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Xafaladii Gooni isku taaga AwdalState oo ka dhacday gobolka Texas USA April 03, 2011

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Somalina awoowo the needs of the koonfurian people is peace and stability and reconciliation between the Various clan states and Islamic Movements. And the Removal of Foreign mercenaries and Foreign elements.

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It's time for mr.chewer to wake up from pipe dreams and face the reality on the ground. The tinny revolution is felt even in Daroor and people want better live, true freedom and independent strong central government. Some of them are fighting for it while others like Awdal are creating peaceful tinny revolutionary movement.


If you don't face, it will face you and chase to small Marvish room.


Better prepare for the bigger revolution.

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Bashiir;708705 wrote:
It's time for mr.chewer to wake up from pipe dreams and face the reality on the ground. The tinny revolution is felt even in Daroor and people want better live, true freedom and independent strong central government. Some of them are fighting for it while others like Awdal are creating peaceful tinny revolutionary movement.


If you don't face, it will face you and chase to small Marvish room.


Better prepare for the bigger revolution.

Well said Bashir :):) :)


Somalidiid-land /Qatland, don't want to wake up and face the reality, they prefer their marqaan dreams.

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i can only face things that i can see but when some Folks are high on caana boodho they will call every clan gathering a revolution sounds like Azania

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BASHIIR and AKASH when are u going to start your own online(cyber)/one (sub)-tribe state because the list is growing very vast and their is no match potability left half Blue flag and the name.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;708713 wrote:
Liibaan how is the ssc paltalk movement doing




XX, How is Somalidiid-land Paltalk Country, and their clan recognition is doing?


SSC Movement defeated SNM/Somalidiid clan militia in Kalshaale, Megaagle, Hogoogane, and Widhwidh.


Also because of SSC Army, Somalidiid militia realized that their Marqaan dream of invading Buuhoodle is impossible,


Buuhoodle the home of the brave, and Somaliweyn

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Wiil cusub, as soon as you add the famous triangle to the long list you have made.


XX, you can ask Daroor men how it feels to live up dry Qamandi and green taajaro with no butter and camel milk. :)


Seriously, the tinny revolution that you don't see is a visible fast and unstoppable train that has started long ago.


It's matter of time before it hits your face.

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Buuhoodle, and all SSC regions are big supporters of President Sheikh Shariif and TFG Government of United Somalia



Buuhoodle, SSC-Somalia


Buuhoodle, SSC-Somalia


Buuhoodle, SSC-Somalia


Buuhoodle, SSC-Somalia

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awoowo waligay ma arkin geel la shubayo dunida inbadan baan u so joogay only in the minds of the clan jabhad laakin caano la shubo waan arkay Geelu intu leegyahay ma aragtay wax la shuba uma eeka, waka caqliga ssc clan jabhad it's funny indeed:D

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Liibaan what is sh sharif going to do for you unless you Bring some of the qarandiid soldiers to xammer to fight alongside Bahuku and his Boys then he will appreciate you, Sh sharif does not need xayasiis he is the airborne president war wa nin beri hore dadka iyo caalamka is baray

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