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One of Mogadishu's favourite Warlord - Maxamed Dheere freed

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Maxamed Dheere oo Goor Dhoweyd laga Siidaayey Xabsigii uu ku Jiray (Sawiro & Cod)


Muqdisho (RBC) Maxkamada gobolka Banaadir ayaa goor dhoweyd siideysay Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb [Maxamed Dheere] oo tan iyo hotaantii bishii Febraayo ku xirnaa xabsiga dhexe ee magaalada Muqdisho.

Siideynta Maxamed Dheere ayaa waxaa ku dhawaaqay gudoomiyaha maxkamada gobolka Banaadir Xaashi Cilmi Nuur kadib markii maxkamadu dhegeysatey kiiska loo haystey Maxamed Dheere.

Maxamed Dheere ayaa maanta la horgeeyey maxkamada gobolka iyadoo ay ahayd markii ugu horeysay oo maxkamadu dhegeysato eedaha loo haysto Maxamed Dheere. Waxaana joogay xubno ka mid ah eheladiisa iyo qareeno u dooday.

DKMG ah ayaa ku eedeysay Maxamed Dheere inuu ku lug lahaa dil loo geystey dad rayid ah oo ka dhacay agagaarka Ex-Fiyoore ee magaalada Muqdisho 15-kii Febraayo. Dadkaasi oo ka qeybgalayey dibadbax lagu taageerayey dawlada.


Waxaana Maxamed Dheere soo xiray ciidanka Amisom oo ay la jiraan kuwa nabadsugida ee DKMG ah galabnimadii 16-ka Febraayo.



Xeer ilaalinta maxkamada gobolka Banaadir ayaa sheegtay maanta [27-Mar2011] in maxkamadu ay wax dembi ah ku weysay Maxamed Dheere sidaasi darteedna uu fasax yahay laga bilaabo maanta.


Waxaana isla markiiba Maxamed Dheere loo kexeeyey gurigiisa oo ku yaalla degmada Boondheere ee magaalada Muqdisho.


Wariyaha RBC Radio ayaa soo sheegaya in dad aad u fara badan oo ki faraxsan siideynta Maxamed Dheere ay isugu soo bexeen afaafka hore ee gurigiisa si ay u soo dhoweeyaan.

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I didn't realize 'favorite' and 'warlord' can go together.


Bring his stinky behind to Hague. Make him an example for the nineteen dozen warlords butchering the country.

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oba hiloowlow;705980 wrote:
Saalax the guy would be a great leader lol


lol. "Madaxweyne Maxamed Dheere" has a catchy tone to it.

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^^^ You forgot to add Shangole, Abdulahi Yusuf, General Darawish, Gacmadheere, Musa suudi yalahow, Ali mahdi, ina Caato. Basically most of the past political figures in parts of Somalia happen to be warlords. ;)

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No problem, Abdirahman Tuur, Egaal Omar Arteh, Siilanyo, kahin and all SNM comanders present and the past

Are not only traitors but also warlords of the worst kind.

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Well Tuur AUN, Cigaal AUN, Aided AUN are all deceased men they are with their lord. This is about present warlords who are living as refuuges who escaped somalia such as Abdulahi yusuf that should be held accountable for bringing ethiopian troops to mogadishu, goldogob and many other parts in somalia.

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Maaddeey;705999 wrote:
Jacpher, including the retired ones sow maaha?

Do you say that because you understand and acknowledge the legitimacy of ICC or qabiil bee kaa tahay?

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Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.



Subxan Allah. Fawallahi soomaalidu intay sharka, qudhunka, iyo shayaadiinta sidaas u taageeraan nasri iyo guul ha sugina.

Bal meeshan fiiri, nin taariikhdiisa aynan qofna ka qarsanayn baa sidaas loogu dabaaldagayaa, waxaadba moodaa in nabi loo soo daayey. and we wonder why somalia is what it is, "Inalallaha laa yuqayiru maa biqawmin xataa yaquyiru maa bi anfusihim"(Allah ma badalo qowm xaaladay ku sugan yihiin, ilaa ay badalaan waxa naftooda ku jira).


Ilaa ay soomaalidu together isaga qabtaan"warlords" like this guy, ha sugina khayr iyo nabad. Qabiilada soomaalida marka la eego, wallahi sometimes waxaad soo xasuusan qawlkii Allah:

أَلَيسَ مِنْكُم رَجُل ٌ رَشِيد ٌ(Is there not among you a single right-minded man?")


Marka qabiilkastoow u sacabi your "warlords", iyo qabqablayaashiina, hadhowna "ala allow wadanka noo hagaaji" la soo shir taga.

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