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Advice to my Brothers and Sisters

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Assalamu Alaikum.


I just want to say that no one would become a muslim or be interested in learning and understanding their religion if everytime they want to ask a question people jump down their throats and accuse them of defaming Islam.


When I was 15-17 years old I had so many questions to ask about Islam but when I asked my family or teachers at duqsi they all told me to have faith and Allah knows best. But doesnt Allah also say that everything happens for a reason? Well i want to know that reason rather than making it up in my own head.


Exaample: I used to wonder why there were only male prophets, why the prophet said that there would be more women than men in hell, why a woman who is raped cant have an abortion, why there are no black prophets or caliphas mentioned in Isam...............



These are legitamte questions to ask.



Please if you dont have an answer to a question that a person asks; say you dont know but dont lecture them or tell them to have faith. That does not help. Of course there are some things that Allah only knows and we are not given a reason, but people need to be told that. I am only talking about the questions that do have an answer, like the above I mentioned.


I now alhamdulliha know the answers to these questions because I ask people who have been studing the laws and teachings of Islam all their lives.


My advice is that if you have a question that you feel will make people question your faith, ask an imam or go the Ask a Scholoar website, where a learned Islamic sholar will email you the answers in a simple and clear manner.


(Just because your parents are muslim doesnt make you a muslim. You have to know you religion and study it until you understand and have no doubt whatsoever that is the one and true religion.)

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I didnt know that if a women is raiped they cant have an abortion :confused: :confused: :confused: is that true??


sis I think naagaha waxa looga dhigi waayay "nabiyaal" waxaa waa daciif nimadooda, ilama aha iney ka bixi karaan jahaad, do u?


ma umaleenayo iney meesha "racism" jirto, sababtoo ah nabi cadaan eh xitaa ma jirin. allaahu aclam.


some things are better not to be questioned i guess. where is Nur when u need him?

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