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Feds questioning supporters of Ohio-based leader of Somali group trying to unite territories

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COLUMBUS, Ohio — Federal authorities have been questioning several U.S.-based supporters of an American citizen originally from Somalia who leads a group that advocates for the rights of people living in the northern part of the embattled African country, The Associated Press has learned.


Suleman Ahmed, president of the group known as SSC Somalia, was briefly detained a year ago in Kenya on suspicions of terrorism, and says he believes authorities in Columbus, Ohio, are looking into the same allegations.


"Somebody approached them and told them that I am a terrorist and SSC is a terrorist group," Ahmed told the AP. "I think that's what they're trying to find out, which is something that does not exist."


Fred Alverson, spokesman for the U.S. attorney's office in Columbus, declined to comment.


As many as 13,000 Somalis live in the Columbus area, according to the most recent Census data, although Somali community leaders maintain the figure is much higher. The city has the second highest concentration of Somali immigrants in the U.S. after Minneapolis.


Somalis began arriving in the United States in the early 1990s after their country — which has not had a functioning government in two decades — disintegrated amid a civil war.


Ahmed, a resident of Columbus for more than a decade, says his organization has only one goal: to protect residents of the region in northern Somalia where his clan lives, and ultimately to seek a functioning, unified Somalia.


"There are extremists here in the U.S. — they should put more time on that instead of wasting the taxpayers' money on people like me," Ahmed said.


Ahmed said between 30 and 40 members of his clan who also live in Columbus have talked to federal prosecutors after receiving subpoenas in recent weeks.


That account was confirmed by Jibril Hirsi, executive director of SomaliCAN, a Somali outreach group in Columbus that is not associated with Ahmed's group. Hirsi is not among those who were issued subpoenas but has spoken to community members who were.


The region that SSC represents sits between two areas of Somalia known as Somaliland and Puntland. The SSC is historically linked with Somaliland, a self-declared republic that has remained relatively peaceful. But while Somaliland wants to secede from the rest of the country, the SSC supports a unified Somalia, leading to violence between the two areas.


Ahmed was last in Somalia in December for about two weeks. In March 2010, he was arrested in Nairobi, Kenya, on suspicion of terrorism along with two other men as they tried to board a plane to Somalia. All three were released after a day. Ahmed blamed the arrest on "African politics."


Federal investigators have been concerned for years about alleged terrorist recruiting in U.S. Somali communities.


Much of the attention has been focused on Minnesota, the centre of a federal investigation into the travels of roughly 20 young Somali men, believed to have returned to their homeland to join al-Shabab, a Somali militant group with links to al-Qaida


Across the country, the government has charged more than a dozen people with being participants in schemes to raise money and recruit fighters for al-Shabab.


Last year, federal authorities questioned a handful of Somali women in Columbus who raised money door-to-door for health care aid in their native country in a case that tied the money to terrorists.


A federal indictment issued in Minnesota said one Columbus resident — who was not charged and not identified — helped a Minnesota woman raise money for al-Shabab.


Somali leaders in Columbus and Minnesota have started education programs to deter youth from such terrorist recruiting. Somali leaders in Columbus meet regularly with local, state and federal law enforcement to share information and discuss concerns.


The SSC was formed in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2009, when Ahmed was elected president. It is not on any U.S. list of terrorist organizations.


Ahmed said the SSC is not an armed group and is not associated with any terrorist group, including al-Shabab.


The SSC says it has been the victim of attacks by Somaliland. Somaliland accuses the group of fomenting war in Northern Somalia, including recent bombings of police stations in Somaliland.


Ahmed "is a very dangerous and destructive individual who is waging a brutal war against his own people," said Mahdi Abdi, deputy representative of the Herndon, Virginia-based Somaliland Mission.


Ahmed, 44, came to the United States in 1995 and lived in Phoenix and Minneapolis before moving to Columbus in 1999. He became a citizen in 2001.


He is a married father of nine children who recently sold a home-health care business and now focuses full time on his duties with SSC. He travels throughout the country encouraging people to donate directly to families in the SSC region. Several members of his family still live there.


"My people have been suffering for the last 21 years," Ahmed said. "It's an obligation to anybody who has a heart to help when people need help."




Copyright © 2011 The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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Federal authorities have been questioning several U.S.-based supporters of an American citizen originally from Somalia who leads a group that advocates for the rights of people living in the northern part of the embattled African country, The Associated Press has learned.



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The region that SSC represents sits between two areas of Somalia known as Somaliland and Puntland. The SSC is historically linked with Somaliland, a self-declared republic that has remained relatively peaceful.
But while Somaliland wants to secede from the rest of the country, the SSC supports a unified Somalia, leading to violence between the two areas.

Seems like a legitmate cause.


Remember also, the SSDF, SNM USC leaders were under the same suspicions by foreign governments when they started off and were being accused.


Ahmed was last in Somalia in December for about two weeks. In March 2010, he was arrested in Nairobi, Kenya, on suspicion of terrorism along with two other men as they tried to board a plane to Somalia. All three were released after a day. Ahmed blamed the arrest on "African politics."

Also, seems those investigations back in 2010 had no merit since he was given a big welcome in Ohio a few months ago and allowed to visit the U.S.



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(AP Photo/Jay LaPrete) :In this March 22, 2011 photo, Suleman Ahmed, the Columbus, Ohio-based President Of SSC Somalia, Which Advocates For People Living In The Northern Part Of Somalia, Poses For A Portrait In Columbus, Ohio.






Feds Questioning Supporters of Ohio-based Leader of Somali Group Trying to UNITE Territories,+Activist+Groups/Minnesota/07cV0mibSnaSF/1







SSC Leader and SSC Supporters are Organizing Large Pro-SSC & Pro-United Somalia Rallies in all Cities Around World.


SSC People are Ready to Answer all Question, They are Not Hiding. Somalidiid-land clan-Secessionist faction are spreading lies and wrongfully accusing SSC People of "terrorism", because SSC People are big supporters of United Somalia


Somali's representing the SSC (Sool, Sanaag and Cayn) regions of the country demonstrate at Downing St. against the subjugation of the people by the Somaliland militia. London, UK









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America Demonstration Against Criminal Siilaanyo


March 20, 2011


USA ( Demonstrations were held in the heart of the United States in three states including Washington DC, the purpose was to highlight the tribal cleansing and brutality existing in Northern Somalia, people gathered to show their anger against Criminal Siilaanyo and the one clan (Isa-aq only) ideology of Criminal Siilaanyo. Those gathered chanted “Go To Hell Criminal Siilaanyo” and sung the beloved “Wake Up Somalia” anthem to encourage people to keep the faith and to stay united against all injustice. The Demonstrations took part outside Governor offices in all the states, to inform those in charge of the cities the concerns the American Somali citizens have against Criminal Siilaanyo. As the United States is always concerned of peace in the horn of Africa many commentators in the Somali media have argued that Obama is already aware of the issues surrounding Criminal Siilaanyo and the continuing tribal cleansing and divisions he has waved against those residing in Northern Somalia especially in the Sool Sanaag Cayn (SSC) regions of Somalia.


The Somali people voice against criminal Siilaanyo and the one clan ideology of the Somaliland Clan Militia operating in Northern Somalia. As they gather to shout the well known slogans “Siilaanyo Down” meaning we reject criminals, we reject warlords, we reject killers, we reject peace haters, we reject dividers, we reject retired tribal ideologies that target and kill innocent civilians.


In the following video, protesters chant “our president is Sheikh Sharif and our capital city is Mogadishu, we are against tribal cleansing, we are against Criminal Siilaanyo, we are united against all criminals, we are one nation, we are Somalia, we love Somalia, we are Sool, we are Sanaag, we are Cayn, people here represent the Somali people in every location of Somalia, we are united”.


People gathered also shout their willingness to meet monthly to highlight to their city’s leaders and to the international arena the plight of the people in Northern Somalia and the killings Crimnal Siilaanyo has subjected to the people in the region.


Listen in the following video demonstrators say “Please Obama do not support warlords and criminals such as Siilaanyo, he is killing people, support the civilians in Northern Somalia, support those that want peace, support the people of Sool Sanaag Cayn.”


Demonstrators say:

“We are not Somaliland, we are not a one clan nation, all Somalia is the land of Somalia, we do not acknowledge nor support warlords, bring us together don’t separate us”


Long live SSC, the people of SSC support the government of Somalia and the international efforts to support the Somali government headed by Sheikh Sharif to stand against all criminals including criminal Siilaanyo who is on a daily basis encouraging clan division and the killing of innocent civilians in Northern Somalia.”


As shown in the image below the queen of Somali patriots Saado Ali Warsame was present at the event singing the Somali anthem and renowned Somali united songs.


SSC Somalia is about peace, justice, unification and stands to support all international efforts to support peace in Somalia.


SSC Somalia is a cause for every Somali and non-Somali that is against warlords, criminals and all those that want to see a prosperous Somalia, it is for every human being that cares for the lives of the innocent and peace of human kind.


The following image speaks volume, it says exactly how the SSC and the world at large sees Somalia, people across the globe are tired of division, hatred and never ending conflict in Somalia, especially when there are no differences amongst the Somali people. The SSC patriots in the USA highlight their support for their president Obama and all nations around the world against Criminal Siilaanyo’s ideology of dividing the people in Northern Somalia into clans and sub-clans. In the eyes of the SSC, the Somali people are one nation that can live side by side in peace and tolerance, according to the SSC the Somali people are one.


For the people in the Sool Sanaag Cayn regions of Somalia and all regions of Somalia, the SSC mission and cause is one for all the people of Somalia, it is a mission that simply stand for PEACE.


SSC Supporters in Washington DC Protest against Warlord Siilaanyo and Somalidiidland/SNM Clan Faction
















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SSC Supporters in Stockholm Sweden Protest against Warlord Siilaanyo and Somalidiidland/SNM Clan Faction

















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I sure hell am not surprised the FBI is doing this. It's in their best interest to keep Old Betsy out of harms way don'tcha think?


Quick question. It's a little off topic but I've always wondered and thought to myself, are the supporters only supporting this cause because of what they're offering and/or putting on the table or does their tribal background influence a lot with their support? I pose this question to not only SSC supporters but Somaliland, Puntland, ******ia, and any other Somali group that has a large support group.

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More SSC Supporters in London UK, Protest against War Criminal Warlord Siilaanyo and Somalidiidland/SNM Clan Faction

















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More SSC Supporters in London UK, Protest against War Criminal Warlord Siilaanyo and Somalidiidland/SNM Clan Faction



















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Tremendous energy and enthusiasm (and NOT to forget beautiful people)...Now am all for this kind of peaceful demonstrations and let the world know your grievances ( plus it keeps on check on Somaliland government respect for human dignity)

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This arrest will NOT stop the cause of SSC, They will get stronger, and will make it more pple hear about their right to self determination.

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I remember reading an article by this fella in Ottawa I think labeling the leadership of SSC terrorist and asking authorities in the States and Canada to arrest or hinder the their activities. What someone like him fail to understand is that next time he's at the airport, he will be getting the same 'terrorist treatment' that's advocating for Xaglatoosiye.


As for the above article, Yanks are aware of Somali tribal squabbles and won't be hoodwinked by one group. They have to follow accusations and tips as matter of protocol-unfortunate by product of 911.


What's next-I already see someone saying Dahabshiil is front for laundering money to terrorist groups.


Settling scores in foreign lands is bad idea. You have to know how far are you willing to?

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