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Former Leader of Ivory Coast Is Captured to End Standoff

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^Ofcourse, why else - bombing Libya, killing Saddam etc etc is all for the purpose of 'Protecting the Civilians'..

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So the West finally ousts the Christian fundamentalist President (Gbagbo) in favor of Alassane Ouattara , a muslim moderate. Woow, that is change you can believe in.


I thought the C-Street (Republican fundamentalist organization) connection with Gbagbo was interesting.


Chief among Gbagbo's American supporters is Inhofe, who is the most influential Republican in the Senate when it comes to African affairs. Inhofe has been traveling to Africa regularly since the late 1990s and, while the trips are paid for by the taxpayer and typically involve some official business, the senator also
missionary work. He has been to Ivory Coast nine times and knows Gbagbo personally. That's why, early on in the post-election crisis, when the State Department was frantically
for intermediaries to reach out to Gbagbo to try to convince him to leave the country peacefully, the Obama administration asked Inhofe to talk to Gbagbo. But, according to a source familiar with the situation, Inhofe declined to do so.


Hopefully peace will prevail in the end. Ivory Coast's great North-South divide will not disappear overnight, but I hope the Ivorians reach a common ground and save their country from the abyss of sectarian madness.

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