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Ismahaan sheeko khiiyagali ya kugu sheekayey


This is passportka lagu so galo Hargeysa (for non Sland somalis they have to have either this passport or a visa to enter it. Unless of course they are people who fled the war(which is a different case concerning Somaliland immigration patrol & asyluum, refuuge center).

Present a Somaliland passport to any immigration officer and he will send you back in the direction you arrived.


I am told this is exactly what happened to President Dahir Rayale Kahin in few years back.;) Plus adigaan hada yaa eega pass portkaga , name salah, born in 1/1/ 19... in muqadisho, somalia, nationality : somali etc kugu qoran. :D

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Ismahaan;705907 wrote:
Present a Somaliland passport to any immigration officer and he will send you back in the direction you arrived.


I am told this is exactly what happened to President Dahir Rayale Kahin in few years back.
Plus adigaan hada yaa eega pass portkaga , name salah, born in 1/1/ 19... in muqadisho, somalia, nationality : somali etc kugu qoran.




lol. Actually it's name Salah born in Burco Boodhweyn - Somaliland. ;) I don't have a Somalia passport.


Only British, Somaliland.

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Saalax;705911 wrote:
lol. Actually it's name Salah born in Burco Boodhweyn - Somaliland.
I don't have a Somalia passport.


Only British, Somaliland, Ethiopia.

Hayaay, xataa anaa!!:D:D

Teeda kale ma ethiopianka injirta leh baad pass port kooda ku faaniin belo belo belo.:(

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Ismahan, walaale marka hore, it's NOT Kismanyo but K-I-S-M-A-Y-O, there is no 'n' in it, marka xigaa xaal baa lagaa rabaa oo caasimada Jamhuuriyada Dimuqraadiga ah ee Soomaaliya ayaad ku qaladay magaalo madaxda sadexaad ee Soomaaliya!!!






PS. Nina Night Crawler, You know me, if I had any pictures of Kismayo I would've bombarded you with them by now but unfortunately I don't have none and by the way thanks for the loving line I knew you had it in you:D...teeda kale did you know that the one you posted is actually my old neigbourhood and if you look closely you can actually see our house (I know you don't know our house, but hey....ding dong) I've had that same pic in my Facebook album ever since I was shown to our house by my brother...ladies and gentlemen that is Calanley the birth place of BOB!!! :D







Peace, Love & Unity.

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^BOB: Wait no more. I found these ones. I am sure you won't have difficult recognizing them well. Enjoy them.




Alla maxaa banooni la iiga jiiday halkaan. Every time ciyaalka xaafada manage to get a new football, kuwo inkaar qaba oo orad lala gaareyn baa cirka ka soo dhaca. Bob how many balls you lost to dhagaxa?




Still standing? This must be one of the few things survived and still standing after twenty years of dagaal is is-erersi. Brings back old memories.

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Jacpher, THANKS a lot bro...but I'm ashamed to admit that I can't tell where exactly the first picture is, I know it's Calanley but I don't know where exactly!!! I remember that boat too...the owner is called Sheikh Ibrahim (forgot his surname)...I forgot about Kismayo to be honest after all I left there in 91 and haven't been anywhere near my city since!!!:mad:


it's sad when one spends almost two thirds of one's lifetime in a foreign lands away from his homeland, isn't it? Well, that is me!!!:(



Thanks for the pics nevertheless bro.









Peace, Love & Unity.

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