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Deg deg: Wasiirada dowladda Soomaaliya oo muddo kordhin u sameeyay Madaxweyne Shariif

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Kadib markii ay shir balaaran iskugu yimaadeen Golaha Wasiirada ee Xukuumadda Kmg ee Soomaaliya ayaa waxay qalinka ay ku duugeen in muddo hal sano ah loogu daro Madaxweynaha dowladda Soomaaliya, Xukuumadda Farmaajo iyo Baarlamaanka Somaliya.


Golaha Wasiirada ee Xukuumadda Soomaaliya ayaa waxay min hal sano ay ugu dareen Dowladda Soomaaliya, Xukuumadda Farmaajo iyo Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, si’ay Xukuumadda u sii shaqeyso, bacdamaa ay hor-yaallaan hawlo culus.


Wararka ayaa waxay sheegayaan in kullankani uu shir gudoominaayay Raa’isal Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Kmg ee Soomaaliya Maxamed C/Laahi Maxamed “Farmaajo”, kaasoo isugu xudun u ahaa qabsoomida shirkaan.


Wararka ayaa waxay intaasi ku darayaan in durbaba ay qaylo dhaan culus kasoo yeereyso qaar ka tirsan Xubnaha Baarlamaanka ee Dowladda Soomaaliya, iyadoo aan la-ogeyn habka ay isku waafaqi doonaan.


Majirto wax faah faahin rasmi ah oo kasoo baxay kullani, hase ahaatee wixii kasoo baxa kala soco Shabakadda oo isha ku heysa kullankani oo ay yeesheen Golaha Wasiirada ee Xukuumadda Soomaaliya.

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That's actually good news i mean Sharif and faraamjo started this let them finish another term there is no point to select a new president and prime minister let them continue

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Actually better to find solution within Moqadisho, instead of running to and from Nairobi and Addis. It doesn't matter who is on top if they work together as a team. But unfortunately this is not the case. There is deep political instability. It is possible in the next few hours to see another news and decisions opposite to this.


People need peace, stability & they can't wait any longer.

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when did ministers become law makers? I guess its all well sense every branch of the government is extending their terms without asking anyone, I hear the supreme court is do to vote any day in extending their term also, lol

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This will upset alot of General Dukes LOL. Anyways a extension for Sheikh Shariif & Farmaajo is maybe the most sensible thing for now as they are trying to get rid of Al shabab before the end of the year i don't think they have time for elections.

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This is good news We Have no time for elections

I hope not xWarlords who sits in parliament opens their mouth


Plus I've noticed Sharif and Faraamjo have workt well together in recent months

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Dowladda KMG ah oo hal Sanno ku darsatay Mudadii uu xukunkeedo ku ekkaa


Axad, Maarso 27, 2011 (HOL) - Kulan aan caadi ahayn oo ay golaha wasiirada isugu yimaadeen ayeey ku go'aansadeen in ay hal sanno ku darsadaan mudadii ay ugu ekeyd dowladda oo ku aadan bisha August ee Sannadkan.


Kulankaan oo shir guddoominayey Ra'iisul Wasaaraha dowladda KMG Maxamed Cabdullahi Farmaajo ayeey ku go'aansadeen in muddo sannad ah loogu daro hay'adaha dastuuriga ah ee dowladda. Taas oo ay ka bilaabaneysa bisha Agoosto ee sannadkan kuna dhammaandoonta bisha Agoosto ee sannadka 2012


Wasiirka distuurka iyo arrimaha Federaalka Maxamuud Maxamed Boonow ayaa shir jaraa'id oo ku faahfaahinaya in mudada sannadka loo kordhiy Xukmadda looga baahanya howla ay ka mid yihiin:


· Dhismo Ciidan oo Dhameystiran lehna Tiro, Tayo, Qalab & Hogaamin.

· Soo Celinta Guud ahaan Amniga Dalka ( Mudo Kooban).

· Dowlad Wanaag.

· La Dagaalanka Musuqmaasuqa.

· Dhameystirka Dastuurka Qabyada.

· Ka Saarida Dalka Nidaamka KMG & Gaarsiinta Dawlad Rasmi ah.

· Tayeynta Shaqaalaaha Dowlada & Abuurista Shaqooyin Dheeriya.

· Daryeelka Bulshada & Gaarsiinta Gargaarka.

· Dib u Dejinta Barakacayaasha.

· Dib u Heshiisiin Dhameystiran.

· Dhismaha Xisbiyada Siyaasadeed iyo


Go'aankan ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmay xil uu jiro khilaaf distuuri oo dhexeeyo madaxweynaha iyo Guddoomiayah Baarlmaanka.


Go'aankan ayaa waxaa la horgeyndoonaa baarlmaanka, si uu ansixiyo, ayada oo ay jirto in baarlmaanka oo horay u go'aamiyey in doorashada madaxweynaha la qabto bish Agoosto ee sannadkan.

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As long as the Somali government exists it's good news. Farmaajo's cabinet led by the Hargaysa native Omaar is doing a good job. The secessionist search for recognition also needs an extension since it has failed over the last 20 years...

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