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Somaliland a history of wretched warlords treachery

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Egaal wrote a love letter to Rabin of Israel.

Edna Adan told the world that the Somalilanders and her clan were the lost Orphans of the Queen of England.

And Faisal Warrebe stated that to him and his people, a child born in Addis was closer to one born in Mogadishu. No wonder you take pride in what you say, mentioning the names of Amxar & Tigray officers with affection.

all those words are not worst as inviting ethiopian army in .....


what is wrong with to contact Israel .... All those SL leaders ware trying to help their own ppl but not to destroy other tribe while YEY took Ethiopian army into Mogadisho to deveat and destroyd USC ppl


^^^Yes Yusuf was jailed for defying the Ethiopians. Warrabe was promoted for praising them in NW Somalia.

The secessionist love the British colonials, they love Ethiopians more than other Somali's and they hate the nation, the flag of Somalia.




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Lol another desperate secessionist. The TFG of Yusuf time was a government that used support of the international community to fight Al Shabaab/Eritrea and others. The problem for you is that after all this talk. You brought Ethiopian troops to Buhudle and failed to bring it under your control.


Thus secessionist why are you still talking?

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Lol another desperate secessionist. The TFG of Yusuf time was a government that used support of the international community to fight Al Shabaab/Eritrea and others. The problem for you is that after all this talk. You brought Ethiopian troops to Buhudle and failed to bring it under your control.

Dear History Teacher you forget short term history and Somali geography remember Al shabaab was result from that desperate action of your uncle so its better to said not "to fight Al Shabaab" but to create them.

Do you know geographical location of Buhoodle? Do you know that part of Buuhodle is in ethiopian border

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Dear Desperate General just look YT Comments under the video which u trying to use for your trick. Majority of 141 reactions are against that war and re-use of that video.

Comments lagu qoray YT waxay muujinayaan in dadka reer SL ay ka bogsadeen dhibatooyinkii dhacay 17 years ago. aanay ku isku *** isku *** loogu duqeeyo filin ay dad cadhaysani duubeen 17 sano ka hor.

Today Burco waa most develop city in SL relatively.

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And 18 years later we are all united against pirates and their criminal acitivites in the sea's. :D


Ciidanka Ilaalada Xeebaha Sanaag - Somaliland Oo Gacanta Ku Dhigay Lix Nin Oo Budhcad Badeed Ah

March 23rd, 2011


Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Ciidanka Ilaalada Xeebaha ee gobolka Sanaag, ayaa galabta lix nin oo budhcad badeed ah ku qabtay biyaha rabshiga oo 30KM dhinaca Bari ka xigta Magaalada Maydh, sida uu shaaca ka qaaday Taliyaha Ciidanka Ilaalada Xeebaha ee gobolka Sanaag Maxamed Yuusuf Otor.



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LOOOOL, i was expecting to see a small navy kind of vessel? But you only produce speed boats? Something people take when they go fishing? That is your sign of unity?


Actually after 18 years this is just but a fraction of the entire security he needed for travel he made to a hospital in Hargeysa a few days ago! What is he so concerned about? I don't remember Riyaale needing this much.......why does Siilaanyo?



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“Afarta Kursi Ee S/land Looga Taliyo Reer Kaliya Ayaa Haysta, Madaxweynaha, Gudoomiyaha Wakiilada, Guurtida, Maxkamada Sare, Ma SidaasaDumuqraadiyad Iyo Dawladnimo Noqonysa”



9/04/11-Hargaysa-(Bnn) Wasiirkii Ciyaaraha ee xukuumaddii hore ee Rayaale, Maxamuud Siciid Maxamed ayaa Mar labaad ku eedeeyey xukuumadda Madaxwayne Axmed Siilaanyo inay dhinac ka raran tahay, isla markaana beel qudha ka kooban tahay, waxaanu sheegay in beelaha ***** iyo ******** ay ka maqan yihiin meesha afar wasiir oo ay xukuumaddii hore ku lahaayeen, waxa kale oo uu ka dayriyay xaalada siyaasadeed ee wakhtigan uu dalku marayo.


Mr Maxamuud Siciid Maxamed Waxa uu tilmaamay in aan dalku u baahnayn saddexdan xisbi wax ka badan, isagoo xusay in saddexdan xisbi ee jira wax ka badani ay dalka Asqo iyo fawdo ku keeni doonaan haddii la furo.

Wasiirkii Hore ee Ciyaaruhu waxa uu sidaa ku sheegay mar uu shalay ka hadlayey shir jaraa’id oo Xisbiga UDUB ku qabtay Xaruntooda Hargeysa, waxaanu yidhi “Somaliland Afarta kursi ee looga taliyo reer kali ah ayaa haysta sida Madaxweynaha, Gudoomiyaha Wakiilada, Gudoomayaha Guurtida, Maxkamada Sare, hadaba ma sidaasa dumuqraadiyad noqonaysa ma sidaasa dawladnimo noqonysa, meeyay reerihii kale ee Somaliland”

Sidoo kale Wasiirkii Hore ee Ciyaaruhu waxa uu intaasi ku daray in haddii arrintaasi wax laga qaban waayo qaranimada Somaliland meel dheer laga dooni doono, waxaanu yidhi “Waxaan leeyahay maanta taa ma joogtee Somaliland maanta badbaadin bay u baahan tahay, hadaan maanta la badbaadina meel fog baa laga dooni doonaa, dawlada Kulmiye maanta waxa la odhan karaa waa hal reer baa la odhan karaa, Somaliland midnimadeedii way baa’biisay sidaa haday ku sii socotana (No More Somaliland), Somaliland jiri mayso yaan waxba been la isu sheegin, meel aanay jirina yaan laga doon-doonin”


Mar uu ka hadlayay arrinta furista ururada siyaasada, waxa uu sheegay in aan wakhtigan dalku u baahnayn, balse saddexda xisbi ee jira loo sameeyo nidaam iyo sharci, isaga tilmaamay in haddii la furo asqo dalku galayo, waxaanu yidhi “Timirtii horeba dab loo waa, waar saddexda xisbi oo imika jira bal saddexda xisbi ha laga dhigo, oo shuruuc haloo sameeyo, oo cidkasta oo damac leh inay barnaamijkeeda halkaa ka hesho, taas ayaynu u baahanahay maanta, laakiin arrintan asqada ah uma baahnin”.


Wasiirkii hore ee Ciyaaraha iyo dhalinyarada ee Xukuumaddii Rayaale Maxamuud Siciid Maxamed waxa kale oo uu ka hadlay in sababta ay uga baxeen guddidii ka talo bixinta Ururada Siyaasada isagoo arintaasi ka hadlaya waxa uu yidhi “Run ahaantii markii horena waxaanu u ogolaanay guddoomiyaha xisbiga UDUB oo tixgelin odayagaas ayaanu tixgelinaynaa ah ayaanu ku ogolaanay, diyaar baanu u ahayn (Guddida) inaanu la wadno, meel fiican bay maraysay hawshu, laakiin khaladkaa iyaga xagooda ka yimd baanu uga baxnay”.


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