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General Duke

The creation of Narnia and the hopeless rush towards a sub clan enclave

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^Jimcaalihii tolka ku dhaaranayey ee Ibti ku haystay tirikoobka UK sow qudhaada ma uusan aheyn maytidii la janee? Bahasha geesi aan qarsanin ayaan kuu haystay, laakiin fuley ulo badan ayaad igu noqotay raali ahow duqa.


Taas, ka sokow, weli wax la taaban karo oo ku aadan Azania state ma adan sheegin xanaf iyo cadiifad qabiilna kama madhna hadalkaaga.


Duke uun baad mowjada isku meel kaga jirtaan, hadaadan ka sii fogeyn.

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So you got from that topic I am against Ghandi? I knew of a kid who would sit for a full hour lecture and completely miss everything. Perhaps, go back to that thread and do a bit better reading.


Again, you keep avoiding my earlier question, since you're playing you're against my tol card, how much does the tol make up in each of these gobol?

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Suldaan Cali Sonkor, suldaanka Jubooyinka , ayaad su'aashaas ku fiicanaa ani way sibay iiga da'weyntahay, laakiin taladaada bal intaad qaadato dib u akhri waxaan ku idhi...


I got from that topic that your tol is in Puntland( not about Gaandi), and the 100 students who got scholarship from Jigjiga University are supposedly your tol unless you deny them.


Here on your own words :



Jacpher;699085 wrote:
How did I miss this important memo. Thanks Ibti.
I am gonna put Puntland on mine and will spread it to my tol. We still have few weeks to go. PL folks in UK, show your love for Ibti. Same thing with Moqdisho & Ocaden folks.
Make sure you mark yourself as your region to get better Census stats and better development for your region even though the Census has nothing to do with anything outside the country.

Your posts are quite qabiil oriented. So which tol were you referring to?


Bal jimcaalow is qarxiyoo ,,, kuwayowga Jigjiga jooga maxaad isku tihiin? :D

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The Zack   

Xaaji Xunjuf;710521 wrote:
I don't understand why are the pirates against Azania , i mean Azania wants to fill the vacuum when Shabaab leaves

Not all Puntlanders are against it, few individuals are somehow threatened, not sure why. I will let them answer that question.

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The Zack;710536 wrote:
Not all Puntlanders are against it, few individuals are somehow threatened, not sure why. I will let them answer that question.

Why should they be? Aren't they located north Somalia? What sub-clan lives in Somalia-Kenya border? more specifically the sub-clan of Narnia? initials or naming someone famous that belongs to that clan will do.

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The Zack   

I thought that was rhetorical question, didn't think u really wanted an answer. Anyways yea they are from Northeastern Somalia and Azania is located in the opposite side of the country, the southwest, and they are still intimidated by its creation. Some individuals never cease to amaze others.

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Delegates has begun going to the Nairobi meeting. NARNIA has not been invited, or has it rejected? lol.

Bashir adeer, the futility of your argument and the lack of vision of Ghandi go hand in hand. They compliment each other, after 12 years of the creation of Puntland and 19 of NW Somalia, your double PH.D holder could not even comprehend why these two entities thrived while other failed. The fact of the matter is, Narnia is an exercise in absurdity. It will like the bad old days of Morgan/Jess and Hiiraale, rekindle waves of sub clan wars and killings. You are supporting your sub clans claims over large parts of the fertile south without the consent, support or even acknowledgement of all the other Somali groupings.

You will invade from the Kenya, with Kenyan arms and attack these regions to bring about hegemony of your clan? And you think this a feasible and peaceful turn of events.

Come on you can do better than that lads.

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General Duke;710572 wrote:
after 12 years of the creation of Puntland and 19 of NW Somalia, your double PH.D holder could not even comprehend why these two entities thrived while other failed. The fact of the matter is, Narnia is an exercise in absurdity. It will like the bad old days of Morgan/Jess and Hiiraale, rekindle waves of sub clan wars and killings. You are supporting your sub clans claims over large parts of the fertile south without the consent, support or even acknowledgement of all the other Somali groupings.

You will invade from the Kenya, with Kenyan arms and attack these regions to bring about hegemony of your clan? And you think this a feasible and peaceful turn of events.

Come on you can do better than that lads.

Somaliland thrived in those 20 years while making claims to Sool, so then why are you mad duke?

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^^^Its relative term here, the triangle has done well, because most of the clans there support an admin for their region and it came about through dialogue. Puntland is the custodian of the SSC regions and that a fact. The point here is, for Narnia to even make sense it should have a foothold in any parts of those regions and it should have been created like the Burco conference and that of Garowe, inside the regions it claims.


Being in Nairobi makes little sense. Adding another layer of clan militias to an already volatile region does not make sense. The name also does not make any sense with regards to Somalia.

I don’t even mind this clan taking a leadership role; they do reside in these regions there is no doubt about that. I just don’t want the poor population of these regions to suffer another meaningless bout of clan violence as have happened in the past.

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Bashiir;710490 wrote:
Suldaan Cali Sonkor, suldaanka Jubooyinka , ayaad su'aashaas ku fiicanaa ani way sibay iiga da'weyntahay, laakiin taladaada bal intaad qaadato dib u akhri waxaan ku idhi...


I got from that topic that your tol is in Puntland( not about Gaandi), and the 100 students who got scholarship from Jigjiga University are supposedly your tol unless you deny them.

You didn't have to spend time digging old topics. You could've asked yaad u dhalatay, perhaps you'd have gotten the answer. You must be so chronically sick of qabiil and full of cuqdad that Somali students dhigata schools in Jigjiga baad ku faani kuna manni-sheegan, as if you personally paid for their education. You only bring them up into this discussion because you deem them foreign and alien to your qabiil. What's you next argument? You assisted Puntland born mukulaal cross the road? That sounded like Ariel Sharon oo dhahaaya we've got Palestinian Arabs living peacefully in Isreal. Thank the lord, the good people of Jigjiga don't categorize these students as belonging to a foreign qabiil. Enough about that.


Back to my question. I would have asked the same question if Suldaanka were here parading these pages with 'tinny revolution' of Ghandi/Azania. Anwer or you're avoiding the question for a reason?

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General Duke;710573 wrote:
Another take on the Azania name.. We have had Narnia,
would have been a bit better, dont you think..

lol@Agahia... how about Armania or Agandia :D





Odayaasha dhaqanka,culmaa u diinka Aqoonyahanada iyo qaybahakale ee bulshada Koonfurta somaaliya aya kulan mudo sadex maalmoodqaatay uga soo gebageboobay xafiiska golaha dhaqanka ee M/Baydhabo.

Kulankan oo looga soo hojeeday kudhawaaqista maalmihii ugudanbeeyey lagudhawaaqay madaxweynayaal maamulgoboleedyo cusub gaar ahaan kii uu hogaminaayey perfeser Gandi,ayadoo gebagebadii kulanka kadib ay shirjaraid qabteen qarkamid ah Odayasha iyo aqonyahanada waxa ay kaga hadleen maamul goboleed yadii ugudanbeeyey iyo dowlada kinya oo ayku eedeeyeen inayfaragelin kuhayso somaaliya.


Gudoomiyaha golaha malaaqyada Malaaq ***** Ibrahin oo shirka jaraa id kahadlay aya til maamay in magacaabista maamulgoboleedyada cusub aytahay mid loogasoohorjeedo jiritaanka soomaliya iyo xasiloonida.


Dr fowsi Abdi/Nuur afhayeenka golaha aqoonyaha koonfurta soomaaliya ayaa waxaa uu *****lka kaqaday in wadaxwenayaasha iyo maamulada lagudhawaaqayo ay yihiin nooc hogaamiye kooxeed cusub oo wata Dr,Perfasar,Ing iyo kuwokale gaar ahaan midka uu hogaaminaayo Mr Gandi isagoo dhinaca kale dowlada kinya ku ee deeyey in ay soo nooleyneyso dagaal ogayaalcusub Mr fowsi wuxuu sheegay in marnaba la ogolaandoonin maamul dabada lagasooriixaayo.


Hadalkan kasooyeeray qaybaha bulshada rayidka koonfurta soomaaliya ayaan la ogeyn dhabarjabka ay kuyeelankarto hamiga shaqsiyaad danogaar ah leh


Abshir Mandeerla Baidoanews Baydhabo

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