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Xaaji Xunjuf

Another Bari Clan elder gunned down in bosaaso

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Thankful;714180 wrote:


You asked who is killing all the elders and I gave you an opinion. I doubt anyone really knows because of the nature of the hit and run tactics. I would guess this is a coordinated effort and that the Gaalkayo (being to closest), Lascaanood and Hargeysa attacks might be related and a group is targeting Northern Somalia.


Who know's, one thing is certain whoever's doing this are cowards.

I want to know the facts not your opinion sure they know, are you telling me bosaaso police don't have a clue who is killing these elders systematically.


And yes they are Cowards Killing Somali elders is not acceptable and they must be brought to justice.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;714157 wrote:
This is the second clan elder with in this month gunned down in bosaaso who is killing all these elders?

Well this question sure seems like you are asking people on the forum for their opinion. Who is the question directed to?


And nobody has the facts! We are not going to blame this on "the mad man" or claim that we captured the people the same night it happened. Even developed countries don't finish investigations that quickly.


Like Salaax said, I think they are accusing Al-Shabaab, who are obviously the biggest suspects.

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Ok fair enough, atleast wait until after 24 hours to ask. Physical evidence, witness statments need to be taken and sorted out. Especially because there is the death penalty you dont want to jump to quick conclusions.


It is no doubt a very complicated investigation where attacks like this are taking place all over Somalia - Hargeysa, Lascaanood, Bosasso, Gaalkayo. It seems the closer the town is to Al Shabaab strong holds, the more attacks there are. We will need to be united if we intend to defeat these criminals.

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SOMALIA: Tribal leader assassinated in Bosasso


LAS ANOD — A well known Somali tribal leader and peace activist was killed in the northern Somali enclave of Puntland on Sunday.


Saeed Mohamed Saeed ‘Kashwiito’ was shot Sunday evening as he left a mosque in the provincial capital Bosasso after evening prayers. Two other activists who were with Mr Kashwiito were also wounded in the incident.


Eyewitnesses in the town said security forces rushed to the scene but the assassinators managed to flee. No group has yet claimed responsibility for the shooting of the sixth tribal leader killed in Puntland in less than two months. In this month alone, more than 20 civilians have fell victim to an ongoing surge of violence in Puntland’s major towns. Most of the victims were targeted as they left prayers or inside mosques.


The Puntland leader, Abdulrahman Farole, blames the al-Qaeda affiliated al-Shabab who are battling the weak transitional government of Mogadishu in the south. The vice president, Abdulsalam A. Shire said on Sunday that people fleeing the unrests in Yemen might be behind the killings. He said his government suspects they might have ties with Yemen’s al-Qaeda. About 110 people mostly women and children reached the port of Bosasso in the last three months.


Locals said tensions were high on Sunday night in the town and people were scared to leave their homes. The news comes as parts of Puntland already declared themselves independence from the semi autonomous region.


The newly established Rasa-Asayr State in eastern parts of Bari region said on Friday they banned Puntland officials from its territory. It argued its citizens have lost confidence in Puntland over the lack of services and security.


Rasa-Asayr State is part of a growing semi-autonomous regions in Somalia as the war torn nation disintegrates further into mini-states. The growing list so far includes Puntland, Galmudug, Azania, Hiiraanland, Mareeg State, Himan State, South-West Somalia, Rasa-Asayr State and Somali Central State.

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