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Pants Pants Pants!

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u got a dude pic ...but u talk like female! so wazz up with dat dee? i dont keep guy buddies, never seen a maqaayad & never tried that jaat shyste, never been in room full of intoxicate mofos!! but i do keep a motel room for my hunnies! if u look 4 me, i be there! i cant even remember the name of the last one that i was with 2 nites ago! love the hunnies.


but this style looks like 90s stuff!!

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Chimera..I'll believe you when I see a "Been Had" videos of your secret of looking sharp...I'll be the first one to vote...


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I'm going to retire from this topic before I give the impression I'm like him(I probably already have) lololol, Polo shirt, Polo this Polo that.


Wax waalan :D

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LOl how did i ever miss this thread, I've never LOL'd so much. Axmed inajaad is such a joker or a nutter or both. Chimera i squat 60kg but thats my weak point. I've been slacking recently due to studies. Your dress sense is lets say unique but stylish. I'm more of a Zara man. Inajooad keep up ur nuttiness bro.

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