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General Duke

The creation of Narnia and the hopeless rush towards a sub clan enclave

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Somalia creates new state, Azania, latest administration.

Sat, 09 Apr 2011 21:04:13 -0400 pm -04:00 -14400



By Malkhadir M. Muhumed


Somali politicians have announced the creation of a new state in the battle-scarred nation, a move condemned by Somalia's fragile government, which said it could further fracture the already chaotic Horn of Africa country.


The creation of Azania was celebrated Sunday in a colorful ceremony in Kenya's capital. Its creation brings the total number of new states to more than 10.


Kenya supports the new administration as it creates a buffer zone near its border with Somalia.


Azania President Mohamed Abdi Gandhi said his first duty is to retake his territory from al-Qaida-linked militant group al-Shabab.


"Our aim of establishing this administration is to first liberate these regions," he said. "We are not breaking away from Somalia."


Much of Somalia's southern and central regions, including large swaths of the capital of Mogadishu, are controlled by al-Shabab.


But Somali Information Minister Abdulkareem Jama said the new states are a bad idea.


"Taking that path is a disaster," he said. "The idea that every region and every group of people has to form their own government without the consultation of the national government will only create more differences among communities and encourage Somalis not to come together."


Somalia's interim charter allows for new states. The idea is appealing to many, who still bear hatred toward the country's last centralized government, which failed to accommodate many residents outside the capital. Somalia has been mired in chaos since the fall of that government in 1991.


In 1991, inhabitants of northern Somalia formed their own administration called Somaliland. The region is independent from Mogadishu but does not have international recognition.


In 1998, residents of the northeast followed suit by creating the semiautonomous region of Puntland.


"The whole process is being driven by local people who just said 'let's try at different options that are responsive to our local needs,'" said Rashid Abdi, a Somali expert at the International Crisis Group.


Many say the rush to form these states may create conflicts among communities because of the lack of demarcated borders. The national government can do little, as it can barely control a few blocks of the capital, where it is busy battling Islamist militants.


"The biggest danger of this trend is that in a few contested areas the declaration of regional administrations could trigger armed clashes between clans or other social groups," said Ken Menkhaus, a Somali expert at North Carolina's Davidson College.


By law, the government is required to promote and develop state governments to ensure that the process of federalism takes place within two and a half years.


"The government has failed those people who are establishing new administrations," said Asha Gele, Puntland's minister for women and family affairs, and one of the founders of the administration. "If the government gave them directions they would not have acted by themselves. What is missing is the government's role."


Source: AP

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Narnia created in Nairobi by a Professor with the nickname of Ghandi, its a ridiculous idea by a man who is out of touch with reality. Instead of seeking a lasting solution and a holistic approach he takes the easy sub clan ride of parties in foreign capitals and self declarations. He is being sponsored by the Kenyans who want to create their own layer of security and a buffer zone in the fertile and much troubled regions of the Juba’s.

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General Duke;710407 wrote:


Azania President Mohamed Abdi Gandhi said his first duty is to retake his territory from al-Qaida-linked militant group al-Shabab.


"Our aim of establishing this administration is to first liberate these regions," he said. "We are not breaking away from Somalia."

Much of Somalia's southern and central regions, including large swaths of the capital of Mogadishu, are controlled by al-Shabab.

That is the main point of the article, and I am sure Duke agrees with Adeero Gaandi on this point....:D

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Even the name that "Ghandi" supporters used was not original nor even un-used..

Azania is the name that has been applied to various parts of sub-Saharan Africa. In Roman times—and perhaps earlier—the name referred to a portion of the Southeast African coast south of the Horn of Africa,[1] extending south perhaps as far as modern Tanzania. In the late 20th century, the term was used in place of "South Africa" by some opponents of the white-minority rule of that country.


For South AfricaThe first mention of the name Azania with a South African connection appeared in the 1930s archaeological reports of excavations at Mapungubwe in the northern Transvaal. The skeletal remains were referred to as "ancient Azanians" meaning they were probably Cushitic peoples who had filtered down the Great Rift Valley from Ethiopia and East Africa. Zionist Church movements in South Africa say that unvocalized Hebrew for Zion is ZN (which is not in fact true; see Zion), as is unvocalised Azania.[citation needed]


Azania in a political South African context appeared again in 1958, when the name was proposed as a replacement name for South Africa, at the All-African Peoples' Conference hosted in Accra, Ghana, by Kwame Nkrumah - an idea similar to Nkrumah shortly before changing his own country's colonial name ("Gold Coast") and replacing it by that of the Medieval Ghana Empire.


The modern use of Azania as an alternative name for South Africa among revolutionary Black African nationalists only began to become popular in 1979, however, appearing in the names of groups such as the Azanian People's Organisation, the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania and the Socialist Party of Azania.


Conversely, however, the African National Congress had always been extremely dismissive of the name, associating it with colonialism. ANC rejection of the name and sticking to the usage of "South Africa" reflected its fierce rivalry, throughout the years of the anti-Apartheid struggle, with the Pan Africanist Congress which had split from the ANC.


At the time of the 1994 multi-racial elections, some proposed "Azania" as an alternative official name for the country, but this never received widespread support - reflecting the overwhelming ANC electoral victory and the PAC's marginalization.


So now Azania/South Africa is in the Juba's of Somalia?

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Ghandi is showing the same failures of leadership and comprehension as his cousin Omar Jess, even with supposed two PhD’s we have the same crap.One judges any brand by its name, Azania is a false name that has nothing to do with Somalia and is used contemporarily by a segment of South Africa’s black population. If Ghadi a “learned” man did not now this, then we have a major problem.

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An OD correspondent in South Africa has been sending me regular bulletins from Nelson Mandela’s “Rainbow Nation.” White Nationalists in North America have always followed the news out of South Africa, but I am getting the impression that we have underestimated how awful life is there for the average White person. The typical White American hasn’t heard anything about South Africa since Mandela was inaugurated as president. He assumes everything must be hunky dory over there.


Here is a brief snapshot of life is really like in the world’s first “post-racial society.” The material compiled here are all stories that have come out of South Africa over the past two weeks. Most of them are taken from the local press. This is the indispensable background to the Eugene Terre’blanche farm murder and the “racial tension” the MSM is wailing about.


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Narnia or Lasagna* are both more straightforward and available names for political use than Azania the symbol of the PAC, which is a historical black liberation movement of south Africa.

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Though you have the right to believe or twist anything of everything about Somali politics and with respect can argue about brand or personal names. But I am obliged to inform you that even the Ethiopians who are strongly against Prof. Gaandi have admitted that Azanian foundation is the best organized and most inclusive of the efforts that has been made to bring sustainable peace and stability in Juba areas and aims specifically to include people from every and each clan that live in Azania state of Somalia as they have explained in their week report of the horn.


This what they said :


Meanwhile, three attempts appear to be going on to form a regional state administration for Juba area, comprising the regions of Lower Juba, Middle Juba and Gedo.
The best organized appears to be that led by Professor Ghandi, former Defense Minister of the TFG.
This appears to be aiming at something similar to the autonomous region of Puntland and may use the name of Azania. It claims to have a parliament with two chambers; one which will be occupied by elders and the other by politicians. It will also have a cabinet and it is in the process of drafting a charter as well as reforming the districts of Gedo, Middle and Lower Juba. The capital of the regional state is expected to be in Buaale rather than Kismayo as Kismayo is still the subject of considerable clan rivalry.
Thirty members of the TFP and a few TFG state ministers and a number of former military officers are attending the founding conference of the state, and Kenyans as well as UNPOS and AU representatives also attended the opening ceremony.
This is the most inclusive of the efforts and aims specifically to include people from...

Therefore, in your next rounds of misguiding your flows in Sol, at least and at least, I would expect you come well informed about Juba areas.


Adeer as an old Somali general you should have been knowning better than the Ethiopian generals of aiga forum .....:D:D

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^His take on Jigjiga would be as same as that of Garowe, Somali waa u Somali. But this time the enemy is more informed than a phony flow Somali who cries river about brand names or what not...:D

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^lol@garoowe. I noticed you edit some ehehe out. Cuqdada ziyaado Alle buu oran jiray.


I see you want to take up the clan is everything route here. If that's so, how much of this 'azaniya' does the tolka represent? What percentage does tolka make up in each gobol? Any number?

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^I had to edit that prat of Somali waa u Somali, ...


Cuqdad waa ta Gaandi kugu dirtay iyadoo 100 wiil oo beesha ah Jamacad Jigjiga ku laafyooda, Wardheerna adhigu kuu daaqo,...


As for Azania, it's still new and on process.

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Shaw qofki yiraahda boowe waa Puntland. Hadaan iraahdo, 'aggah, eega, meejaa, awoowgaa la gub, dhulka cagaha ka qaad wiil ejkaa wataa ka soo bixi' waad i qaraabo kiili laheyd?


Waxaad iska dhaadhicisay not only ciddaan ahey balse inaan Ghandi qabiil uga soo hor jeedo. Jaahil kuuma heysan balse waa xaal aduun. Boqolka wiil iyo Puntland iyo wardheerba hadaanan waligey arag waxna ii galin. Hubsiimo hal baa la siistaa baa hore loo yiri.

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