowing all seeing and all hearing Allah, the day of judgement begins about a day or two after death, because death kills time too, so those who lived thousands of years ago and those who die today are equally feel that they were resurrected quicly, a day or two after their death: " They said we spent a day or two as (dead people)"




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Good to see you are back and sharing, yaa Nur.


the conflict continues, and it's between good and evil. Simplistic as that may sound, it's the realy the essence of any conflict. Though the tragedy continues to refuse to go away, and the innocent blood is being spilled, i still have a hope that we are nearing the end of it IA.

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Xiin walaal


Jazakallah kheiran for the welcome!



A Somali poet known as Caaqiboon, once said:


" Kuman baa dhashiyo, kuman baa dhintay ku dhamaan sideynu u dhowriyee "


From time immomorial, the cycle continues, with the same patern, each generation rises to their opportunity, earn their due share of good and evil and make room for next, what really counts at the end of this journey, is our personal accomplishment in light of the present challenges, our Qiyaama, is only two days away from our death.




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Personal accomplishment is the key word here yaa Nur! Though Islam is populist in its social outlook and platform, the means to realize such an ideal society is, ironically, through strict and selfish adherence to Islam's teachings. The Ummah flourishes from the cell that is you and me. That's to say the religious soundness ,both in practice and theology, of the individual is the critical ingredient for the success of the Ummah in general. So you are absolutely correct when you say it comes down to a personal accomplishment. Lets pray to the Almighty that we get our own acts together in a way that pleases him and ultimately contributes to the wellbeing of the Ummah!

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That is correct, our personal accomplishment if sincere can fuel a strong community cohesion that can triumph in the face of present day challenges, we are like a chain, we only break up at our weakest link.




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Dear Nomads


I dont celebrate anniversaries, but 10 years is a milestone to look back at with deep reflections. What we say are recorded by the Angels, appraised, and then a judgement by Allah either rewards what we have said ( Right or Wrong), our intentions behind what we've said it ( Ikhlaas; Sincerity) and how we've said it ( Sunnah).


I pray, that this post passes the above criteria.




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