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One Darwiish speaks with the entire Sec Enclave at the height of Kalshaale War (The Mole's Findings)

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A Darwiish warrior and Mole who as a pretend Secessionist spoke to the entire leadership of the Secessionist enclave from President Siilaanyo downwards to the Interior Minister, Defence Minister, Chief of the Army and some other Secessionist leaders such as Ina Kaahin Spy Chief and former SNM rebel and last but not least the mad Faysal Ali Waraabe has in the past few days released secret tapes with the above mentioned individuals.


He found out how the secessionist plan to attack Cayn region, the ministers send to Lasanod and how their trustworthiness was in question alleging that most were new 'Somaliland' recruits who recently 'switched over' and thus not trustworthy. They mentioned Dawdar and others who they also described as extreme Religious individuals linked to 'radicals' and the mission they were in Lasanaod for.


They said Siilaanyo had replaced the ones who were with the 'cause' for the past 20 years with some individuals who only recently changed over. They slashed Xaabsade in particular, the Information Minister as being untrustworthy to the highest degree.


Furthermore the militia in Sool need to be constantly 'bribed' Ina Kaahin remarked 'as you know if we do not give them money they will immediately go over to the opposite side' and 'then wage war against us'.


Nuux Taani Somaliland's Chief of the Army revealed how scared they are but later on he says that 'Now everything is not as difficult and hopeless as before, there are no attacks expected from Tukaraq and some of the SSC have switched over'.


He emphasised that Kayse's switch over to them and who is in Burco 'now' but heading towards Hargaysa has 'significantly reduced the Buuhoodle and Cayn freedom fighter's capabilities' and that 'they have become weak as thereof' and 'therefore expect to be invaded anytime by us'. On the question if the troops are being considered to be send back he reclaimed 'that they will be not going back only further into Cayn region until we capture Buuhoodle'.


This is interesting as the last couple of days the Secessionists were preparing for a last and final push towards Buuhoodle but Puntland at the same time said 'that they will be defending Buuhoodle and Cayn, if attacked by the Secessionist'.


It seems with Keyse coming over to them they have regained more confidence in actually capturing Buuhoodle this time around.


It's long the tapes that is and you need to listen to it to yourself but the funniest part is the Darwiish Mole saying to the Secessionist Army Commander that he has spoken with some 'men' who belonged 'to the clan' and 'are part of the armed forces of Djibouti, who provided him with satellite photograph's of Ahmed Karaash's men and troops and their whereabouts' by which the Secessionist Army Commander replied 'Yes it's how you told it, indeed they were at the spot you told us'.


That Darwiish guy has given us insights how the secessionist leadership from President down to Chief of the Army speak to everyone and give away sensitive information without any regard to whom they're speaking to and this shows us how the unprofessional secessionist decision makers under Siilaanyo operate and their incompetent ways of not giving away your own secrets.

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This should be known as 'Kalshaale-Gate' or 'Siilaanyo-Gate' whereby the entire secessionist executive has been recorded on tape passing on sensitive information.


The entire Executive from President down to Defence Minister to Chief of the Army.

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Nuux Taani gives away the telephone numbers of Gaboose the interior minister, Siilaanyo's number too and other important contact details all recorded.


It's apparent that the Mole is a Darawiish from the way he's speaking and asking him the questions but Nuux Taani does not seem to get it as foolish secessionist.

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SSC must have a reason to fight with such schizophrenic extremists who are suffering insecurity and lack of mutual respect with their neighbors.

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SSC Secret Service wire tapped Warlord Siilaanyo and entire SNM mafia leaders



Dhagayso Hadaladii Horjoogayaasha Maamulka Hargaysa ee Ciidamadda Sirdoonkeenu SSC ay duubeen


Ciidamadda Sirdoonka ee SSC ayaa soo fagaya codad sir ah oo ay ka duubeen qaar ka mid ah Horjoogayaasha Maamulka Siilaanyo kuwas oo ay kala hadlayaa hagardaamooyinka ay la damacsan yihiin shacabka SSC si shirqooladda ay dhawaan, Sirdoonka SSC waxa ay shacabka SSC ugu talo galeen codadkan in ay ku ogaadaan cadaawadda, ciilka iyo jabka ay inoo hayaan Beesha ***** iyo Maamulkooda


Waxana wali dhawaan ay Ciidamadda Sirdoonku soo bandhigi doonaan codad kale oo horle kuwaas oo ay ka mid yihiin Gaboose iyo Cadami ha moogaan Allssc



1. Warlord Siilaanyo - Wareysi Sir ah


2. Warlord Nuux Tani - Wareysi Sir ah







Sir: Faysal Cali Waraabe Xukunka Jamhada SNM Waxaa Isku Xeeray North Hergeisa Iyo East Burco subclans


Marlabaad waxaan la qarin karin Xogta ay heleen Ciidanka Sirdoonka SSC kuwan oo u dhabagalay Caqliga iyo Ra’yiga ay qabaan Cadowga Shacabka iyo Deegaanka SSC.


- Halkan Ka dhageyso wareysi sir ah


Codkan oo laga duubay Faysal Cali waraabe iyo Qolo ay isku hayb yihiin oo Dagal Dalka Maraykanka. Hadaba Faysal oo dhabta iyo xaqiiqda u taab taabanaya hoosna ugu dhaadhacay arinta dhabta ah ee Jamhada SNM.

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Somalidiid websites Hadhwanaag "maanta waxa ka dhacay ceebtii ugu xumayd ee soo wajahda siyaasiinta reer somaliland"


madaxwayne siilaanyo ,, nuux taani iyo gudoomiye faysal cali waraabe ha iska casilaan xilka umada sirta ay bixiyeen darteeed



salaan ka dib waxaan rabaa inaan halkan ka iftiimiyo war ku saabsan waraysiyo la sheegay in laga qaaday madaxwayanah somaliland mr siilaanyuyo ,, mujaahid mohamed kaahin ahmed iyo taliyaha ciidanka qaranka somaliland nuux taani iyo mudane faysal cali waraabe ,,


halkaas oo ay dhamaantood kaga hadleen sirta qaranka iyo waxyaabo aan munaasib ku ahayn inuu ku hadlo nin ama qof sida xilalka ama mansabyada ay umada reer somaliland u hayaan ,,


hadaba markaan dhagaysatay ka dib waxaan qirayaa inaan arkay codadkooda oo ku hadlaya ama bixinaya waraysiyo aan qof somaliland u dhashay jeclaysanlahayn ,, ama qof weliba oo u dhashay somaliland uu ka naxay markuu maqlay..

aad baan uga xumahay dad siyaasiyiin sheeganaya ama madax umad dhan u ah inay si fudud ku bixiyaan sirta qaranka oo ay u gudbiyaan qof anaay hubi cida uu yahay oo kala soo xidhiidhay dibada halkaas oo aan odhan karo maanta waxa ka dhacay ceebtii ugu xumayd ee soo wajahda siyaasiinta reer somaliland ,,,


waxan aad ugu nasiib badnayn waraysiga laga hayo mudane siilaanyo oo uu ka baydhay inuu ka jawaabo suaaaalo aad xasaasi u ahaaa ooo uu si kooban uga jawaabay ,, sualaahaas oo haduu si kale ama sida ay rabeen dadkii waraysanayay uga jawaabi lahaa maanta qaran jab ku noqon lahayd umada reer somaliland ,, taas oo aan odhan karo wuxuu madaxwayne siilaanyo ku badbaaday maadama uu yahay nin diplomaasi ah suaaalo badan oo xanaf lahaana si dadban uga jawaabay ,,


hadaba ceeb waxa dhigay ,,,


mudane faysal cali waraabe oo u hadlay sidii qof suuqa ku qayilaya ka dib markuu u kala saaray umada reer somalialnd xaafado iyo dad dano gaar ah isku bahaystay ,,

aniga oo qirsan in faysal cali warabe yahay siyaasi fudud oo ana ka fiirsan cida uu la hadlayo ama hadalka uu odhanayo hada´na waxaan ka xumahay waraysiga noocaas ah eeuu siiyay qof aanu garanayn ama aanuu hubin waxa uu yahay ,,


mujaahid mahamed kaahin aad baan uga xumahay hadalo badan oo uu ku hadlay anigoo arinkan haduu dhabyahay ku soo koobaya masiibadii ugu xumayd ee siyaasi reer somaliland ah laga arko muddo badan ...


waxaan ka codsanayaa madaxda waraysiyadaas bixisay inay umada u sheegaaan cida ka qaaday iyo sababta ay sidaas oo dhan ugu warameen qof yar oo qurbaha ku nool

hadii ay leeyihiin waxay ahaayeen waxaas wax aan jirin wa ainay keenaan cadayn buuxda oo aan ku qanaci karo hadan nahay umada reer somaliland ,...

hadii ay tahay dabin loo dhigay oo ay galeeena waaa in siyaasi kasta oo xil u haya umada is casilaa si ay u noqoto inay meesha ka baxday ragii sirtooda la qabtay inay umada sii hogaamiyeen


digniin ; siyaasi kastaa waa inuu iska hubiyaa qofka uu la hadlayo ama uu siinayo waraysi maadama ay somaliland tahay umad cadaw badan yeelatay




azin olol







Somalidiid Website Hadhwanaag :digniin ku socota siyasinta cidmada iyo hogamiysha somaliland kaga timi qurba joogta somaliland?


dig niin ku socta hogamiysha xisbiya siyasda somaliland dhamaan hadaanu nahay qurba joogta somaliland waaxnu uga digayna in ay iska ilaliyaan tephoneda laga soo wacayo debeda ee


dig niin ku socta hogamiysha xisbiya siyasda somaliland dhamaan hadaanu nahay qurba joogta somaliland waaxnu uga digayna in ay iska ilaliyaan tephoneda laga soo wacayo debeda ee


lasga dhigayo qurba joogta soma;iland anay wadaan wax yalaha foosha xun qolada somaliland diidka ah


kuwa u jooga qurbaha ee naas nuujiya sida ay colaad uga dhalin lahyen wadanka sommaliland kuwaaso u fulay geed dheer iyo geed gaban sida ay u dumin lahyeen somaliland taasuna may noqon mid dhab ah


oo naftooda ayay hafrayaan waxana aan leyahay siyasiiynta dadka nocaas ah waa in ay iska ilailyaan ee ka wareysanya sirta qaran ka sirta cidanka sirta wadanka gabi ahaan ba telfonada aan la garayn


bal hadaba waxa ay sameyeen taliya cidanka qaran somaliland ayay wareysteen yagoo ku wareysanaya


jahliyada somaliland baanu nahay nooga waran cidamada somaliland maka soo baxayaan dhulka ay joogan waxana ugu jawabay sida tan maya hada awaxa ay soo qoreen sida ay warabahintoda ay u galiyeen in ay ka dhigtaan ban shaqo ay ukala dheryaan sirta qaranka somaliland hadaba ila dhagyesta


dhagystayaal cajilkan ay dubeen ayna soo galiyeen war bahintooda la dhaho


abwaan mustafegaagale





Somalidiid website : Digniin Culus oo ku socota Madaxda Iyo Masuuliyiinta Golayaasha Baarlamanka Iyo Golaha Guurtida.


Marka Hore Waxaansalaamaya Dhamaan Saxaafada Sharafta Leh Somaliland. Ee Sida Daacada Ugu Adeegata Bulshada Gudaha Iyo Dabadaba Joogta.


Digniin Culus oo ku socota

Madaxda Iyo Masuuliyiinta

Golayaasha Baarlamanka

Iyo Golaha Guurtida.




Marka Hore Waxaansalaamaya Dhamaan

Saxaafada Sharafta Leh Somaliland.

Ee Sida Daacada Ugu Adeegata Bulshada

Gudaha Iyo Dabadaba Joogta.

Waxaan Idin Leeyahay Ilaahay Haydinka

Abaal Mariyo Hawshaad Haysaan Aamiin.



Hadaan Usoo Noqdo Digniintan Waxay Kusocotaa Dhamaan Intaan

Kor Kuxusay Madaxda Iyo Golayaasha Somaliland Oo Dhan.


Waxa Igu Kalifay Digniintan Ama Maqaalkan Oo Ah Mid Aad U

Mihiima Inaan Usoo Gudbiyo Madaxda Iyo Muwaadiniinta

Markii Aan Arkay. Saxaafada kooxa Somaliland Diidkaha Sida

Buuhoodle Iyo Taleex Iyo Boocame Oo qoray Hadalo Iyo

Waxay Sir Ku Sheegeen Aanse Ahayn Wax Wayn Ayse Rabaan

Inay Helaan Siraha Iyo Xogta Madaxda Iyo Masuuliyiinta Sare.

Ee Somaliland (Be Carrefull Allways). Cadawga Iyo Xumaan Doonka


Markaa Waxaan Usoo Jeedinayaa Talo Tay Aniga Ila Tahay

Madaxda Iyo Masuuliyiinta Somaliland Inay Ka Taxadiraan Taleefoonada

Ay Ku Waraysanayaan Dadka Iska Dhigaaya Jaaliyadaha Dibada.


Inkastoo Aanlaga Maarmayn In Laysku Waraysto By tlf. Hadan Waa Inay Aad U

Taxadiraan Madaxduna Waa Inay Yeeshaan Tilifoono Ugaara. Waliba Mobilada

Aad Iyo Aad Halooga Taxadiro. Iyo Kuwa Kaleba


Waayo Waxay Kooxaha Nabadiidka Ahi Ay Heegan Uyihiin Inay Is Nacsiiyaan

Madaxda Muwaadiniinta Ah Ee Kasoo Jeeda Sool Iyo Buuhoodle Ee Gartay

Waar Dadkiina Iyo Dalkiina Wax Laqaybsada Iyo Madaxda Iyo Masuuliyiinta

Kale Ee Ay Wada Sheeqeeyaan Ee Reer Somaliland.


Waxaan Somaliland Diidka Aanu Ilaahay Uga Baryaynaa

Inu Ilaahay Soo Hadeeyo Oo Soo Hanuuniyo Aamiin.

Fidmo Iyo Foolxumo Iyo Xaasidnimo Iyo Xasarad

Ayaa Khayrkood Kareebtay.Xaqa Ilaahay Haydin Garansiiyo

Dhib Ayaad Rabtaa Iyo Dagaal Iyo Colaade. Wiilkuma Dhashee Ogaada.

Xishooda Oo Ilaahay Ka Xishooda Oo Waalaydinka Xishoonayaaye.

Is Daba Qabta Oo Gunimada Kasoo Laabta xaqa Ilaahay Haydin Garansiiyo Marwalba



Wabilaahi Towfiiq Ilaahay Ayaa Mahad Iska Leh



Xamse ayaanle copenhegan

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I don't get this. Didn't these same websites claim that they had killed the Mujahid Ina Kahin, now they have a recording of him talking about sensitive state secrets. Is the man dead and this so called Mole has found a passage to paradise and after interviewing the Mujahid returned to share his findings. Or the more likely scenario is that this is a lie just like the claim you killed the Mujahid.

Btw, if you have to lie at least make beliveable. No point in fabricating something only the faithful and desperate will swallow.

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^^^^ LOL my thoughs exactly. Few days ago they were claiming they killed Ina Kahiin. This shows nobody should take those SSC clowns serious.

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Abokor Omar;704042 wrote:
I don't get this. Didn't these same websites claim that they had killed the Mujahid Ina Kahin, now they have a recording of him talking about sensitive state secrets. Is the man dead and this so called Mole has found a passage to paradise and after interviewing the Mujahid returned to share his findings. Or the more likely scenario is that this is a lie just like the claim you killed the Mujahid.

Btw, if you have to lie at least make beliveable. No point in fabricating something only the faithful and desperate will swallow.

Falaadhi gilgilasho kaagama go'do.

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Ina Kaahin was killed in Kalshaale with name of Ali Kaahin, a brother of Mohamed Kaahin, the second one in his family


Faysal Ali Waraabe is done! Good job

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looooooooooooooooool@secret service .......... I thought waxa dagaalamayaa inay xoola raacatadii yihiin or is it only marka la qabto ?? :D

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