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Dreams in Islam

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I stumbled upon this interesting piece and thought perhaps others could benefit from it. It's the PhD thesis of a Dr Umar Azam and naturally rather lengthy. I would suggest to bookmark the page and read it in segments whenever possible.


Dreams in Islam

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Viking bro


Looks like a great book, first I need to down load then read it, when I have time..


I have friend who is very pious scholar in Sharicah and who interprets dreams, he is one of four major Sheikhs in his country. When I am in town visiting him, He allows me to sit with him around 1:30 PM when he is interpreting the dreams for callers, I cant hear what they tell him, but I can hear his interprtetation, Dream interpretation is an instinct.


Many times he would tell me the dream and how he interpreted him, and there is no connection what so ever, but callers would call him back thanking him, for his advice as the Sheikh hits it right often.


One day, the Sheikh tells me that he had a strange dream about me, I asked him, sheikh was it good or bad, the Sheikh said, " it was good", he continued " I saw you appearing on a screen and a lotta dark skinned people watching you, it looked like a hospital, because I also saw few white people on hospital gowns whatching the screen on which your image was appearing"


I was thunderstrcuk, shocked, I have never shared with the Sheikh anything about my Somaliaonline preaching activities.


I knew the dark skinned viewers were Somalionlline Nomads of Somalis origins, the whites whow ehere wearing hospital gowns where people seeking knowledge browsing islam page and reading eNuri articles.


The oldest dream I can remember of the same , was a dream seen by a freind of female relative of mine , she said tgo herf " I saw Him on a screen teaching Tawheed". That dream took place way before It even crossed my mine, that woman was well known to be very piuos woman, her dream was realized when years later I took it to the internet and started posting on Message boards.




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I have not read the book and like Nur will view it in time but I am sceptic in acquiescing to any interpretation of a dream. Surely explaining the dream and relating it to an episode of the dreamer’s life is not so dissimilar to believing in the aphorism of horoscopes.

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^^^I'm a bit weary of dreams too, but not to the extend of dissmising them entirely, the mind is powerful. For example, my grandmother's dreams were almost always accurate. She too was very pios (MA). Even my mum whose dreams are almost always accurate. When my grandmother died, my mother dreamt that she was kneeling by a river, dressed in white holding two babies draped in white cloth. At this time my aunt had just given birth to a baby girl. Sevelral weeks later my mum gave birth to still born baby girl and a week later my aunt's one month old daughter died.


It is really frakish which is why I can't dismiss it. I wonder if recouring dreams have meaning?

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Dreams have always fascinated me; I had one dream constantly in my early teens where I took a dive from the top board of a swimming pool (the pool we had at school) only, halfway down, to see all the water vanish underneath me and a deep, light-blue cement base of the pool is my destination (very unpleasant but it seemed to convey a message - I never understood what it meant even long after those dreams went away).



LaVie & Waterlily,

Dreams should not be dismissed or disregarded as they are usually a valuable barometer of our lives. Western psychology has failed when it comes to dreams because they use scientific tools to measure a Spiritual world.


The well-known story in Surah Yusuf (where Yusuf [AS] was translating dreams to his "cell-mates" and then the leader of the land) is a wonderful testimony to the power and significance of certain dreams.


It is Allah that takes the souls (of men) at death; and those that die not (He takes) during their sleep: those on whom He has passed the decree of death, He keeps back (from returning to life), but the rest He sends (to their bodies) for a term appointed verily in this are Signs for those who reflect. (Az-Zumar 39:42)


It he who take your Spirit by night and has knowledge of an that you have done by day. By day does he raise you up again that a term appointed be fulfilled. In the end unto Him win your return, then He will show you the truth of an that you did. (Al-Anam 6:60)


Humans have a "Tripartite nature"; Spirit, Soul and Body.


Body + Soul + Spirit = a Living Human


Living Human - Spirit = a Living Body 'Sleeping Human'


Human Being - (Spirit + Soul) = Dead Body


The Spirit is retrieved by Allah SWT during sleep just like it is during death. The Soul (Nafs, what makes us alive) is still in the Body (the vessel with a Soul that enables the the Spirit to "function" in this earthly setting) and that's why a dream can have physiological effects on the body (i.e. sweating, shivering, contracting muscles when scared, smiling etc.).


The author explains the different types of dreams as taught by the Prophet SAW; good dreams (glad tidings of reward from Allah SWT), our own dreams (suggestion from our own minds, desires - mainly evil) and evil dreams, scary, horrendous (from Shaytan).

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Can you want to dream about something and then get it?


When my older brother passed away 8yrs ago in an accident, it was too abrupt for me to take. I remember praying that I meet him in a dream and have a last 'coversation' with him. A week later and I had the most amazing and almost real-like dream where we had a long conversation and it just felt like I was in his company for a very long time after the dream. It sort of served as a closure for me.

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