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Breaking News: Brutal Killing in Garowe, Town is Tense

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As said before JB and Co also report bad news about p/l where p/landers report s/l's bad news. This is a tragic but looks those reported and commented are not sadden with this horrific killing but rather joyful to expose that p/l is a unsafe place.


War these kind of incidents happen everyone, Alle ha u naxariisto and stop politicizing the tragics of others, especial families who lost loved ones.


Alle ha u naxariisto intii dhimatay, kuwii ka danbeeyeyna must face the justice..

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NGONGE;709414 wrote:
Notice how almost all the ones replying to this thread are all from SL? War safka hore ka baxa dee, waad na kashifteen.

:D:D:D Waa la heshay u sheeg xumaanta ku kala hara waxaan fashil waa dhaafen. Inaad qof muslim ah xumaan la jeclaatid waa laga fiican yahay diin ahaan. AUN dadkaas xaq darada lagu dilay.

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Abokor Omar;709405 wrote:
These people cry one Somalia and scream unity when they speak to a person from Somaliland but when it comes to dealing with the innocent people from they treat them as refugees from a separate country. The are hypocrites who have no interest in Somali unity but rather trying accumulate as much power as possible. It's a shame that most southerners are blind to these peoples true motives.

Sick fella u are indeed.

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Taleexi;709466 wrote:
Sick fella u are indeed.

. Faroole called the ssc group terrorists. You look to clean-up your backyard first...

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Taleexi sxb, it's nothing personal just observation of the pirate state. Zanab Badawi reported how females from the south get raped in refugee camps in the pirate state, this follows the leadership of the Pirate state deporting people out of the Pirate state and back to the civil war in the south. Where is this Somalinimo they scream at anybody from Somaliland when dealing with those from Somalia. People from southern Somalia get treated with more dignity and respect in Sonaliland then Pirateland. We are honest about our intentions rather then take advantage of peoples misery. We treat even those who have chosen the path of confrontation with us, like your people with dignity and honour. I'm sorry you think I'm sick but Walle the leadership of the Pirate state is sick and those from that region that are committing these need to be apprehended and made example off. It's disgusting behavior and shameful.

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AfricaOwn;709467 wrote:
. Faroole called the ssc group terrorists. You look to clean-up your backyard first...

Political gaffe that was indeed as well.

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Abokor Omar;709472 wrote:
Taleexi sxb, it's nothing personal just observation of the pirate state. Zanab Badawi reported how females from the south get raped in refugee camps in the pirate state, this follows the leadership of the Pirate state deporting people out of the Pirate state and back to the civil war in the south. Where is this Somalinimo they scream at anybody from Somaliland when dealing with those from Somalia. People from southern Somalia get treated with more dignity and respect in Sonaliland then Pirateland. We are honest about our intentions rather then take advantage of peoples misery. We treat even those who have chosen the path of confrontation with us, like your people with dignity and honour. I'm sorry you think I'm sick but Walle the leadership of the Pirate state is sick and those from that region that are committing these need to be apprehended and made example off. It's disgusting behavior and shameful.

Resorting to name calling like Pirateland will discredit you further and SOLers won't take u seriously. With that said, give me break saxib! since when SL has shown any dignity or honor for anyone in her dominion?.........

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Gheelle.T;709426 wrote:
ANU ilkacase ehelkiina sabir ha ka siiyo. Aanno qabiil baa lagu dillay. Wixii dilayna waa la soo qaban, insha allah.


Insha Allah ,,,

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JB why don't you follow up with the tragedy? Or is there only certain parts that you want to post?


Somalia: Puntland Security Forces Apprehended PDRC Director Killers


Puntland security forces nabbed in search operation two of the murders that killed the senior staff of Puntland Development Research Centre (PDRC), Mohamed Yassin Isse on 6th April, Radio Garowe reports.


Another gunman was killed in the operation after gunfire between the militias and the security forces in the outskirt of Garowe, the capital city of Puntland, a semi-autonomous state of Somalia.


Puntland Security officer told GO that more than 200 police will continue operations to hunt the killers of Mohamed Yassin Isse and his bodyguards.


"Early on Thursday morning, security forces got information whereabouts of the killers of Isse were hiding in a place about 40KM to Garowe city, and immediately started operations to hunt them and captured two of them,” said Puntland police officer who requested to be unnamed because he is not authorized to talk to the media.


Puntland police are operating on the main roads of Garowe city on Thursday night and hundreds of security forces are keeping tight the security of the city’s police station and prison.


The captured killers murdered the senior staff of Puntland Development Research Centre (PDRC), Mohamed Yassin Isse and two of his bodyguards when driving from work to his house in Garowe on Wednesday.


Puntland declared regional autonomy under Federal Somalia in 1998 and has been relatively stable since. The region has a functioning government, with a civil service and elections, and its own security forces.

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Qaar Kamid Ah Dableydii Dilka Ka Geystey Garoowe oo La Qabtey [Waraysi]



Dowladda Puntland ayaa sheegtay in ay gacanta kusoo dhigtay qaar kamid ah kooxihii ka dambeeyey dilka sarkal ka tirsanaa Hay’ada Cilmi Baarista Puntland oo lagu magacaabi jiray Maxamed Yaasiin Ilkacase iyo ilaaladiisi, kuwaasi oo shalay (Arabaca) lagu dilay magaalada Garoowe ee caasimada Puntland.


Wasiirka Amniga Puntland Gen Yuusuf Axmed Khayr oo caawa (Khamiis) la hadlay Horseed Media ayaa sheegay in Ciidamada amaanka Puntland hawlgal ay ka sameeyeen meel 40km u jirta magaalada Garoowe ay ku soo qabteen laba nin oo kamid ah kooxdii dilka geystey, halka mid kale oo isla kooxdaas kamid ah uu ku dhintey hawlgalka, waxaana Wasiirku sheegay in labada nin midkamid ah uu dhaawacan yahay. Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in ninka dhintey uu ahaa Aabaha dhalay ninka dilka fuliyey.


Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in sida loo badinaayo dadka dilka fuliyey ay gaarayeen saddex nin, waxaana uu sheegay in weli uu socdo hawlgalku isla markaana lagu dabao joogo qaar kale oo la filaayo in shirqoolka ay ku lug lahaayeen.


Maalintii shalay (Arbaco) ayaa dil aad looga argagaxay uu ka dhacay bartamaha Garowe, kaas oo salka ku hayey aano qabiil, waxaana dilkaas ku dhintey Maxamed Yaasiin Ilkacase iyo ilaaldiisi, sidoo kale waxaa ku dhaawacmey dad kale oo goobta ka dhawaa.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee hawlgalka ay qaadeen Ciidanka Amaanka Puntland ayaa noqodey mid dad badan soo dhaweeyeen isla markaana ku tilmaameen fariin iyo jawaab loo diraayo kuwa dadka ku laaya aano qabiil iyaga oo dil u geysanaya qof aan wax denbi ah ka gelin.


Horseed Media

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Two are in custody and two others are dead, including father of one of the killers. Kudos to the admin for taking this first step.

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