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Somaliland president Axmed Siilaanyo visits the hospital of Hargeysa + Pics

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Madaxweyne Axmed Siilaanyo Oo Kormeer Ku Soo Maray Cisbitaalka Hargeysa Iyo Dalabkii Loo Qadimay

March 28th, 2011

Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)-Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa maanta kormeer ku soo maray cisbitaalka guud ee caasimada Hargeysa waxaanu booqday oo soo indho indheeyay waadhadhka cisbitaalka guud ka kooban yahay iyo bukaanka jiifa.


Madaxweynaha Somaliland wuxuu ILAAHAY uga barayay bukaanka cisbitaalka lagu daweeyo inuu shaafiyo isla markaana caafimaad deg deg ah siiyo waxaanu yidhi “Waxaana inoo dhiman hawlo faro badan oo loo baahan yahay in qabto kuwaas oo maamulka cisbitraalku muujiyeen baahida loo qabo, haddii Alle yidhaa dedaal weyn ayaynu galaynaa in alaale iyo intii suurowda waanu la qabanaynaa, dadka bukaan jiifka ahna ILAAHAY waxaanu uga baryeynaa inuu caafimaad siiyo.”


“Waxa ii muuqatay in dedaal aad u badan la sameeyay oo wax la qaban karayey loo qabtay dadka bukaan jiifka ah ee cisbitaalka yaala, wax badan oo cisbitalka lagu kordhiyeyna waan arkay,”ayuu yidhi Madaxweynaha Somaliland.


Wasiirka Wasaarada Caafimaadka Somaliland Dr. Xuseen Muxumed Maxamed oo ka hadlay halkaasi ayaa Madaxweyne Axmed Siilaanyo uga mahad celiyay socdaalka uu ku yimid Cisbitaalka guud ee Hargeysa waxaanu tilmaamay inay Madaxweynaha ka codsadeen in laba askari oo tirsanaa ciidamada qaranka oo midna dhaawac soo gaadhay uu ku indho beelay, ka kalena loo iibiyo gaadhi uu ku socdo.


Wasiirku waxa kale oo uu tilmaamay inay Madaxweynaha ka dalbadeen in laga kafaalo qaado biyaha kharashka ku baxa biyaha cisbitaalka guud isticmaalo.

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Where is the rule of law and regulations. Transparency of government. Look at that street they are walking on. It needs to be paved and asphalted. Why don't they put these masses of people that are unemployed an get them to pave roads. They should learn what President Kagame of Rwanda has done to turn around Rwanda.

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Jacaylbaro;706516 wrote:
Hope his visit will change the situation to the better ..............

Have you visited Abaarso Tech yet?

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I don't recall seeing heavy military staff running behind Riyaale Kaahin. Siilaanyo waa nin dakane qaba so waa inuu taxaddaraa.


By the way, when is he visiting Daami?

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If he needs that much militia for a walk on the streets of Hargeysa, Somalia...can you imagine what he would take with him to other towns, if he ever does travel outside of the triangle?


The security he needs is similar to those with blood on their hands and who have made many enemies over their "careers".

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^^ How Cadde doing? Is he enjoying his retirement? Tell him I said hi and that October 2007 event was just hard feelings.

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