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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland grenade attack hits southern laascaanood

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^^ Still no change though. Like I told you on that thread, the longer it continues in this way, the worse it'll be for SSC (this is not hanjabad by the way).

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^^ Still no change though. Like I told you on that thread, the longer it continues in this way, the worse it'll be for SSC (this is not hanjabad by the way).

your point is adeer??....of course it is known that the battlefield is in the SSC regions and the ppl of ssc will lose a lot in this war. But, keep in mind that freedom has its price..

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^^ Mate, do you mean the hit attacks. How so it's bad for ssc not for successionists. Isn't that a clear sign of people don't want your occupation in town. Do tell us how it's bad for ssc not s/l?

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^^ I did. In my first post in that SS predicement thread.


The SSC, of course, has many choices. It could wage all out war on SL and speed up the conclusion of this conflict (by winning or losing). It could rejoin PL and trust its fate to the unpredictable whims of the lovable Imam or it could keep things as they are today with lots of songs and hit-and-run attacks. The first choice will get them out of their predicament one way or another. The second choice is feasible but requires stronger stomachs and resolute minds (the Imam has that effect on people). The third choice (the one we are in now) is the worst of the lot for it is a pointless distraction that will keep the SSC people singing, fighting and seething with anger without any final results. Furthermore, the longer it goes on the less the early fervour will become and brighter minds will start to question the entire point, aim and goals of the struggle (worse still, internal cracks may start to appear). At the same time, SL (for that should be the main policy of Siilanyo) is likely to plough on and pour whatever international aid it receives into improving infrastructure, creating jobs and enriching the lives of people (especially those that are already in favour of SL or any that fallout with the SSC leadership). This is pure and simple politics and, because of the pursuit of happiness argument, it is also a tried and tested method; people the world over, want direction and a way to make their lives better. Yes, like the Egyptians, Libyans, Tunisians and even the SNM, they will demonstrate, revolt and come out to the streets in wild demonstrations but, at the end of it all, they will still want to see tangible results that add to the quality of their lives and improve their lot. The SSC leadership has to have a plan that goes beyond
“SL ma rabno”
“Farole’s fara galin”.
Having read the NSUM communiqués and followed the SSC’s declarations (not to mention the Garad’s various statements) I fail to see the actual existence of such a plan.!


Haye, ma waxbaa is badalay dee? One can lob bombs at police stations only for so long, after a while, the people will get bored and go look for the next exciting news story to worry about.

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