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Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem.


Companions and Family.


Brothers and Sisters, Committed Muslims ....



audio on (5-10-2007)





On this day, in this observed month of Ramadhan; a month of taqwa or recalling the power presence of Allah, we bring to mind the interfering powers of this world and the imposing forces in this life. We quote Allah's words as He says in Surah Al-Isra'


And We have decreed upon the Children of Israel in the book that you shall cause corruption on a global scale twice and you shall reach unprecedented heights (Surah Al-Isra' verse 3)



This is what Allah says concerning Bani Israeel. We compare what Allah is saying compared to what the mouth pieces are saying. The media in today's world want us to believe that Bani Israeel are the victims; that the Israelis are the underdogs; that the Zionists are looking for a homeland just like other peoples of the world; that they have endured the sufferings of centuries and millennia and that they have recently emerged from genocidal policies at which the centre of which is the holocaust- this is what they say. We are bombarded with their perception management from cradle to grave. We hear nothing except that these are the poor, the oppressed and the under classes of the world who have finally found their foothold of their own in Palestine which they call Israel. Allah says of the current monsters (in the political and military sense of the word), Allah says that


He has registered in His registrar the fact that in the history of Bani Israeel that (these are Allah's definite, assuring and final words on the subject) these descendents of Israeel will- with all certainty- no doubt about it- ...(Surah Al-Isra' verse 3)


for those who are familiar with the structure of the word, the laam at the beginning of tufsid is for emphasis (and) the nun-al-mushaddadah at the end of the word latufsidunna is for underlining, underscoring (and) reiterating the fact


... cause disruption in the world- not in a neighborhood, nation state or particular region- in the whole world (Surah Al-Isra' verse 3)


That is the scale of their corruption, misdeeds, commotions and instability. Let us skip their historical worldwide corruption and let us focus on their current worldwide corruption.



Here we have them-the Zionists- no one is going to say this; you're not going to hear this on radio and TV programs. The fact of the matter is (that) those know these facts remain silent because they owe their finances or power positions to the same people that we are speaking about so they can't speak. Can't we, who are free in our hearts and liberated in our thoughts, express the meanings and the ideas that are given to us by Allah? If we can't do it, who's going to do it? The Christians don't have the Qur'an, they don't have these ayaat (and) oppressed people in world don't have this information from Allah- we have it. So, why do we have learned scholars, Muslim intellectuals and a cadre of clergymen in the world who are incapable of just explaining (that is all that is expected of them- just explain) to us the meanings that Allah is giving us that relate to the life and death issues of our time. These ayaat and words from Allah will spare us the politics and the diplomacy of hypocrites and dual loyalists who cannot (as a matter of principle be the Muslims that they claim that they are. We thank Allah (that) we don't have this problem and character. If Allah is telling us about Bani Israeel... and who is Bani Israeel? Some people want to run away from the issue and say "this is a historical group of people- they don't exist today." If anyone just opens their eyes when you pass by one synagogue or the other, they will tell you "bane Israel"- so, do yahud know something that we do not know or are they more courageous at expressing the truth that we do not want to express?



He has registered in His registrar the fact that in the history of Bani Israeel that these descendents of Israeel will- with all certainty, no doubt about it- cause disruption in the whole world (Surah Al-Isra' verse 3)


We can take a look at the meaning of this ayah and we can see how the zionist jewish lobby is capable of launching wars of aggression. Even some people in this country who are not Muslims will tell you if it wasn't for the jewish lobby in the United States, the Americans would not be at war in Iraq. Some Muslims find credibility if these words come from a non-Muslim and they don't find any validity in this meaning coming from Allah, Himself. There we have it- the yahudi clout has influence in this world (that) only are American politicians and decision-makers subservient to yahud, but you go to Europe and you find the same phenomenon. No one wants to speak out against the disproportionate power that the yahud jewish lobby has inside of Europe. These are the power centers in this world- the American-European axis and within this power arrangement there are no voices that are strong enough to be heard that can come out in public and state the facts pertaining to the makers and shakers of today's worldwide policies.



You take a look at those who are in control of finances in the world- they don't want us to look at these- they flash words that are void of concepts someone says "the IMF or World Bank or Federal Reserve"- these are words that conceal a true power behind them. They want to go out with these powers (and) add to it the militaries that they have and then try to rearrange the political map; especially the political map of the area around the occupied territories of Palestine. You can hear them- it only takes an informed Muslim to tune in to their rhetoric and slogans about how this yahudi cabal (let's call them what they are) are in the process of preparing for a war- against who?! Against those who are free and determined enough to put the words of Allah into practice. Now, they are coming out after all of these years and some brothers have an experience (maybe a limited experience but never the less an experience) to try to give and take with these yahud. We may point to some of our Iraqi brothers who got mired in the previous years in a larger scheme trying to be used by this yahudi lobby. They thought that they could use the yahudi lobby and they are slowly and painstakingly waking up to the fact that the yahudi lobby has been using them. What do they want to do? They wanted to turn Iraq into a base of operations to put an end to Islamic self-determination in the area emanating from the eastern frontiers of Iraq, viz. the Islamic State in Iran. What's wrong? Can't we Muslims think and see what's happening? What do you want to happen to wake up and see the facts?! B52-bombers, bunker busters, nuclear weapons?! Is it going to take a conflagration to bring you to the facts that Allah is presenting to you before the calamity and catastrophe?! (Do) you choose to downplay what Allah is saying and to up play what yahud are saying?! This is the type of attitude and character that we encounter from time to time and from individual to another. Listen to what Allah is saying


He has registered in His registrar the fact that in the history of Bani Israeel that these descendents of Israeel will- with all certainty, no doubt about it- cause disruption in the whole world (Surah Al-Isra' verse 3)


How much more evidence and events are required for us to understand that these are the enemies of Allah, His Prophet and the committed Muslims until the end of time? We're not speaking about a blanket statement that includes the jews. We are careful in what we say Allah. says wa qadaina ila Bani Israeel fil kitaab, Allah did not say wa qadaina ilal yahud fil kitaab. Bani Israel is the nationalist, ethnic, racist (and) political ideology that is represented today by the Zionist. This is their 2nd performance of worldwide instability. In today's world, the position that yahud of the zionist vintage have acquired is so preponderant that it has cause the psychology of the average Muslim to recoil. There's nothing terribly wrong with stating this fact. (If) you look at the average Muslim today- (we are always optimistic- we think that today's Muslim is a quality better then the Muslim 30 years ago and we are confident that the Muslims 30 years from now is going to be qualitatively better than the Muslim today- we want to make this fact clear, but saying this does not mean that we don't carry a lot of dead weight), there's plenty of dead weight that we Muslims are carrying today, and the deadliest of them all are these regimes and governments in Muslim countries who have chosen to side with Bani Israel against Allah, His Prophet and the committed Muslims. We know this is a very substantial statement to say, but someone has to say it. We can't go on giving excuses for these powers that be, to cause havoc inside our own societies and within our own psychology. Banu Israel of today- the zionists of our time are condemned by Allah, His Prophet and the committed Muslims; they are also condemned by international law. There's no one who can present to us a page of international law that justifies what the zionists are doing in today's world- nothing. Zionism is as guilty as apartheid; it is as vicious as racism; it is as warlike as dictators and despots and it stands accused in the court of secular law and in the court of scriptural law. There is nothing in the constitutions of the worlds, the declaration of human rights, the magna curta, the Bible- old and new testament- the Qur'an or the Psalms that justifies the policies of the Israeli Zionist nation state. You're doing to hear it from the Masjid before you're going to hear it from the parliaments of the world. They steal other people's land- these are political thieves. The watered down Muslim (and) the orthodox undeveloped thinking capability in us tells us that when God's law is applied, we


amputate the hand of a thief (Surah Al-Maa'idah verse 38)


and in some places in the world, viz. in Arabia, they take individuals who have stolen- we don't know what they stole, $1,000 worth of something (more or less) and they cut off the hand of that individual. We're not saying that this is not Islamic law, Islamic law has a context. We don't think there is a context for Islamic law in Arabia, but if they think that that is Islam (and) if they are convinced that they are going the right thing (and) that they should chop of the hand of a thief, here we have the most monumental thief in history; the Zionists, who have not stolen $1,000 or $1billion dollars or $1trillion, they've stolen the holy land- if these people who have Islam on their mind could identify the grand thief in this world, it is the Israeli zionists (and) if they want to take someone to the chopping grounds outside of the Masjid in Riyadh or Jeddah or wherever they do this, why don't they have their eyes fixated on these zionist thieves who have stolen the most precious thing in our lives- our 1st Qibla and our 3rd haram. They can't see that thief! Ask them about it! Who's the last Muslim that brought this to their attention? Who's the Muslim who has the courage to bring this to their attention? When other Muslims- be they in Lebanon, Palestine, Iran or elsewhere- begin to discover this colossal thief that we have and want to apply the appropriate punishment to this thief, then why are you turning your scholars for dollars, your apologetic Ulema' and your media against them and employing your media- whether it's in Egypt, Jordan, Arabia or North Africa- against Muslims who say RabbunAllah (and) not the zionists (and) imperialists? They are neither our masters nor our lords. When Muslims begin to reactivate their imaan and zero-in on the common enemy, you want to find common purpose with the imperialists and Zionists! When are the Muslim people going to wake up to this fact and mobilize along these lines?



We don't think that playing the sectarian card with the Zionist-im­perialist nexus is going to bring you any advantage. It doesn't matter whether you're a Shi'i or a Sunni Muslim- we have both sides trying to play a sectarian card and trying to play that card in favor of the imperialists and Zionists. They set up office over here and then they lobby for this support- this will not move us one inch forward. It is the committed Muslims who in the past years and generation have seen this enemy eyeball to eyeball and can see through the lies and fabrications of his media and mass communication system (and) who can identify this enemy and affirm that there can be no common grounds with this type of vicious killer that is in possession of weapons of mass destruction and wants to get away with developing future generations of this same weapon. In the meantime, when clean hearted Muslims want to acquire this technology, they (literally) turn their guns against them. If we are in the shades of this Qur'an (and) if we are the flesh and blood of this Qur'an, it doesn't matter what they do. Let them squirm in their ignorance of where we are. There is a combat generation of Muslims in the making that is not going to be aborted by their Islamic terrorism and fundamentalism boogie label. That's not going to scare us and cause us to run away.



Saudi Arabia has been a bonanza for them- 1st they fed off the sectarians of the wahabis, then they feed off the terrorism of the wahabis and then they blackmail the official Saudi government that comes from within the wahabbi context- any way they slice the Saudi gadget, it serves them. The Muslims of today and tomorrow are bypassing all of this intrigue. They place their own men inside certain strains of Islam and they want to cause us to implode from within so that we lose sight of our common enemy in Occupied Palestine. They want us to be occupied with each other. We were maturing and growing at an unexpected pace and they threw a monkey ranch into this process. The September 11th phenomenon has been their monkey wrench inside Islamic motivation, movement and momentum and now this 9/11 thing has ran out of political gas. There is no more mileage that they can make out of 9/11, so what are they going to do now? They're probably up to some other shenanigan and charade on the order of 9/11 to whip another few years of hysteria against the committed Muslims of the world. We tell them "we are already born, you cannot abort us! We are already growing, you cannot dwarf us! We are already fighting, you cannot immobilize us!"



Things come on Allah's watch (so to speak)- remember, this Yawm Al Quds, this day of Jerusalem that we commemorate today, 20 and 10 years ago; we (Muslims and non Muslims alike) would stand up (and) devote our minds and hearts to Allah on this day, identifying with the oppressed people in Palestine and we were the odd voice out; recently, there has been some academic voices (and) political voices that are not Muslims who came out and said "we should take a look at the Israeli jewish lobby in the United States." These are not Muslims and they are well ahead of the type of Islam that is being preached from a Mimbar inside a Masjid (like this, and you can multiply this hundreds and thousands of times around) to realize the type of slumber that they want to put us in. They give us lullabies during khutbah time on Fridays to put us to sleep- that's where they want us. They want us either dead by their weapons of mass destruction or they want us sleeping by their clergy of mass destruction. For the Muslims who have the conscience and awareness to point to the common enemy, the propaganda system is a symphony that does to work and plasters us with all the negative images that they can conjure.


these types to shenanigans only engulf those who are provoking them (Surah Al-Fatir verse 43)


They do nothing to us, we continue to grow- this is a promise. Al ardh Al Muqaddas- the holy land; Al Quds, Jerusalem will be liberated. We don't know when, but we are working on it and we will continue to work on it; and let those who are suffering from a process of slow learning mature, (and) let those who are suffering from hypocrisy stew in their hypocrisy and let those enemies who are hiding behind fancy words be exposed as the months and the years go by.


And indeed Allah will give victory to those who are supportive of Him for He has the power and He has the Izza



Brothers and sisters committed Muslims...


In light of the critical information that we are in possession of, these words of Allah are very valuable for those who ponder and analyze the what they mean, but even though some minds may understand the mental delivery of these ayaat and suwar, there is a psychological component here. Some people who understand (for reasons unexplained) are afraid to live up to the standards of their understanding. Why they are afraid? We don't know where this fear comes from. We don't know of one Prophet of Allah who feared the powers that be- this is not a Prophetic character. We don't know of one Islamic leader, an Islamic Imam who fears, so how come we have fear? Where did this come from? Allah taunts those who fear those who are lesser than Allah. He says


and they will try to scare you concerning those who are inferior to Him meaning to Allah (Surah Az-Zumar verse 36)


That's what they are trying to do today. They are trying to have us scared of powers that are inferior to Allah- so why fear? What do you fear?


you stand in awe of them Allah more that you score in awe of Him (Surah Al-Ahzaab verse 37)


How many times you hear the ayah


There's no fear that comes their way and they do not grieve (Surah Yunus verse 62)


And why should we not place our trust and confidence in Allah when He has shown us our ways and we will preserver with the harm that comes our way from you (the people in power) (Surah Ibrahim verse 12)


When they try to engineer damage upon us, the response is we will persevere; the response wasn't "Oh- let us find a common ground here. Let us negotiate these things away. There has to be something here that can avoid this type of polarization and this outbreak of potential warfare." (Do you) see the difference between how Allah is telling us to behave and how some of us runaway from that and they want to behave on their own? Where is their justification?


bring us your evidence if you are true in what you are doing (Surah Al-Baqarah verse111)


(There's) no evidence. As a matter of fact, there's an official policy of hush-hush. These people who are behind the scenes (and) laboring on contacts with zionism and imperialism have a blanket of silence over their movements. We understand (that)- they are criminals, they want to behave and move in the dark; that's their nature (and) that's how they operate; but we, the committed Muslims, should we behave behind closed doors (and have) secret meetings with those who are potential bridges to the zionists and imperialists? Where did this come from? On this day, we reiterate our solidarity and support for the oppressed people in Palestine and in the surrounding lands and we emphasize our support and confidence in the Islamic leadership that also no one wants to speak about. We have a problem on both sides. We have these spineless people who don't want to expose the zionists for the criminals that they are and we also have the spineless people who don't want to speak the truth about the Islamic leadership that we have. This is a silence that smothers us. It has no grounds and no basis. We need people who have the courage in their heart, the motivation in their conscience and the insight in their minds to speak the truth unashamedly, unabashedly (and) unapologetically about where we are. Our lives are at stake (and) our future is what we are speaking about. For those of you who still suffer from fear, this month of Ramadhan should have been enough to budge you away from the fear of mortals (and) into the acknowledgement of Allah's justice that will be done in Palestine and on Earth. We are not limited human beings (and) we are not regional creatures; we are universal and we can see this justice taking its course throughout the world... wa law karihal munafiqun, wa law karihal kaafirun, wa law karihadh dhalimun, wa law karihal mushrikun

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When was the date Omar Almukhatar was hanged by the italians?, was it 1940s or ealier? or ealier, i watched his lifetory film and he was a teacher turned to Mujaahid and found the shahadah in the hands of the italians.

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