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General Duke

Somaliland a history of wretched warlords treachery

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^^^lol@ Secessionist, the truth hurts in Somalia you will only be mud fish in the traingle you mistake yourselves for Sharks..


Siilanyo, Faisal Warrabe, Egaal, Tuur were all cowards under the Somali state. We also know how Aydeed used to order Omar Arte around all the time..

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USC members were part of SNM before the USC was even created in 1987. And even some continued to be active and part of SNM until the 1989's.



"The ******-led United Somali Congress (USC) had been set up in 1987 in Rome by some ****** who had been members of the SNM."******+part+of+SNM&source=bl&ots=-FvLa5x1Ht&sig=weL1cJuN0xOPEVNh2iUvv966jYE&hl=en&ei=mdyUTfzVCMe6hAeO1p3pCA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=8&ved=0CEEQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q&f=false

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Funny the founder of Somaliland, Tuur. Ended being a lackey of Aydeed. Secessionist used to sing for Siyad Barre, their longest serving leader Riyaale worked as an NSS spy, and their founding father was a stooge of Aydeed.


They are soft arent they. Look at Siilanyo, he needs 50 armed militiamen to visit parts of

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General Duke;707781 wrote:
^^^lol@ Secessionist, the truth hurts in Somalia you will only be mud fish in the traingle you mistake yourselves for Sharks..



. Don't you think they have a legit reason for separating? You always want to keep those people as "mud fish"? Why?


Is Bilan reading this?

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^^^Yeah right the SSDF took over the leadership of their regions. The USC took over leadership of their regions. Riiyaale took over the leadership of your regions. He used to slap old SNM comanders around and the same people started clapping for him and giving their taxes to him. Now thats soft.

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Saalax;707796 wrote:
^^^ Not as soft as SSDF disarming themselfs and giving themselfs up to Siad bare.

;);) Their leader was jailed by the Ethiopians and the rest of the SSDF boys raised the white flag and singed Aaabe Siyaadow Na cafi :D Radio Mogadisho ba laga sii dayey i remember like it was yesterday.Typical ssdf weakeling

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^^^Funny how Riiyaale became the longest serving leader of the SNM enclave while his last job was an NSS comander who beat up Haji Abdullahi Omaar in Berbera...


Thats secessionist for ya, they talk big, but get mugged on the way to the marfish.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;707803 wrote:
;) Their leader was jailed by the Ethiopians and the rest of the SSDF boys raised the white flag and singed Aaabe Siyaadow Na cafi
Radio Mogadisho ba laga sii dayey i remember like it was yesterday.Typical ssdf weakeling


"Colonel Mengistu arrested Colonel Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and several of his key aides and held them in jail until the end of Colonel Mengistu's regime"




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^^^lol. Colonel Riyaale used to work for General Ali Smatar, and this Col Riyaale became the leader of the SNM enclave and enriched himself, extending his term for more than 5 years. There was nothing the many Mujahids could do.

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^^^ Well atleast they were never jailed by a habashi. ;) How humialiating your refuuge uncle and his fellowers were jailed for over 5 years in lice infested ethiopian prisons. ;)




"Colonel Mengistu arrested Warlord stooge Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and several of his key aides and held them in jail until the end of Colonel Mengistu's regime"

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^^^Colonel Menghestu arrested Yusuf indeed, its a historic fact after Yusuf disputed with them over land. Col Riyaale arrested the whole SNM clan in order to get rich.


Which is worse?

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