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Are You Fit For The Purpose?

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e-Nuri Road Maps





Are You Fit For The Purpose?




That is right!, are you successful?, because success is a measure of how much of a desired result you have attained within a given time frame.


In school you learn that good grades are the ticket to success later in life, only to see, those despised in school riding high with better jobs and more prestigious social status than you the nerd. So, let us ask, are grades a measure of success?


At work, in the corporate world, it is monkey business, monkeys on a tree, the Corporate tree, fighting for bananas (Money), some monkeys climb higher up on the corporate tree, while other unsuccessfull monkeys struggle by hanging on lower branches. Smart monkeys who made it to the top look down at monkeys on the bottom with pride as all they see are lowly smiling monkeys below, while monkeys on the bottom look up at monkeys on top and laugh as all they see is their shining naked rear ends. So, does that mean that the monkey who rides the highest branch and dies with the most bananas in his possession is the most successful?



So, what is success? how do you measure success?


Well, success is simply being fit for a purpose, if you are still undecided of the purpose for which you exist, I assure you with certainty that you will never succeed in life while in this state of aimlessness, because success is a vector quantity, it has direction as well as magnitude, without direction, no matter what quantity you base your success with, it will be hollow and you will feel a big void in your life, a void so large, even a large size Pizza with mushrooms, olives, green peppers would not fill.


Therefore, what we need is to define a Purpose for which we exist, live for and are willing to die for, if called for duty.


Having no purpose in life is like travelling toward unknown destination, you can never be sure of your accomplishment, and hence you may never be happy.


So, the next logical step is to ask the difficult question, who should set that direction for us ? is it us, humans, in other words are some fellow humans ( like our Politicians)the architects of our fate and destiny? are they indeed capable in solving our problems? Contrary to that notion, Einstein said, a problem is never solved at the same intellectual level it was created in the first place, Solution to our problems can only come from a higher authority not from big belly politicians, which means that humans can never be the masters of their destiny since they had no control of events that brought them to life and continues to lead their daily lives.


Now, think with me, before we tackle the problem of success in life, let us define what success means once more.


Success means Fitness For A Purpose .


We all know what fitness means, it means, a set of requirements that measure how close we are to a desired goal or a purpose.


As a runner, I would measure how fast I run a lap or how many minutes it takes me to run a mile. I would also measure my heart pulse, blood pressure, muscle mass, and at one time, for curiosity, I weighed myself before running eight mile distance, and after completing the run at the desired speed , I found that I almost lost a pound and a half, mostly water, which explains that life is a zero sum, you decide what you want to take and what price you are willing to pay for it. So in that example, my fitness meant that I was well within the range of measures that I set for myself to achieve.



Now that we have figured out what fitness means, lets define what a Purpose means.


A Purpose , Reason For Existence, is an internal picture of a past decision, an intention( Niyah )desire to reach an objective or a goal, this definition is not from a dictionary, its a native e-Nuri definition, so in case it agrees with any dictionary rest assured that it is a genuine e-Nuri, since I did not have the time to look it up.


So, success means Fitness For A Purpose ,


The first part, the Fitness is a tangible quantity.


The second part, Purpose , is abstract, it is like beauty, a purpose or an intention to reach a goal is an abstract quantity that can only be measured with a predetermined set of metrics we call Fitness .


Now, the piecs of the puzzle are finally coming together, our success in this life depends on how much we meet requiremensts the stake holder of our life has desired.


As Muslims we all know, the stake holder of our life is Allah SWT, who clearly communicated through revelations that His intention behind our creation was Solely His worship. Allah SWT said in the Quran " I have not created the Jinn and Mankind except for the purpose of my worship "


Therefore our success in the next life depends on how much we have worshiped Allah SWT in this present life.


So, what is Worship?



That is another story altogeher, a very interesting one, and the purpose for which you were created, for which you are given for sensing a pair of eyes, ears, a nose and finger tips, for analysing the data you collect with a brain, all of which are optimized for finding your way back to your maker, the better understanding you have for the true meaning of Worship , the closer you will be to approach success and hence genuine happiness in this life and the next.



............ To be continued






2005 e-Nuri Road Maps

If You Don't Stand For Allah's Cause Alone, You Will Fall For Everything Else

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How many times have you enquired an official in an office about a concern of yours only to get a cold response that sounds like " Sorry, I don't know, I just work here "


Well, without a purpose in life, w ecan oblivious to where we heading all of our life, can someone share their insight on this topic before we park it?



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Bro Nur, I'll not share much insight...but I'll post a over-view of my personal mission statement! Insha'Allah this my gave the nomads some picture - a road map.


My Mission Statement


My mission in life is to testify that their is no diety worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. To observe Salah, Give Alms, Fast, and Perform Hajj to the holy city of Makkah. To contribute to Humanity by enjoining good and forbiding wrong. To commite to Tazkiyah in all areas of my life, spritualy, mentaly, physicaly and emotionaly.

My Ultimate Purpose


My ultimate purpose is to submit all my beliefs, my values, my habbits and goals around Allah's Will. I want to create a life that is totaly aligned to the Source of Infinate knowledge, wisdom and power.

To live: to live in the present, relax and enjoy every moment.

To Love: to cultivate my relationship with others. to understand before I'm understood.

To Learn: to commit to Tazkiyah, personal growth and self-knowledge.

To Leave a Legacy: to contribute to the purification of the Ummah and humanity.


My Principles, Roles and Values:

My Faith - Islam

My Identity: Muslim, Mumin, Muhsin

My opligations: Shahadah, Salah, Sawm, Zakah, and Hajj.

My Mission: Enjoin good, Forbid Wrong, Believe in Allah.


My Family












Family Mission:


Family Obligations:


My Career - Tazkiyah tul-Ummah

House of Wisdom: To educate, to inform and to entertain.

Power Virtues


* Faith * Courage * Humility * Determination *

Primary Question


How can I find and appreciate - even more - the pleasures of Allah in this very moment?


My Code Of Conduct:

I will strive seeking the pleasure of Allah first and foremost

I will commit to tazkiyah in all matters of life

I will remember sincerity at all times

I will increase my knowledge of Islam

I will focus upon refinement of the heart and its cure

I will seek reward from Allah for all my actions

I will observe Salah on time

I will give charity even a Smile

I will not bargain and compromise with my Deen

I will be Proactive, plan and write down my work for tomorrow

I will strive to be orderly and well-organized as a person and in my work

I will maintain priorities in all my duties

I will concentrate all my abilities and efforts on the task in my hands

I will focus on what concerns me and concentrate on my circle of influence

I will not blame the situation

I will not take responsibility for what I am not responsible for, and I will not squander what I am responsible for

I will develop my physical and emotional strength

I will be joyful, humorous and smiling

I will always be positive and constructive

I will consult others and defend those who are absent

I will first seek to understand then to be understood

I will desire success for others

I will not take revenge for my own sake

I will not get angry for my own sake

I will not see for myself a right over others

I will listen twice as much as I speak

I will beware of errors and benefit from them when I fall in them

I know that what befalls me could not have missed me and what missed me could not have befallen me; I will take my soul to account and be open with it; I view that retracting from error is from one's self-confidence and will work on correcting my errors

I do not imagine that anyone is safe from harms of others, so I will save my energy and time from busying with others and their talks (when it doesn't benefit me), and their talk will not matter to me except what is beneficial or what deals with correction of shortcomings.

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Salaax u Deen bro.


MaashAllah, a great list. if you allow Nomads including me to fill out and post it on top of our beds to see everynight before we fall asleep, our transcript. Agreat idea indeed, inshAllah I will have more thoughts on this later.




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The real thing that Iam really lacking is the "ikhlaaas" , Iam also keeping a long list and many unfinished targets which is killing me slowly.


And I keep asking myself "Where I can get the "Ikhlaas" which will help me to be able to achieve all my targets.


Al Ikhlaas with Allah, to be sincere with Allah.

Al Ikhlaas with myself, to be sincere with Myself.

Al Ikhlaas with others, to be sincere with Others.


What Salax u diin mentioned in that great list is required. In order to bring them to the reaily, a big battle should take place between ME & MySELF. Very funny, I know people you'll say what is this insanity. What do you mean by "Me & Myself" you are only one person, not two or three. But what I really mean is to be stronger than my Nafs (Al Nafs Al ammara bel Soo2 inside everyone of us).


Actions speak louder than words always, I wish that we execute everything mentioned in Salax u diin's List & more than that.


I believe that the the road to the Success starts with Sincerety with Allah (Worshiping him RIGHT and not saying only but implemnting it)


Thanx broz

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Zulfa walaal


Ikhlaas is the soul of our faith, without, we can become show-off boastful people who are driven by praise of others, if that is the case Allah will not reward us for our deeds.


You see, walaal, todays media driven world, most people are driven with praise, fame and to be recognized in our feilds of interest, the highest awards in some fields is the Nobel prize, or to be awarded the King Faisal Award for the service of Islam, which I would have awarded to George Bush and Blair, because in my short memory no one has ever caused the stirring of emotions and sending Muslims back to their roots than these two men, so, awards are for recongnition, but human recognition is paid by human awards, we should seek Allah's recognition through selfless deeds that help others, Muslims be they or non Muslims, and never to indulge in any activity that ties Islam with injustice.




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I am reposting this thread to complement the line up of other threads addressing our destiny as a nation and a faith, I hope this time around, more Nomads participate with their valuable thoughts.



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Nur brother thank you very much for writting from your mind/heart i truely do appreciate people that claim their ideas rather than just quate others.


To start with i am not of a very strong faith and i feel like most things in life are covered in a dense fog that hides them from understanding. There is undoubtedly not enough knowledge and the process of acquiring knowledge and clarity of mind is slowed or even reversed by cultural and religious beliefs in my opinion.


You speak of the purpose of life and having accepted that this purpose is as stated by islam you proceeded to say that success is to be fit for purpose. I personally think that success is attainment or accomplishment of a goal or a purpose. But that is not my concern.


My concerns are, say our purpose on earth is to worship or obey GODS will. If all is predestined then all obeys GODSWILL anyway and we can therefore have no purpose for we have no will.


If not and we then have free will to some extent and the future is not written but awaits to happen according to the unknown future choises that each living thing can decide to take, which will all potentialy lead to different outcomes but if GOD has set strict laws of nature within which we must also all live and GOD wont intervene by merely asking or praying ,then we also have another problem.


This problem is a bit complicated but i will still try. If GOD wont intervene on account of the muumin then the believer's duty wont only be to believe but also to always outperform the unbeliever in almost all the fields as well. The reason herefor is that say the kaafirs are more successfull in worldly knowledge as we call it and in wealth.This will also make them more powerfull and they can now either manipulate or simply force you and your family to deviate from your path or just kill you all, wont that affect any future believers by either simply not being born or swayed by sheer pressures eg the instict to survive and their passions or by inferiority complex etc


I have somehow lost the rest of what i was going to say but simply stated ,the current number of believer and the future numbers will in my opinion also depend on our success for other fields as much as our success in practicing or holding on to our religion.

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Time to calibrate our purpose in life, in light of political landscape changes, turmoil and non-ending Tom and Jerry chases between US and Islam.


Share us with your purpose re-alignments of late.




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