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Somalia: TFG will not be attending the Peace Conference in Nairobi

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Kulan Xildhibaano ka tirsan ay maanta muqdisho ku yeesheen oo ay ku shegeen in warqada Mahiga ay aheyd mid meel ka dhac ku ah jiritaanka Dowladda Soomaliya


Kadib markii shalay uu safar gaaban ku yimid Magaalada Muqdisho Ergayga gaarka ah ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsanarimaha Soomaaliya Augustine Mahiga islamarkaana uu waraaqado Casuumaad ah uu siiyay Madxda ugu sar sareysa dowladda KMG Soomaaliya ayaa arintaasi waxaa durba meel ka dhac ku tilmaamay qaar ka mid ah Mudanayaasha barlamanka oo kulan ku qaatay Magaalada Muqdisho.


Xildhibaano ka tirsan barlamanka ayaa ka digay maanta kulan ay ku qateen muqdisho in shir ay soo qabanqaabiso Qaramada Midoobay oo la doonayo in uu ka dhaco dalka Kenya kaasi oo la’isugu yeeray Maamulka goboleedyada ka jira soomaliya iyo Mas’uuliyiinta dowladda KMG Soomaaliya in uusan aheyn mid la aqbali karo .


Ugu horeyntii waxaa kulanka manta ka hadley Xildhibaan Cawad Axmed Cashara oo ka mid ah Mudanaayasha barlamanka Soomaaliya oo sheegay in waraqada Mahiga uu gaarsiiyay Mas’uuliyiinta ugu saraysa dowladda inay aheyd mid meel ka dhac ku ah Qaranimada dalka Soomaaliya.


Cawad ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in warqadaasi lagu quray in shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay kala fakir duwan yihiin oo aan is xukumi karin, isagoo xusay in Mahiga uu yahay mid doonaya in uu kala qo qobo shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo isku af iyo isku diin intaba ah.


Xildhibaan Cawad Axmed Cashara ayaa waxaa uu u mahadceliyay dowladda Jabuuti oo uu sheegay inay tahay dowladda mar waliba soo bandhigta shirqoolada lala damacsanyahay jiritaanka shacabka Soomaaliyeed.


Sidoo kale Xildhibaan Cabdi Xaashi C/laahi ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in Mahiga iyo Qaramada Midoobay ay doonayaan in Soomaaliya oo horey qabiil qabiil ugu kala qeybiyeen ay iminkana doonayaan inay jufo jufo ay u kala qeebiyaan taasi oo uu tilmaamay in u jeedada ka dambeysa ay tahay in Mahiga uu doonayo in Soomaaliya uu ka dhigto Mashruuc aan dhamaad lahayn.


Safarkaan ayey ku shegeen mid sidii inqilaabkii oo kale in xalada ergeyga qaramada midoobey u egtahey mid sida inqilaabkii oo kale ama faragalin ku ah jiritaanka dowlada somaliya ee hada dhisan.

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Gabbal;707925 wrote:
Xiin, considering you were very much in support of this conference and even put up such a preposterous idea as giving the south and "moving" the government to Puntland, what say you about this development.

Gabal, you should only blame your poor comprehension if you deduced Xiin was/is ‘very much in support of this conference’ from my other post!


I would support it if the first item of the agenda were how to transition the most important part of the country to alshabaab hands. That is how you get rid off UN, EGAD, and NGOs.

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Ismahaan;708035 wrote:
For the first time ever, our governments are making their own decisions. I hope they stick to their decision.

It's the tinny revolution, well done Farmajo. :)

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xiinfaniin;708048 wrote:
Gabal, you should only blame your poor comprehension if you deduced Xiin was/is ‘very much in support of this conference’ from my other post!


I would support it if the first item of the agenda were how to transition the most important part of the country to alshabaab hands. That is how you get rid off UN, EGAD, and NGOs.

Though I do not understand the rationale behind this, you may not need to worry about Shabaab gaining control riding international institutions from Somali lands. The Sufi in Galgaduud have fractured officially into clan fronts with a rival administration formed just this week. Their division has made it that much easier for Shabaab to succeed in the central regions. Perhaps we shall then understand what your rationale is all about if they ever make it to the gates of Gaalkacyo.

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Somali transitional government needs new mandate: official


MOGADISHU (AFP) - The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) force commander said Friday he sees no way of managing Somalia’s political transition other than by extending the mandate of the transitional government (TFG).


“I don’t see any other alternative than that,” Ugandan Gen. Nathan Mugisha said, referring to a one year extension of the TFG’s mandate. “There is no other option, unfortunately.”


“We cannot interrupt the efforts toward pacification. Stabilization has started … we need partners on the other side, AMISOM can not do this job alone without the TFG,” he said in an interview at the force’s base.


The mandates of the transitional government and Parliament were both supposed to end in August after an earlier two-year extension. The mandate of President Sharif Sheikh Ahmad was also supposed to end in August.


“The TFG is doing a good job, but they’re facing a lot of challenges, political, security, financial. They have done their best,” Mugisha said.



“The extremists are now disorganized,” he said, referring to the Al-Qaeda-affiliated rebels, Al-Shabaab, who still control nearly all of south and central Somalia and a large part of the capital.


“They are disadvantaged,” the force commander said, referring to gains made by the government forces and AMISOM over the past month. “Once you disrupt the TFG, then you disempower AMISOM and you’re playing the game of Al-Shabaab.”


Meanwhile, Kenya has expressed concern over the instability in Somalia as cross-border raids by insurgents increase and a steady influx of refugees cross the porous frontier.


“Kenya is concerned about the fluid and unpredictable situation in Somalia,” President Mwai Kibaki said during a meeting with U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon late Thursday. “I look forward to the U.N. Security Council playing its rightful role in ending the protracted internal strife in Somalia for the sake of millions of innocent people.”


Source: AFP

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