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What's the greatest Somali love story ever told?

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So who you’ve met that has rekindled this forgotten deed?:)



Like I said we are all capable of loving someone so truly and faithfully that it defines logic and those closest to you will seriously question your sanity and rightly so, however, some are lucky enough to share a lifetime with their beloved while others will forever be slaves of regret even if they never admit it because they’ve forever lost their beloved, the one they thought they would spend the rest of their lives with!!



LOVE...the most beautiful word in any language but sadly for me.......I'm allergic to it.






Peace, Love & Unity.

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bobby, you seem like the guy next door. you strike me as pleasant and well mannered. are you telling you couldnt find a nice lady. unless, of course, your a playa!


go for a cougar, i hear its all about older women these days. they say 50 is the new 30, well at least in your case somaha?

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BOB;707258 wrote:
So who you’ve met that has rekindled this forgotten deed?



My Love is beautiful

Its overpowering

The greatest force in the land

A flash of light that leaves men blind

But I know she is unique

She is one of a kind. ... Duke

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lol @ Alpha,


I hate the word 'Playa' and over the years I came to understand that there's nothing called 'Playa' only young boys running around with loads of moneky business. I guarantee you, no man can play women all the time, you might get lucky once or twice but trust me eventually you'll be the one crying foul and in misery because women can easily tell when a guy is lying to his teeth and there's never been better pretender on the planet then bilcaamaha and their game is deeper than any man's wallet marka I always distance myself from the word 'Playa' because I know it does not exist...maybe ONLY in naive boys' minds.:)


I'm an old school young blood and I don't mean to brag but I can teach you one or two things about the fairer sex but I'm afraid that you might label me Alex Hitchens.;)



Convey my heart-felt greetings to my beautiful sisters down in Hargeysa...tell them adeer BOB said Hi.:cool:










Peace, Love & Unity.

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Stop making me jealous now PLEASE...:(









Peace, Love & Unity.

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BOB;707276 wrote:

I'm an old school young blood and I don't mean to brag but I can teach you one or two things about the fairer sex but I'm afraid that you might label me Alex Hitchens.



Convey my heart-felt greetings to my beautiful sisters down in Hargeysa...tell them adeer BOB said Hi.:cool:










Peace, Love & Unity.

Bob, I like your style....

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Tell me more about your beloved...!!!


By the way, on behalf of Zeinab, Suad, Shamso, Nimco, Muna, Nasra, Roda, Hodan, Deeqa, Zahra, Luul, Maryam, Ayan, A&T, Nuune, JB, Mzansi,Somalina, Kool_Kat, Juxa, Val, Ibtisam...have a blast dear girl, Aaliyah and many many more allow me to say... I'm loving this romantic and sensitive side of yours!!! oday adeer ii ah ayaa wuxuu dhihi jiray...geesi waa kii bilcaan intuu hor joogsado waan ku jeclahay ku dhaho...:D


^^^What we collectively want to know is...Whaaaaaaaaat's Uuuuuuuuuuuuuup?:D









Peace, Love & Unity.

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Can someone translate the following? Showqi adiga soo dhejisey, fadlan get to work. :)


Baxsanay habeennada indha baal ma saarinoo,

Duni baadi weeyoo bilisina illowshaha,

Wa u beer nugayloo ba'a iyo baraaraha,

Baraarahay xuseeyaan anse baal ka marayoo,

Biimahaad ogayd iyo cirkoo biriq hillaaciyo,

Bartii roobka duufaan biyihii shubmaayiyo,

Dakhalkii bacramay baan baayeey ku selelaa,


Bisin alla bir weeyaan sow bilow ma taabinoo,

Eebbe ima ballaysiin anoo baaxa degayoo

Bes ah oo hafanayoo bixi layd naftaydii,

Baaqaan hayeeey iri sow Cali-badmaaxoo,

Birrigii imuu gayn baari iima qabanoo,

Berrigii imuu gayn naftaan qaaddir bixinayn,

Ogow wey badbaaddaa


Waa baab jacayloo baarax uma ledaayoo

Baddaasaad arkaysoo buuraha la moodoo,

Badraankii libaax iyo hambabarada booddiyo,

Bahaluhu ka buuxaan way bila dayahoo

Buruudkii Badmaaxiyo nuur layga biliyaa,

Waa boog jacayloo bukaankii la yaab ma leh,

Beerkiyo wadnaha iyo bogguu hoy ku leeyahay,


Waa baab jacayloo Billaawihii afaystoo,

Bedenkayga degayoo igu beeray boholyow,

Waa baab jacayloo waxa ii bogsiina ah

Ama ii bushaara ah oo ii baraara ah,

Ama ii barwaaqa ah baanashada haweenoo,

Badmaax-aan hantaayoo berri aannu kulanoo,

Beryasamo ku waarraa!!.

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Ooh Noooooo....Nimco Naasir Cali...Oh Dear Lord Nooooo!!!! Have you been bitten by the seasonal bug too?:(








Peace, Love & Unity.

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Bob: First of all there is nothing sensitive about a man who wants a woman, it’s natural and thank the lord that I am naturally inclined that way.


I don’t want to give to much away but I remember this Shakespeare Sonnet, when I think of her..


My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;

Coral is far more red than her lips' red;

If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;

If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.

I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,

But no such roses see I in her cheeks;

And in some perfumes is there more delight

Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.

I love to hear her speak, yet well I know

That music hath a far more pleasing sound;

I grant I never saw a goddess go;

My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:

And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare

As any she belied with false compare.


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Ooh la la...duqa si xun aa laguu hayaaye...hadee halkee xaajiyada ku nooshahay aan kuu doonee...according to Waxaa La Yiri weekly Gazette oo uu JB watay ayaa waxaa ku yaalay article ku qoran magacaaga iyo keeda oo waaba laguu yaqaan qofta ayeey wararkii ugu dambeeyay sheegahayaan marka Good Luck xalwadana hanaga qarin hana naga qadin oo waa ogtahay reer Kismaayo xalwada waa ku dhaartaan.:D








Peace, Love & Unity.

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