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although you didn't give me any evidence from KITAAB and SUNNAH and compared Salman Al-Faris and Salafis which, in my view, are not in a same context since Faris is a country same as bukhari, Naysaaburi, Casqalaani etc. and salafi is a concept not a plce.


Akhi, May Allah reward you, as for your question concerning if we can make Salafiyah as part of our “kunyah” Nickname or call ourselves salafies…, this question was posed to the contemporary scholars such as Albani and others, they say there is nothing wrong with it as long it is the truth. Your will find that the Companions did something similar:


Abu Ayyub al-Ansari,

Al-Baraa ibn Malik al-Ansari

Habib ibn Zayd al-Ansari

Umayr ibn Sad al-Ansari


Also The scholars Shaykh Fawzee al-Atharee , al atharee means Salafee


Imaam Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali ( who was the student of Imam Ahmed, who took his mandhab as his kunyah)




Shaikh al-Albaani: "When it is said to you, ‘What is your madhhab’, what is your reply?" Questioner: "A Muslim". Shaikh al-Albaani: "This is not sufficient!". Questioner: "In that case I am a Muslim upon the Book and the Sunnah with the understanding of the Salaf us-Saalih". Shaikh al- Albaani: "When a person asks you about your madhhab, is this what you will say to him?" Questioner: "Yes" Shaikh al- Albaani: "What is your view that we shorten this phrase in the language, since the best words are those that are few but indicated the desired intent, so we say, ‘Salafi’?"


Allaamah, ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Ibn Baz


– the [former] mufti of Saudi Arabia was asked: What do you say about the one who calls himself ‘ Salafi’ or ‘Athari’ ? Is this is a tazkiyah (purification) of his own self? So he replied – may Allaah have mercy upon him – "When he is being truthful [in his claim] that he is Salafi or Athari then there is not harm in that, [this is] similar to what the Salaf used to say, ‘So and so is a Salafi’, ‘So and so is Athari’ . This is a tazkiyah (commendation) which is necessary, a tazkiyah that is obligatory." (Cassette: Haqq ul-Muslim 16/1/1413 Ta’if)



Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan was asked "Is the one who gives himself the title of ‘as-Salafi’ considered to have set up a ‘hizb(sect)’?". To which he replied, "There is no harm in labelling oneself with Salafiyyah when it is in truth.


thus we take our deen from the scholars…Walilhamd...Jazakallahu Khair.

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To answer your question: First of all I am Muslim and Islam is the only thing i'm proud of it, nothing else.

your a muslim? Isnt a Qadari a muslim, isnt a shia'ee a muslim, khawarij,Durus,Calawi,Sufee,Mu'tazilah,Murji... etc...Do they not all call themselves Muslims, and are they not proud of it? Yet they all have different beliefs system.


So what is the difference between you and them?


in relation to the Manhaj, as i said before it's depend on the person's level of knowldege

HOw does your manhaj depend on your level of knowledge...When a manhaj is the avenue one understands the kitab and Sunnah? Sahal how do u understand the kitab and sunnah?


as i am very simple muslim who has no deep knowldege of Shari'a

I follow Kitab and Sunnah and if there is difference between the Uluma on interpretation of Ayah or Hadith
I follow the one I see it's near to the right
and most cases i follow Shaafi'i madhab or the majority of Uluma with full respect of other interpretations.

If your a simple person who does not have the deep knowledge, then how can you determined

what "Is near to Right?"


for example: a Scholar says, Allah does not have eyes, but it is a metaphor

and another scholar says, Allah has eyes, and they are real eyes....which one do u take?

just by reading their fatwah...and each one has their own prove.


and if you follow Shaafi'ee most of the time, wouldnt that be Taqleed(blind following). one man cant be your manhaj, can it??


Imam Shafi'ee said:"Imam Ahmed, you are more knowledgeable about Hadeeth than I, so when a hadeeth is saheeh, inform me of it, whether it is from Kufah, Basrah or Syria, so that I may take the view of the hadeeth, as long as it is saheeh." Related by Ibn Abi Haatim in Aadaab ash-Shaafi'i (pp. 94-5),


cases i follow Shaafi'i madhab or the majority of Uluma with full respect of other interpretations.

you say you follow Imam Shaafi'ee madhab...why is that? what does Imam Shaafi'ee have that Abu haaneefah did not? why choose him over Imam Malik who was the grandson of a Sahabi, who also was the teacher of Imam Shaafi'ee,?


So should every muslim take a scholar as their madhab...imagine every Muslim taking their own imam as their madhab(much like the sufies)...where in the quran or Sunnah does it say to follow one man...



if i reach the student level which, is unlikely, i would compare and contrast the four madhab and other Salaf's interpretation and present Uluma's interpretation and follow where the evidence is stronger.

So would that be your manhaj, comparing & contrasting the fatwah' of scholars?



My question: following your answer; Could other groups call themselves the names that they like such as Tabliigh, Ikhwan, Taxriir, Muhaajiroun, Qaadiriyah etc.?

These groups and sects are among the 73 different sects ...their 'Aqeeda(belief) is not that of the Salaf us Saleh, but rather their beliefs are founded by their founders...all these Sects and groups you mentioned differ in 'Aqeeda(belief), their 'Aqeeda is build on innovation(bid'ah). We all know the saying" All innovation is misguides, and all misguides is in the fire."

Thus the one who ascribes himselves to these groups, has ascribed falsehood unto himself.


Inshallah you will have the same courtesy, and respond to my questions...



my question still remains....what is your Manhaj???

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Brother Salafi, maybe you can make the question clearer for our brother by explaining the meaning of manhaj, so that he can understand the diffrence between taqleed and deductive reasoning or the following of what the salif followed.

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Salafi, first of all Thanks for responding my questions and accepting this debate and also creating apart thread.


I hope that me, you and others will benefit from this debate.


to return the debate:


Originally posted by Salafi_Online:




Akhi, May Allah reward you, as for your question concerning if we can make Salafiyah as part of our “kunyah” Nickname or call ourselves salafies…, this question was posed to the contemporary scholars such as Albani and others, they say there is nothing wrong with it as long it is the truth.




Yet, there is no evidence from KITAAB & SUNNAH.

in addition as yourself and many others in this group made clear the Salafiyah is more than just Nickname "Kunyah" rather, it's question of JANNAH & NAAR, RESCUE and DESTRUCTION enz. this is what you wrote about the other groups:


These groups and sects are among the 73 different sects ...their 'Aqeeda(belief) is not that of the Salaf us Saleh, but rather their beliefs are founded by their founders...all these Sects and groups you mentioned differ in 'Aqeeda(belief), their 'Aqeeda is build on innovation(bid'ah). We all know the saying" All innovation is misguides, and all misguides is in the fire."

Thus the one who ascribes himselves to these groups, has ascribed falsehood unto himself.



therefore you can't claim that Salafiyah is just Nickname.




Your will find that the Companions did something similar:


Abu Ayyub al-Ansari,

Al-Baraa ibn Malik al-Ansari

Habib ibn Zayd al-Ansari

Umayr ibn Sad al-Ansari


Muhajiroun & Alansaar (R.A) were different at all since they were named ALLAH (S.W.T) and his MESSENGER (S.A.W).



Also The scholars Shaykh Fawzee al-Atharee , al atharee means Salafee



Others called him not by himself.



Imaam Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali ( who was the student of Imam Ahmed, who took his mandhab as his kunyah)



You refused me to follow Shafici madhab (even though i'm not calling myself al-shafici etc and not following if other's evidence are stronger) and you agreed someone to be called HANBALI madhab :confused:




Shaikh al-Albaani: "When it is said to you, ‘What is your madhhab’, what is your reply?" Questioner: "A Muslim". Shaikh al-Albaani: "This is not sufficient!". Questioner: "In that case I am a Muslim upon the Book and the Sunnah with the understanding of the Salaf us-Saalih". Shaikh al- Albaani: "When a person asks you about your madhhab, is this what you will say to him?" Questioner: "Yes" Shaikh al- Albaani: "What is your view that we shorten this phrase in the language, since the best words are those that are few but indicated the desired intent, so we say, ‘Salafi’?"




Allaamah, ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Ibn Baz


– the [former] mufti of Saudi Arabia was asked: What do you say about the one who calls himself ‘ Salafi’ or ‘Athari’ ? Is this is a tazkiyah (purification) of his own self? So he replied – may Allaah have mercy upon him – "When he is being truthful [in his claim] that he is Salafi or Athari then there is not harm in that, [this is] similar to what the Salaf used to say, ‘So and so is a Salafi’, ‘So and so is Athari’ . This is a tazkiyah (commendation) which is necessary, a tazkiyah that is obligatory." (Cassette: Haqq ul-Muslim 16/1/1413 Ta’if)



Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan was asked "Is the one who gives himself the title of ‘as-Salafi’ considered to have set up a ‘hizb(sect)’?". To which he replied, "There is no harm in labelling oneself with Salafiyyah when it is in truth.


thus we take our deen from the scholars…Walilhamd...Jazakallahu Khair.



first of all I respect all uluma not part of them as you do (remeber how you were insulting Shekh Qaradawi), and i respect their views about this matter, but do you think that they meant that muslim should be proud and distinguish from other muslims by saying I AM SALAFI or all what they meant is; nothing wrong to say i'm following the path of our Salafu Salih?


Secondly nothing wrong means MUBAAX or PERMISSABLE but it would be better if they add with condition ... etc, as others say or themselves my say but it is not mentioned here i.e nothing wrong to call yourself Salafi etc. as long as this would not lead TACASUB, hatred and differences between muslims.


So i tend the later FATWA otherwise everyone would be proud to his/her madhab and we'll lose as ALLAH S.W.T said in the QURAN.

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You wrote:

your a muslim? Isnt a Qadari a muslim, isnt a shia'ee a muslim, khawarij,Durus,Calawi,Sufee,Mu'tazilah,Murji... etc...Do they not all call themselves Muslims, and are they not proud of it? Yet they all have different beliefs system.


So what is the difference between you and them?



Brother, I know very much your groups terminology and how they differentiate between the muslims but i want to give you a medicine my ALLAH give you and me and the rest readers it's benefit.



ALLAH (S.W.T) and His MESSENGER (S.A.W) ordered us a unity in many places in the KITAAB and SUNNAH and as we know the UNITY is not an option in our religion rather, it is an obligatory same as SALAD, ZAKAT AND FASTENING etc. however our PROPHET (S.A.W) told us in some Hadiths that there will be differencies between the Muslims and all what our prophet (S.A.W) told us is true, authentic and geniune which means this happened and it is happening now and so in the future.


But many muslims like yourself and your group are mixed up two different things which are;



which one should we follow or concentrate the NEWS or ORDER?


I think you'll answer ORDER not the news since we believe that despite the NEWS that our prophet (S.A.W) told us will happen and in fact happened and started early years of ISLAM, despite that we believe that the news is not important the important is to keep the UNITY of UMMAH, weather this news happen or not we're ordered to keep the unity of the MUSLIMs. so brother we've to ignore the NEWS (KHABAR) since we can't do anything about it and concentrate the ORDER which we can do much about it, ignore doesn't mean it will not happen but we have to not concentrate much rather, we have to concentrate what we are ordered and recommended by ALLAH and his MESSENGER, which is UNITY.



I will give you an example:


If you want to travel in a dessert land and the dessert expert person told you that the sun will be very hot so always keep enough water to drink and to have a shower etc. which of these two different thing you would concentrate The WATER or SUN.


any intelligent person would concentrate WATER and not SUN because he/she want to survive, therefore his/her priority would be to have enough water. the result will be if ther's a hot Sun he/she survived, if the sun was not so hot he/she didn't lost anything, and this is the wisdom of ordering UNITY because either we survive or we would be the highest.


Similarily, those who concentrate differences between the muslims is like the one who concentrated the SUN and forget the WATER which is the source of survival since he/she will die without it, the hot Sun is one of the desserts nature as the different opinions is one of the Human being's nature.


So, do you want us to concentrate the Muslim differences or the UNITY.


don't you know that the SAHABA (R.A) were had differencies about many things and the same were valid all our SALAFU SALIH who you're claiming to be on thier path.





The difference between them and us is: Despite their differences they concentrated the WATER (UNITY) not the SUN (their differences).



Finally, my question this time is what do you think this RULE:



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Brother Sahal, im a fraid you failed to answer my questions, not only that i asked you, what is the difference between you and those Muslims who we differ in 'Aqeeda, and you when on a Synopsis of UNity. Unity is not the issue here, what i would like to known is what is the difference between you and A Shia'e,Durus,Qaraadiyah, Habashi,Ash'ari...etc...because they are all muslims and they are all proud of it, just like yourself? Yet they all have different beliefs concerning Allah and his religion!


as for ascribing the name Salafiyah...We are not fortune enough to have the messenger of Allah(saw) with us or the revealation send down to us live, however we have his inheritors, its clear Alhamdulillah...from our beloved Mayshakh....and we will not change our views contrary to theirs. If you are Sincere in your Claim akhee u WOULD accept it from them. Walilhamd


don't you know that the SAHABA (R.A) were had differencies about many things and the same were valid all our SALAFU SALIH who you're claiming to be on thier path.

BROTHER BAARAKALLAHU FEEK , the Sahab had difference of option(Ikhtilaf)on certain issues, which even the scholars do, and they each have proves for their opinions....however the Sahab nor the scholars NEVER EVER had differenceS of opinion on 'Aqeeda.


and this is what we differ with the other groups and sects. THeir beliefs('Aqeeda) System.


the Rest of the post is about Unity....i will address that, but not until you tell me what you MANHAJ IS?


Manhaj(methodology) is this:


a word which indicates your aqidah and your thought and your starting point in your lives and which relates to the affairs of your religion by which your worship Allaah. in Short, you a muslim who follows the quran and sunnah, but according to who's understanding????


it is not Blind following(taqleed) a shaykh, or


Ijtihad(virdicts given by a scholar when their is no evidence from kitab & Sunnah)



alas,what is your manhaj?

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I thought i would be kind enough to address all of your points.



therefore you can't claim that Salafiyah is just Nickname.

Na'am akhee i never claimed it was JUST a nickname....i was referring to placing it at the end of your name, like this.... "Farax-as Salafi" which is known as a Kunyah, or saying "im a salafi"


Its, permissable according to our belove Mashaykh, and for each action a muslim does, either he is rewarded for it or its a sin....there is no in between. And if it is permissable, then inshallah we anticipate a reward.


Secondly nothing wrong means MUBAAX or PERMISSABLE but it would be better if they add with condition ... etc, as others say or themselves my say but it is not mentioned here i.e nothing wrong to call yourself Salafi etc. as long as this would not lead TACASUB, hatred and differences between muslims.

Hatred and differences between who, those who are on the Salafi manhaj and those who oppose it? Hatred between who? As for the latter, its natural that their is Differences between the salafi manhaj and those who oppose it, because if there wasnt any differences then there would be no 73 difference sects to begin with.


akhee we can not move forward until i know what your manhaj is?

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Salafi Online - I gave you my sincere advice but it seems that you don't want to take NASEEHA from poor slave.


Secondly, I told you I'm Muslim but you insisted to say what's your manhaj, if you mean the sects i'm not from any of the sects that you mentioned no your sect (Salafiyah Qaddiimah, Jadiidah etc), I am Muslim, Sunni. my believe is the believe of Sunni muslim i.e SIX PILLARS OF IIMAAN and how the Uluma (Salaf & Khalaf) interperted.


to go deeply, i'm very poor slave who never claimed (and INSHAALLAH will never claim) that he is more knowldege or IIMAAN than other muslims, on the contrary one who see himself a weakest IIMAAN, Lowest worship and full of sins.


unlike you and your group, I'm very lean toward Muslims i love them all and i belong to them, i'm not arrogant i never claimed that i'm better than them although i know some of them are on a wrong way, but i always try to tell them the easiest and the best way not in ARROGANCE way as your group do.


unlike your group, my focus is not the differences between the Muslims rather, I would like to see a united Muslim in one State one Amir one Aim one love each other and i'm working to that even though i'm doing very little.


as I said before the differences are NEWS and the UNITY is the ORDER that we've to achieve it. therefore i'm not focusing the News but i'm focusing the ORDER and the target.


To sum up, my manhaj is different from your Manhaj in many parts the main points are:


1. How to deal with Muslims (kayfa nataacamal macal mulimiin)


2. How to deal with non Muslims (Kayfa natacaamal macal kufaar)


3. The priorities (Tartiibul Awlawiyaat)


this is sum if i remember any other point i'll post it later.


Finally, I have to tell you that you haven't answer my question.


I asked the Evidence of KITAAB and SUNNAH and all what you said is Sheikh Albani said ..., Sheikh Bin Baz said ..., etc. you didn't mention single Ayah or Hadith.


Theferfore my question still remains unanswered.

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May Allah Increase me in Sabr(patience) ameen Ya Rabb…... Akhee how can we move on if i dont know your manhaj.




A muslim: One who takes the Shahada(testamony of faith)

Sunni: One who follows the Sunnah of the prophet (saas)


According to these two definitions every group and sect can claim to be a muslim and sunni!!!

Just like yourself, Sahal


Secondly, I told you I'm Muslim but you insisted to say what's your manhaj, if you mean the sects i'm not from any of the sects that you mentioned no your sect (Salafiyah Qaddiimah, Jadiidah etc), I am Muslim, Sunni. my believe is the believe of Sunni muslim i.e SIX PILLARS OF IIMAAN and how the Uluma (Salaf & Khalaf) interperted.

I don’t think you understand….Inshallah ill make my points very very very very very simple,


" There will not cease to be a group from my Ummah manifest and upon the truth not being harmed by those who forsake them neither by those who oppose them" and he (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) also said, "And this Ummah will split into seventy-three sects, all of them in the Hellfire but one".


So You say you’re a muslim, you say you’re a sunni…. So brother, what is the different between you and those 72 sects who say they are muslims and say they follow the sunnah yet they are heading to the fire …. HOW DO YOU KNOW YOUR NOT ONE OF THEM…


therefore what is IS YOUR MANHAJ (methodology) as oppose to theirs?


May Allah increase me in Patience....


Also, it is evident from the above Hadith that that there will be One group in this Ummah manifest and upon the truth not being harmed by those who forsake them neither by those who oppose,


So Sahal who is this ONE group, the key word here is One, not many, but One? is this group the Ash'areies, Mu'tazilah, Salafiyah.Durus..SHia.Khawarij...Hizb tahreer...etc ???



unlike you and your group, I'm very lean toward Muslims i love them all and i belong to them, i'm not arrogant i never claimed that i'm better than them although i know some of them are on a wrong way, but i always try to tell them the easiest and the best way not in ARROGANCE way as your group do.

You Love and Lean toward those who Curses Aisha,Umar, Abu bakr(ra), you Love and lean towards those who says Angel Jribil make a mistake and should have revealed the quran to Ali(ra), and that Ali is far greater then all the prophets of Allah

you Love and lean towards those who who call other muslims disbelievers and make the blood of the muslims lawful(ie Khawaraji) who are the dogs of the hell fire, as mentioned in an authentic narration?


’Abdullaah Ibn Abee Awfaa said: Messenger of Allaah has informed us that the Khawarij are the ‘dogs of the Hellfire” Ahmad (4/3272-372), it was authenticated by Shaykh al-Albaanee in Dhilaalul-Jannah (no. 508).


Ibn Abbaas (d. 68H) said: "Indeed the most detestable of things to Allaah are the innovations." Reported by al-Bayhaqee in as-Sunan al-Kubraa (4/316)


Do you love those who introduce Innovation in the religion of Islam? Those who earn the Wrath of Allah, the curse of the Angels and that of Mankind?


The Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) also warned against the People of Innovation, from befriending, supporting or taking from them saying: " Whoever innovates or accommodates an innovator then upon him is the curse of Allaah, His Angels and the whole of mankind ." Reported by Bukhaaree (12/41) and Muslim (9/140)


love them all and i belong to them,

are these the people you love and belong to?



i know some of them are on a wrong away

akhee May Allah reward you...And May Allah Increase me in patience.... if they are on the wrong away, then what distinguishes them from you? How are you on the right way and they are on the wrong away… If you are a muslim and they are muslims and you claim to follow the sunnah and they claim to follow the sunnah!


unlike your group, my focus is not the differences between the Muslims rather, I would like to see a united Muslim in one State one Amir one Aim one love each other and i'm working to that even though i'm doing very little.

Akhee,im sure your desire is genuine, but akhee how can you desire that wish the Prophet(saw) said will not happened, ”My Ummah will split…...into 73 sects”


Shall we Unite on Innovation...and Earn the Curse of Allah, the Angels and that of Mankind??? Is this Unity???


as I said before the differences are NEWS and the UNITY is the ORDER that we've to achieve it. therefore i'm not focusing the News but i'm focusing the ORDER and the target.

Sorry akhee I don’t understand any of this, the sentence structure is incomprehensible. Most of your posts are similar to this! Inshallah you’ll take more care with your prose.


May Allah increase me in Patience


I asked the Evidence of KITAAB and SUNNAH and all what you said is Sheikh Albani said ..., Sheikh Bin Baz said ..., etc. you didn't mention single Ayah or Hadith.

Akhee im deeply saddens me that you feel i have not responded to your questions, I am not a scholar of the Kitab and the Sunnah,

This is why Allah said" If you do not Know Ask those who know"


Therefore, i took the proper steps and asked those who are expert in Quran&Sunnah, they gave their rulings..we accept this from them, because we acknowledge their CIlm and status in this Ummah,This is our manhaj(methodology) may not be yours. but bro...May Allah reward you..its up to u to take it or leave it!


Sahal,Inshallah you'll refrain from gearing the Discussion to Unity...or other stuff...inshallah you'll adhere to the rules of the discusion, you should answer my questions,


Which still remains:


what is your manhaj(methodolgy)as opposed to the 72 different Sects who are heading to the fire?


and if you do not know....its best you say so!!!

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Salafi, as i said b4 you're on a situation that it is difficult for you to turn round, you're on the top of the peak.


I ask ALLAH not to reach me such TACASUB and blindness for any MADHAB.


I think these two quotes are enough evidence for your TACSUB and BLINDNESS for this hate MADHAB.


on one hand you're refusing other Muslims to follow one of the SALAF imams like SHAAFICI, AXMAD, ABI HANIFA AND MALIK in the light of KITAB and SUNNAH, and the other hand you're too proud to follow KHALAF (contemporary) imams without any evidence from KITAB and SUNNAH and yet claiming you're following the path of our SALAF and accusing what you're doing which is blindness following.



So should every muslim take a scholar as their madhab...imagine every Muslim taking their own imam as their madhab(much like the sufies)...where in the quran or Sunnah does it say to follow one man...




Na'am akhee i never claimed it was JUST a nickname....i was referring to placing it at the end of your name, like this.... "Farax-as Salafi" which is known as a Kunyah, or saying "im a salafi"


Its, permissable according to our belove Mashaykh, and for each action a muslim does, either he is rewarded for it or its a sin....there is no in between. And if it is permissable, then inshallah we anticipate a reward.
So, it's permissable according to your beloved Mashaykh without any evidence from KITAAB & SUNNAH and yet you're accusing others by following others without evidence from KITAAB & SUNNAH.


you asked me repeatedly my MANHAJ as you want me to say I'm not salafi and then to accuse me i'm one of the 73 sects who will go to hell.


salafi i told you i'm not on your path accuse me or not i'm not the SALAFI which you're member of it I could easily say my manhaj is SALAF manhaj but my fear is a one of two:


1. First of all what is difference between me and your group who are also claiming to be following our SALA's path despite their clear contradiction of their saying and their practice.


2. Secondly i'm a very weak iimaan slave who live in KUFRI land in 21st century so i'm very shy to say i'm following our salaf's path and live as i live now.


ALLAH said in his QURAN MAJID:




which roughly means





The only thing i always ask ALLAH is FORGIVENESS through my admittance of my sins and not doing enough for ALLAH"S way not through my arrogance and claiming by following our salaf's path since our SALAF couldn't allow themselves to live as we live now.



So, i'm not going to tell you i'm salafi but instead i'm telling you I wish to follow their path and I hope to see one day that ISLAM become master of the world.



Finally, I hope I gave you the answer you were expecting, so please answer my question which should you answer first before you ask me any question.

and remember give me the evidences from KITAAB & SUNNAH and no more mashaykh's sayings or admit that you failed to find any evindece from the KITAAB and SUNNAH.



P.S. Where are the others to judge between us?

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So, it's permissable according to your beloved Mashaykh without any evidence from KITAAB & SUNNAH and yet you're accusing others by following others without evidence from KITAAB & SUNNAH.



Baarakalllahu Feek, akhee Fear allah man.....who said you follow others without said your a Shafi'ee in exclusion to the other imams...Do you see me calling myself albanee, or Bin Baazee..ect?!?!


akhee, Do we have to go over this a 100 times...for example the phrase Ahlul Sunnah will not find a Hadith or Ayat that says these exact words, but rather you will find that the Messenger of allah said, Follow my Sunnah and stick to the Jamaca, So the companions and the scholars who came after coined the term Ahlul Sunnah WalJamaCat....aite....or Sunni its not in the quran and Hadith...Yet you use it


The rest of your post was just drama...So Bro I dont think you know your Manhaj as appose to the other groups and sects...If you astrive to follow the Salaf, then dont be shy to ascribe to them...nor criticize those who call and adher to their Path....


Just like you are content sayin "Im a Sunni" Well im A SALAFI END OF STORY


May Allah guide me and increase me in Patience....

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Qac Qaac   

Sahal naga dhaaf pls... Salafi online be salafi if u want to.. but hope u see other ppl's rights not only salafi way.


be salafi if u want to. but dont' tell us is the way..

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I didn't call myself but others (including non Muslims) called SUNNI the Muslims other than Shi'a, but you called yourself as SALAFI and no one calls you and THIS IS THE POINT. if others call you i would never oppose it since you wouldn't be asked what others call you, but what you claimed to be if you didn't fulfill its condition and as i said before it's almost impossible to fulfill the conditions of your claim i.e Salaf way of life particullarly when you live in the West or live in the Muslim countries but have a BAY'A with FAHAD, MUBARAK and their alikes.



The rest of your post was just drama...

I was expecting this and may be worse from you since they teach you mocking of other Muslims and labeling them different names and insulting the ULUMA'S outside your ring, all these and many more are the main features of your hate group.



Forget my DRAMA i just want to ask you some other questions:


The first one is one you asked yourself in another thread but as usually you didn't answer it:


What is the Stance of your group the corrupted Muslim Rulers espicially FAHAD and MUBARAK?


and please without copy and paste and without manouvering please say your stance.

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I was expecting this and may be worse from you since they teach you mocking of other Muslims

Hmmm...Is that true? then how would you explain the following!


Originally posted By Sahal: as i say b4 go your
to other places, you're
they're really
among us and we should disclose their tricks..... The peoiple are neither blind nor sick like you

When you learn your manhaj as oppose to the other 72 sects heading to the fire....then maybe we can have a reasonable debate....Until Then May Allah Open your Heart to the Haqq

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