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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland president Axmed Siilaanyo visits the hospital of Hargeysa + Pics

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Never knew he'd need that much militia in Hargeysa!

Thnk So lang Afduubtayaal jiraan (like u) he need army do u forget which part on world SL located?

Where is the rule of law and regulations. Transparency of government. Look at that street they are walking on. It needs to be paved and asphalted. Why don't they put these masses of people that are unemployed an get them to pave roads. They should learn what President Kagame of Rwanda has done to turn around Rwanda.

Maah maah baa tidhaa " Habar fadhida lagdini wax uga fudud"


How lang is Kagame is on power and how match help did he receive from world

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General Duke;706415 wrote:




Never knew he'd need that much militia in Hargeysa!

Incredible, is it the front lines or part of the city?


These men look like Ethio soldiers. Silanyo must be scared from SSC,,,, and AS....

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AfricaOwn;706529 wrote:
^^ How Cadde doing? Is he enjoying his retirement? Tell him I said hi and that October 2007 event was just hard feelings.

Africanown, the fact you needed to change the subject is proof that you have no justification for the amount of militia he needs. All the talk of how peaceful we are compared to the south is continuously being proven to be all talk. Because Siilaanyo actually needs all these gunmen just so he can visit a hospital in the Hargeysa!


That doesn't look like a safe place to me!


Wiil Cusub, as it has already been said.....I dont remember Riyaale needing this much security to travel in Hargeysa!

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Ok, first Faroole is not in Garowe in this picture and you can see there are no buildings, second he is with the vice president and still they dont have as many guards as siilaanyo. Look at the two pics.


Finally, Faroole now doesn't use as many and you will see more guys in suits!


At the very least, despite all your claims, there is little difference between the security situation for both regional leaders.

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Clever title but I was secretly wishing to read about Silaanyo being nursed back to health, instead, I find out he is out visiting hospitals with Ethiopian entourage as his security detail, terrible precedent this old man is setting.


The person who said Riyaale didn't travel with this many entourage and security detail, I second that. Riyaale rageedi waaye, he walked the streets of the clan enclave like he owned it, this one appears to have a faint heart and in danger of collapsing from the hot humid.

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Ciidanka ilaalada madaxweyne siilaanyo oo tacadi isugu jira gacaka hadal iyo hanjaraab isugu daray xubno ka mida saxaafada xortah ee NW Somalia


I rest my case! The man has caused so much instability, he requires so many gunmen to travel Hargeysa.

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Thankful;706607 wrote:
are talking about how many gunmen you need to travel with.....that is what is called warlord.


Who ?? ,, the Pirates ?? ,,, Ma iyagaa wax keleba ka hadla kuwaasi , :D

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^^ What would happen to him without all those security in Hargeisa? You bring up the most silliest arguments ever. Ps. Sillanyo didn't visit Burco while he took power. OMG :)

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JB i've told you before when you always laugh at your postings, it may make sense to you but not to anyone else. "They" as in the media, oodweynenews, which I posted! They as in, I am not the media but THEY are.


Africanown, even media that focuses on NW Somalia issues, is shocked at his security!

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^^No one is making a big deal out of this, but you garowe cats. Everything that comes out of SL just makes you miserable and bitter. SL moved on, and is not looking at you as their countrymen. Just try to move on in life my friend..

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