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Prof. Gandi First Elected President of Azania State of Somalia

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Taleexi;708155 wrote:
Nice historical name... Hope there won't be any disputes!

Not sure about the "nice" part. I can just picture a fight taking place in that state and somone shouting "Azania is burning!" with an Al Shabab operative replying knowingly with the words "Az-zani wal azania fil naar". :D

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Somalia plans to create new state

to keep off Al Shabaab



The Standard

April 02, 2011


The war-torn Somalia could be headed for deeper trouble if plans to create another autonomous region along its borders with Kenya are carried through.


Although being billed as a good tactical move to help stabilise the lawless country, some observers say it could spark fresh rounds of civil war between regional authorities and the Al Qaeda linked Al Shabaab militia that is causing grave security concerns in the Horn of Africa.


A meeting in Nairobi this week discussed the formation of a semi-autonomous Jubaland that will comprise northern regions of Lower and Middle Juba and Gedo on the Kenya-Somalia border.


If the plan goes through, Jubaland would become the third semi-autonomous breakaway region after Somaliland and Puntland.


A group of former Somalia MPs told the Nairobi meeting that if created, Jubaland would act as a buffer zone and frustrate incursions by Al Shabaab into the region, prevent entry of refugees, and smuggling of arms into Kenya.


Kenya has backed the proposal with the hope it would help crush the Al Shabaab insurgents operating along the Kenya-Somalia-Ethiopia border.


The Nairobi meeting was held at a time Mandera is under siege from heavily armed Al Shabaab fighters.


The rebel fighters have wounded a number of villagers and even police and military officers based in the town and its environs.


Risky undertaking


The militia group have pounded the town with mortar fire as they fight the Somalia Transitional Government troops across the border. The rebel group is opposed to the breakaway.


A former senior police officer, who spoke to The Standard On Saturday, on condition of anonymity because he is still bound by State secrets rules, warned the Kenyan Government to tread carefully on its relationship with the new Jubaland.


"It will not be easy. It may help stop the Al Shabaab in the long run but the Government must be ready for a fight because the militia will definitely resist the creation of the new state," said the former officer.


He added: "I hope our top security advisors weighed the pros ad cons of openly supporting such an initiative. I hope the Government is prepared to deal with the repercussions."


But delegates at the meeting downplayed the fears that the creation of Jubaland would create more security problems in the already troubled region.


Muhammed Gandhi, a former defence minister in Somalia who is co-ordinating the plan said it would bring stability in the region occupied by Al Shabaab.


"We are ready to liberate the three regions from Al Shabaab," he said.


A seven day congress attended by Somali’s Transitional Federal Government members of parliament, representatives from African Union, IGAD representatives and elders from the region are supposed to come up with a roadmap of how to defeat the terror group.


On Wednesday, delegates adopted a regional constitution with 81 Articles to help govern the new state. They also elected Professor Gandhi as the new president of Jubaland.


The new ‘country’ is fashioned on the model of the autonomous Puntland and Somaliland in the north.


"We intend to conclude a plan of action that has been ongoing for the last two years. We must restore nationhood and unity to the people of Somalia who have suffered foe the last 20 years," said Prof Gandhi.


Kenya’s take


He said Somalis in the Diaspora, civil society working inside the war torn country and other groups have supported the plan.


Kenya is reportedly interested in helping develop the new regional administration to establish a buffer zone between it and the Islamist insurgency in southern Somalia.


There are concerns that Kenya’s border with Somalia is a conduit for small arms, which are then distributed to the whole region, and an easy route for refugees.


According to the leaked Wikileaks documents, Kenya is said to have supported the creation of the Jubaland to provide a buffer zone and prevent the entry of refugees and illegal arms.


Wafula Wamunyinyi, the Deputy Special Representative of the African Union Mission in Somalia, says Somalis must drive peace initiatives before outside intervention.


"This plan has the support of AU and Igad members. But we must engage the local community to understand the importance of peace," said Wamunyinyi.


However, some countries in the region were not enthusiastic about the plan. Ethiopia, for example, is concerned about the likely impact on its own Somali-dominated ****** region where rebels are fighting for independence. Others doubt Kenya’s tactical capacity to carry out the plan given the strong presence of Al Shabaab rebels in Jubaland whose capital city is Kismayu.


Recent US diplomatic cables quoted Ethiopian Prime minister Melez Zenawi as fearing for negative regional impact if the plan failed.


The breakaway Puntland has in the past one year witnessed assassination of high profile government officials including a judge and an MP. Somalia slipped into lawlessness following the ouster of President Siad Barre in 1991. The country has since witnesses several coups and murders of top leaders as various clans fight for power.


Source: The Standard

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The clan bigots come out to condemn Prof.Gaandi an accomplished academic who has been a reformer and an active peace-maker in the TFG in recent years, he is also an ardent critic of the 4.5 system.The new regional government he has founded reflects on his core principles, clan will only exist in the house of elders and no where else(35 elders and 69 parliamentarians elected from districts).The marginalised minorities will all have there presence and voice respected in the region.Some of the more radical elements of Prof.Gandis own clan have condemned his efforts to build a broad-based regional government but Prof.Gandi has not bent to there clan outlook on the region nor taken heed to the scorn of other clans who also want to see this projects failure out of there distorted tribal political view.A seasoned politician Prof.Gandi has curbed the efforts of many spoilers especially from Ethiopia and its agents.One of the reasons Gandi was unceremoniously dismissed from his former TFG ministerial position was because he was seen as a threat by Ethiopia.


The Jubba region has never experienced such grand efforts to build a regional government with support from many of the inter-govermental organisations and many important leaders from the Jubba region.This will be revealed when the full "Azania" Goverment is declared.The Jess's,morgans and Hirales will be replaced with an effective state government.This attempt at restoring government to the jubba regions is not an empty diaspora huff and puff but an entity that can back up its plans with its armed security force which has been training for the past 2 years and already operational in Gedo and Jubbada Hoose.

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Wararkii oogu danbeeyey ee Shirkii Limuru ayaa sheegaya in shalay 01.04.2011 lagu qaybsaday xubnihii 15ka degmo ee Azaaniya iyadoo is afgarasho buuxda dhacday.


Goob jooge shirka ka soo waramay ayaa sheegay in kuraasta cayriinka lagu qaybsaday oo qabiil walba la gaadhsiiyey.


Sida loo qaybsaday ayaa aad xiiso u lahayd.

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I don't like these different mini-states, but if they result in long-term stability for the people there then I'm very much a supporter! Though this initiative should have been established in the early 90s/2000s, as it would have prevented alot of destitute people from having to flee to a camp without running water in a neighbouring country, or drown at sea.


A new regional city should be established in the area they control now, similar to Garowe.


bilan;707593 wrote:
Goodluck to them, I hope they can do something for the people in these regions laakiin I doubt anyone can solve Kismaayo issue, I believe that city will be the last place to be sorted out, but I never understood what is so good about Kismaayo, qandho kulayl iyo huuno badan, no offense to real reer kismaayod people.

Not from Kismayo, but that city is very important; it has a a sizable population and relatively good city-planning, not to mention an advanced seaport, and an established airport. The extremists knew this when they rolled in, which is why they decided to place their HQ there. It's very vital that the government reclaims that city if it wants to achieve permanent peace.

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Yes Chimera, it would be much better if it was established as early as 90s. Nevertheless, late is better than never. As I read through the programme has had ample time to build all the infrustructure of a state and its backed by people with influence in Somalia who are present at the convention. It is the first time Jubba Valley and Gedo has had such large scale efforts dedicated to regional state building.


Bu'ale is the official capital city, a wise step to political stability. It lies in middle Juba, the very center of Azania state.


Here is rough map:






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i do not doubt Kismaayo is a great city, but it is not as great as some people want us to beleive, i lived in Kismaayo 1 year and that was more than enough for me to turn me off from the city, it is too hot for my taste, plus i smell a lot of sheegato in this thread :)

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Kuala Lumpur (2nd April 2011): Qeybaha kala duwan ee ay ka kooban tahay qurbajoogta Jubbooyinka ee degan dalka Malaysia ayaa si buuxda u taageeray maamul goboleedka Azania oo lagu dhawaaqay 31st Maarso 2011, iyaga isla markaasna si wada jir ah ugu qanacsan in dhisidda maamulkani uu yahay talaabadii ugu horeysay ee xasiloonida ku soo celin lahayd deegaanadaas.


Tan iyo markii ay bur-burtay dowladii dhexe ee Soomaaliya 1991, waxaa jiray dad hubaysan oo ka kala yimid gobolo kale oo ka tirsan Soomaaliya oo si xoog ugu soo duulay deegaamada Azania, dhibaatooyin badan oo aan la soo koobi karina u geystay shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee deegaamadaas dega oo iyagu aan dhaqan u lahayn colaadaha iyo dhul-balaarsiga. Sidaas darted, dhismaha maamul goboleeda Azania waa talaabada ugu haboon ee lagaga hortagi karo dadka raba in ay goboladan qori afkiis ku haystaan. Sidoo kale, dhisida maamul goboleedkani waxa uu qeyb ka yahay sidii nidaamka dowladnimo iyo kala danbeyta loogu soo dabaali lahaa guud ahaa Soomaaliya.


Hanbalyo Ku Socota Madaxweyne Prof. Gaandi:


Qurbajoogta Jubbooyinka ee degan Malaysia waxay hambalyo iyo bogaadin u dirayaan madaxweyne Prof. Maxamed Cabdi Gaandi, iyaga oo ugu hambalyeynaya dadaalkii dheeraa ee uu u soo galay sidii uu dhidibada ugu taagi lahaa maamul goboleedka Azania. Prof. Gaandi waa aqoonyahan u qalma inuu hogaamiyo maamul goboleedka Azania, taasna waxaa marag cad u ah khibrada aqooneed iyo siyaasadeed ee uu leeyahay, waxaana dheehan kara qofkii dhagaystay waraysigii halka saac socday ee uu siiyey laanta af-Soomaaliga ee idaacada BBC maalintii Jimcaha ee taariikhdu ahayd (1st April 2011) Prof. Gaandi isaga oo macallin jaamacadeed ka ah Europe, kuna nool nolol raaxo leh ayuu ka doortay sidii uu diintiisa, dalkiisa iyo dadkiisa wax ugu qaban lahaao, sidaas darteed waxa uu shacabka Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan inta wanaaga rabta uu ka mudan yahay ammaan iyo bogaadin.


Talooyin Ku socda Prof. Gaandi:


  • Soo celinta nabad galyada deegaankaas iyo nabadeynta beelaha walaalaha ah.
  • Dhisida sida ugu dhaqsaha badan dhammaan laamaha kala duwan ee dowlada.
  • Dhisida golaha culima�uddiinka oo uu yeesho maamulka goboleedka Azania.
  • Hirgelinta shareecada Islaamka ee sharafta leh, si looga hortago dadka ujeedooyinka kale leh ee ku qadhaabta magaca diinta.
  • Dib u dejinta dadkii ka barakacay deeganadaas Azania.
  • Ururinka iyo hawlgalinta aqoonyahanada ka soo jeeda deegaanada Azania.
  • Ka dib marka uu Prof Gaandi dhidibada u taago maamul goboleedka Azania, waxaa haboon in uu kursiga baneeyo, fursadna siiyo siyaasiinta kale ee deegaanka. Intaas ka dib waa in Prof. Gaandi u gudbaa heer qaran, isuna sharaxaa xilka madaxweynaha Soomaaliya maadaama uu yahay shakhsi aan dalkiisa denbi ka gelin, isla markaasna leh aqoon, khibrad iyo siyaasad uu Soomaaliya ku hogaamin karo.



Qurbajoogta Jubbooyinka ee degan Malaysia waxay mahadcelin buuxda u dirayaan dowlada Kenya oo marti galisay sidii dhidibada loogu taagi lahaa maamul goboleedka Azania. Waxaa mahadcelin gaar ah loo dirayaa siyaasiyiinta reer Kenya ee taageerada balaadhan siiyey sidii loo dhisi lahaa maamul goboleedka Azania sida wasiirka gaashaandhiga ee dalka Kenya mudane Yuusuf Xaaji iyo madax labaad ee baarlamanka Kenya mudane Faarax Macallin.



Dr.Maxamed Cabaas

Guddoomiyihii Jaaliyadda Soomaalida Malaysia (2008 � 2010)

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Shirkii Dawlad goboleedka Azaaniya oo bari la xidhayo iyo


Madaxwaynaha Dawlad Goboleedka Azaaniya oo la dhaarinyo.


Magaalada Limuru Ee duleedka Caasimada Nayroobi oo maalmahan uu ka socoday shirkii Maamul u sameynta Sedaxda gobol Jubada Hoose Jubada dhexe iyo Gedo ayaa maalinta barito ah lagu dhaarindoonaa Maxdawaynaha Dawlad Goboleedka Azaaniya Shirkana lagu soo xidhidoonaa.


Waxaana caawa laga dareemayaa diyaar garow aad u heer sareeya oo ay ku jiraan ergooyinka ku sugan Hotelada Magaalad Limuru, waxay aad u sugayaan maalinta barito ah oo ay halkaas ka dhici doonto dhaarta madaxwaynaha Dawalad goboleedka Azaaniya.


Waxaa lagu balamay Subaxnimada barito xilliga Afrikada Bari si loo dhaariyo Profer Maxamed Cabdi Gaandi xafladda dhaarta Waxaa lagu qaban doonaa Goobta ay doorashada madaxwaynahu ka dhacaday maalmo ka hor ee magaalada Limuru duleedka Nayroobi .


Waxaana goobta xafladda dhaarta ka soo qayeb gali doona xubno ka socda Midowga Yurub, Midowga Afrika, ,UNta , ,mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan DKMG ee Soomaaliya Iyo Marti sharaf kale oo lagu casuumay Xaflada dhaarta.


Sidoo kale Ka soo qayebgali doona wariyayaal caalami ah oo ka socda wakaaladaha wararka, iyo saxaafada gudaha, fanaaniinta soomaaliyeed, iyo marti sharaf kale


Codka Jubbaland


Nagala soo xiriir

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Wararka ka soo baxaya shirka ka socda Limuru, Kenya ayaa sheegaya inuu soo gabagaboobay shirkii todobaadka ka socday ee lagu yagleelayay dawlad goboleedka la magacbaxday Azania.


Wararka ayaa intaasi ku daraya in madaxwaynaha dawlad goboleedkan, Prof. Maxamed Cabdi Gaani qadar yar ka hor loo dhaariyay xilkii madaxwanenimada ee maamul goboleedka Azania.


Wali ma jirto warbixin buuxda oo ka soo baxday shirka, wixii ka soo kordhase kala soco wararka danbe.

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Waxgaradka Jubbooyinka oo kasoo horjeestay Maamulka Azaaniya ee dhawaan loo magacaabay gobbaladaas


Axad, Abriil 03, 2011 (HOL) – Odayaasha dhaqanka iyo wax garadka kasoo jeedo beelaha dego gobbalada jubbooyinka oo maanta kulan balaaran ku yeeshay gudaha magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobbalka jubbada hoose,waxaa ay si cad oga soo horjeysteen,una cambaareeyeen maamulka gobbaleedka Azaaniya ee dhawaan loosoo magacaabay gobbalada Jubbooyinka iyo Gedo,kaasoo uu hogaamin doono Pro Maxamed Cabdi Gaandi' oo horay u ahaan jiray Waziirkii hore ee Gaashaandhiga ee dowlada KMG ah ee somalia haatana kamid ah Xildhibaanada dowlada somalia.


Kulankaan oo ahaa mid si heer sare ah loo soo agaasimaya,islamarkaana ay kasoo qeyb galeen Suldaano iyo Oday dhaqameedyo aad u tiro badan ayaa intii uu kulankaasi socday waxaa dhaliilo iyo eedeemo loo soo jeediyay maamulka cusub ee Mr Gaandi,waxaana ay cuqaashu dhaqanka sheegeen in maamulkaasi uu yahay mid aan matali karin Beelaha iyo shacabka soomaliyeed ee dega gobbalada Jubbada Hoose,J/dhexe iyo gobbalka Gedo.


Nabadoon Ismaaciil Haaruun'' oo kamid ahaa Odayaashii ka qeyb galay kulankaasi islamarkaana kahadlay madashada Shirka waxaa uu sheegay in hadii ay yihiin Garaadyada,Culumada iyo Odayaasha dhaqanka ee gobbalada jubbooyinka inaysan jirin wax taageero ah oo ay u hayaan maamul gobbaleedka Azaaniya ee somaaliyeed (Satate Of somalia) ee dhawaan loo soo magacaabay gobbaladaasi oo ay ka taliyaan maamulka Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al-shabbab.


Odayaashu waxay kaloo ay shaaca ka qaadeen dagaal ay lagalayaan maamulkaan cusub ee lasoo magacaabay gobbalada jubbooyinka,iyagoona Pro Gaandi oga digay inuu soo weeraro gobbalo ay haatan nabad iyo barwaaqo ka jirto ''sida ay hadalka u dhigeene''.


Dhawaan ayay ahayd markii magaalada Limuuru ee dalka Kenya uu ka dhacay Shir balaaran oo ay ka soo qeyb galeen Wafuud ka socotay beesha Caalamka,Waziiro ka tirsan dowlada somalia,Odayaal dhaqameedyo iyo qeybaha kala duwan ee Ururada bulshada kaasoo,waxaana kulankaasi lagu magacaabay maamul lamagac baxay maamul Gobbaleedka Azaaniya,kaasoo lagu wado inuu ka howli gali doono gobbalada jubbooyinka iyo Gedo oo ay ka arimiyaan Maamulada Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al-shabbab.


Xasan Nuur, Hiiraan Online

Kismaayo, Soomaaliya

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Odayaashu waxay kaloo ay shaaca ka qaadeen dagaal ay lagalayaan maamulkaan cusub ee lasoo magacaabay gobbalada jubbooyinka,iyagoona Pro Gaandi oga digay inuu soo weeraro gobbalo ay haatan nabad iyo barwaaqo ka jirto ''sida ay hadalka u dhigeene''.


ma iyada ba hano qaaday maxay la dagaalami;) odayshani waba dagaal suge markastaba

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Jacpher;708134 wrote:
How is this professor soon to be warlord different than others who failed at any attempt to unite these three gobalo under one admin? His Geology and Anthropology degree give him more convincing power in the locals miyaa?

He was useless as a defense minister for the dawlada ku meel gaarka, marka madexweyne ha laygu yeero waaye sheekadaan.


lol@XX, Kismaayo ayey ku sugaayaan the mighty Azanian army. :D

Maamul Kenyati wato meel uma socdo.

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