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Godane interview;

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Godane Interview

Here is my full interview with Sheikh Muktar Abdirahman Godane, the leader of Somalia's al-Shabab rebel movement. Only one quote made it into a*story I recently wrote for

To me, the most interesting part is at the very end, where Godane essentially acknowledges that his group is using Islam as a tool, and that al-Shabab's fight has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with clan rivalries.

Talk about al-Shabab's connection to Jihadi groups outside Somalia.


Yes, we are well connected to the other Muslim jihadist organizations _ in Afghanistan, Iraq and many others.

*Where does your money come from?

We have different sources of funds. A rich Muslim person may raise money from his savings or properties. To fund the jihad for the sake of Allah is the best fundraising there is. We also have rich Muslim Somalis and non-Somalis, who are members of the al-Shabab. We also have funding sources from local Somali NGOs under the so-called United Nations and international NGOs. Members of our organization own local NGOs so the funds to be used for the organization will approved by the all concerned bodies of al-Shabab.

Describe your plans for the future.

Our plan is to remove the anti-Muslim forces and Sheikh Sharif's fake TFG very soon, inshallah. We want to establish a real Islamic government but don't want to be joined by non-Muslims. We are not like Sheik Sharif. We are real Muslims.

How many fighters do you have?

I cannot tell you the number of our fighters exactly, but it is clear that we are winning every single attack and we control from Mogadishu to Harardhere. Through that, you can get a better picture about our Mujahiddin.

How many Americans do you have in your ranks? Can you confirm that Abu Mansour al-Amriki is among you?

We do not say this is an American, this is a Somali, this is an Arab. We are all Muslims, mujahidiin, we do not discriminate against the mujahiddin, this is the idea of the kuffar, this is an American, that is a Jew, those are Europeans. They are Muslims and mujahiddin.

About al-Amriki, during a time of training or special operation, we usually call any person who has lived in America or is a citizen of America al-Amriki. We also use this name to give high morale to those who are from America, but there is no specific person that we call by that name.

Have you allied with the pirates as some media reports claim?

We do not know who you are talking about when you say pirates, but if you mean those whom we have removed from the base of Haradhere, you can know that we criticize what they do as being against Islamic law.

Are you afraid of American helicopter strikes?

The American government will do many attacks against Islam, as they have tried to remove us and others. Only Allah can remove us. America cannot remove anything. They are enemy of Allah, and they will taste his punishment if they don't ask for forgiveness.

Do you plan to attack the United States?

Regarding attacks in the USA, it depends on our special political officers who deal with the American government. So if politically we think it will be successful and secure, we will do everything that we can do against the American government either inside America or abroad.

What do you mean 'our special political officers?' Do you have spies in the U.S. government?

We do not have political officers of ours employed by the U.S. government, but people who deal with the U.S. government's political affairs office for Somalia based in Nairobi under the U.S. Embassy. They do implement our political plans in order for us to safeguard our supporters based abroad in Kenya and the USA.

I myself came to power in al-Shebab backed by Somalilanders and members of the Somali National Movement who wanted to implement the tenets of the SNM's foundation. The Somaliland officials have close contacts with U.S. officials based in Nairobi. We learn from afar what the American government is doing or planning to do in Somalia, and always we maintain our interest in the safety of our supporters and members living abroad.

I would like to end this interview but there is something else I want to say.*The establishment of al-Ithihad, and later al-Shabab, is based on an ideology rooted in the Irir tribe and this ideology was that the Irir tribe should get an opportunity to rule Somalia, hence when we sat down and think about it, we found the best path to success was to use the Muslim religion as a tool in order for us to rule Somalia. This rule would prohibit any person belonging to the ****** clan from having a top position in the organization except as simple fighters. This idea was backed by the rulers of the Somali National Movement, the rulers of Somaliland, because they wanted to rule all of Somalia. I as the leader of al-Shabab do not represent a Muslim community but I represent the Irir community, the tribes of Issak and ******. And as far as we succeed to rule Somalia under Islamic law, we are going to do that. By using the Islamic religion as a tool, we want to rule Somalia and protect from any ******- formed government in Somalia.

what do you think guys i just got it?

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