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Raga Soomaaliyeed ee Guur Doonka ah oo kusii qul qulaya Dalka Hindia (Warbixin iyo Sawiro ).

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Somalina;712198 wrote:
Waa tusaale uun, wixii soconaayo hala socodsiiyo. Shaqsigu waxuu doono ha guursato ileen waa xor ayaan ula jeedey boowe.

ahaa okey waaba yaabye.

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Hablaha qaarkood maxa ka caraysiiyey? Ragga INdia aaday waa ku foolxun, waa bakhayliin? rag xun? Miyaani dhici karin nin dookhis geeyey in uu aadi karo meeshu doonto.

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posted by Somali, There was this guy from States, he has been married before laakin Bacda madow baa debeda loo dhigay, I wanted to accompany and was curious to see the selection process, It took 2 sessions a day, (30- 40 girls at each session), 7 days to choose one.

Somali, lol r u sure that wasnt you :P..


Pucca I dont see anything wrong with a wife who listens and respects her husband. After all, as the prophet csw said when a woman prays her 5 prays, pays zaka, fasts and respects her husband she will be told to enter paradise from any door. However, Somali ladies exaggerate and even make the man think it is one way thing like the mother you just mentioned. It goes both ways ...a husband needs to meet his responsibility takes care of his family be loving caring religious etc..there are all these criteria that a man must meet ( but their mothers clearly overlook it and jut focus on what the girl has to have) that is exactly why many marriages dont work!!!..the man is expecting a maid not a wife!!..


Seriously, those type of mothers waa laga fogaada...and I think it is best if those mothers just hire a maid for their sons or better yet just keep him at their house and continue taking care of him! I mean why the hussle of getting him a wife when all they want is someone who takes care of him..clearly to them theres nothing else to marriage.....


Also, Puca did you say u wuld do the samething..akhas!! regardless of it anuu hindi waligay wax kuma darsadeen si qayra caadi ah baama dadka udhibsada lol...


my 2 cents..



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Hablaha qaarkood maxa ka caraysiiyey? Ragga INdia aaday waa ku foolxun, waa bakhayliin? rag xun? Miyaani dhici karin nin dookhis geeyey in uu aadi karo meeshu doonto

Clearly ninka ka tagaya australia, ama canada ama USA oo india naag u adaya waxba ka qaldan...yacni gartay nin canada dagan oo asagoo canada jooga oo calafkiisa gabadh hindi ah ilaahay u raacsiiyey mafiish mushkila (sxbtey o indian ah inaderteed ayaa nin somalia guursatay)..laakin ilaa iyo india ticket u gooso..kolay kaas ama wa folxunyahay ama wuxuun u qarsoon...

laakin sad shegaasay ninwalba iyo dokhisa laakin tani dookh ma aha waaa taking desperate measures at desperate times heheh :P

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^If you couldn't find one in your local area? who you go to other country to get married and find a partner? or would you just wait?


Sabab baa jirta ragaasi meesha u aadeen, mana aha inta badan wax dhib ah, some go to SOmalia, Some go to Africa and some go to India.

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I remember one time India sent a ship full of Indian Women to Somalia, they numbered between 370-430 women sent by the government of India to look for jobs and marriage, Siyaad Barre(AUN) being clever and master, he phoned the Indian Prime Minister telling him that he had already sent a ship full of 500 Somali Women to India few days back to look for jobs and study, the Indian prime minister hearing those words, he phoned the ship full of Indian women, and told them to come back quickly, of course, Siyaad never sent any ship to India, this was a tactic to tell India, please deal your women.

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^You made women sound like cattle - lol


I can understand to a certain extent why would these men go all the way there to find a wife - kuwa aan arkee, who have Indian wives seem to lead a serene sort of life compare to those married to xalimos..:D, xalimo's are drama queens ruunti.

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Somali to answer your question I personally would never go overseas to find someone...and one does not need to wait...if someone is ready to get married there are plenty of decent ppl!...are u telling me qurbo gabadh wacan ama wiil wacan wa laga wayey and it became inevitable to go back home and find someone? that excuse doesnt make much sense qofkaas uun wax ka qaldanyihin!...laakin kii somalia so boqda oo gabadh wacan hela ma diidani laakin in somalia ama india loo aado with the believe that she will do everything he wants thats just pathetic..or maybe he wants to give an image he isnt...(i stand by my believe wixi magaladiisa wax uga heli wayey qaba lol)..ok im done judging astaqfurulah..Why am i even concenred with this? usually those who go back are in their late 30s and early 40s..! :P..


Malika, no need to put all somali women in one are a somali sister after all? are u a drama queen lol..


And, believe me at the end of the day wiilkaas somaliyeed aya gabadha somaliyed u wacan and vice versa. Waxba khurafaad ha la isku shekeen ninka somaliyeed muxu uga baahanyahay xaas hindi ah? she can have the cleanest house and the best food (inkasto i doubt that..cuntadooda urtooda kaliya aaba ku xanusanasa lol)...umadyahay stick with dadkiina...thats the only advice im gonna give!.but ofcourse those who choose otherwise get my respect but not my sympathy when things get messy!..dhowaan baa gaabdh somaliyed oo nin carab ah labo ciyaala u dhashay hoyaday u shegasay dhibatadeeda ninki o ka tagay oo carabiyad guursaday yada iyo ilmaheeda midna least ninka somaliyeed ee bari kadhaqaajiya hadii uu xita ka dhaqaajiyo reer iyo meel ayaad u tix raacas oo maybe ilahay dadkisa ku sakhiri kara...dadka kale way adkaanasa in aan wax u sheegatid..


ok maanta xoga runta aya iga so fakatay..inta waxa dhaha iska respect gareeya dadka dadka kale wax ku darsada laakin ha ogadaan dhibta kaso raaci karta..:(




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Waxaas oo calaacal ah ma waxaa bilaabay ninman guur doon ah oo dantooda doontay lol. Gabdho waxba ha walwalina, rag soomaali way buuxan e, laa tawalwal walaa tanaxnax, everything will be ok :)!

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