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Badhan, Sanaag: Local governing council of 27 elected which has elected a Mayor deputy

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So GD and LST, what say you about the planning and flawless execution of this process? Well, it's been quite an adventure and it played out well. Now, the folks of Maakhir, though silent and skeptical of changes, have embraced the mother of all change and we've made our word good about NOT wanting to be under the SIILAANYOs of this world. We'd rather share with other brothers, however much that entails play-fighting whenever boredom begins to set it. After-all, men without little scuffles are no good for much, are they? :D


PS: Kaftan; For heaven's sake, a 1200 years old dynastic sultanate from Great Geraad DHIIDHIIN to present day cannot, no wait, allow me to capitalise that -CANNOT- in fact dare not, become the subjects of isolent, make-believe rag-tag micmicry-statehood of Siilaanyoland! The old master of the 'Sultanate of Somaliland' would rather dig his own grave, and shovel himself in. :)

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Kaftan; For heaven's sake, a 1200 years old dynastic sultanate from Great Geraad DHIIDHIIN to present day cannot, no wait, allow me to capitalise that -CANNOT- in fact dare not, become the subjects of isolent, make-believe rag-tag micmicry-statehood of Siilaanyoland! The old master of the 'Sultanate of Somaliland' would rather dig his own grave, and shovel himself in.


Those be fighting words :D

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^:D just blowing off some steam. Having had the chance for the net due to ackward shifts but now....I am so here!

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Bashiir;704130 wrote:
Bottom up approach....good stuff...

what are you talking about? The Ssc has the whole state and this includes the capital Erigavo. Go ahead and ask about it :)

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Guddoonka golaha deegaanka ee Badhan oo la doortay & marwo Saynab Cabdi Aar oo loo doortay ku xigeen.

Wed, 23 Mar 2011 13:50:00 -0400 pm -04:00 -14400



Badhan, Mar 21 - Golaha deegaanka ee degmada Badhan ayaa maanta doortay guddoonka golaha deegaanka oo ay u tartameen dhawr murashax oo ka tirsan xildhibaanada golaha deegaanka.


Duqa degmada Badhan ayaa loo doortay C/risaaq Axmed Ciise, halka ku xigeen loo doortay marwo Saynab Cabid Aar oo noqonaysa gabadhii ugu horeysay ee loo doorto guddoonka golaha deegaanka.


Golaha deegaanka ee degmada Badhan ee gobolka Sanaag oo ka kooban 27 xubnood ayaa la dhisay todobaadkii hore, la dhaariyey shalay, ayna ka mid yihiin 9 xubnood oo dumar ah.


Waa golaha keliya ee ay ku jiraan tiro intaa le'eg oo dumar ah marka la barbardhigo golayaasha deegaanka ee gobollada kale ee Puntland, una noqonaysa gobollada kale tusaale ku dayasho mudan.


Diiwaanka Wararka,

Idaacada Daljir.

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Guddoomiyaha cusub ee Badhan oo codsaday in lala shaqeeyo


Talaado, Maarso 22, 2011 (HOL) – Maamulka cusub ee degmada Badhan Axmed Ciise oo shalay loo doortay gudoomiyaha degmadaasi ayaa sheegay in uu wax badan ka qaban doono dhibaatooyin badan oo hada jira.


"Waxaan aad ugu hambalyaynayaa cid kasta oo doonaysa in hormar ay gaarto degmadan"ayuu yiri gudoomiyaha oo la hadlay idaacadaha qaar. Axmed Ciise ayaa sheegay in dowlada uu ka codsanayo in ay u soo jeesato degmada ,isagoo intaa ku daray in waqtigan wixii ka danbeeya loo diyaar-garoobi doono waxqabad muuqda.


Wasiirka arimaha gudaha Puntland C/laahi Axmed Jaamac oo isna shalay ka hadlay goobtii lagu dooranayay maamulka cusub ayaa sheegay in wasaaradiisa ay mashaariic badan ka hirgalin doonto degmada Badhan mustaqbalka dhow.


"Doorashada waxa ay ahayd mid ku dayasha mudan,waxaana la idiin kaga baahanyahay inaad la imaataan waxqabad "ayuu yiri wasiirka oo ku dheeraaday muhiimadda ay leedahay in la wada shaqeeyo.


Gudoomiyaha degmada Badhan ee gobolka Sanaag ayaa ballan qaaday in uu wax badan ka qaban doono wadooyinka degmadaasi oo la sheegay in uu ka jiro ciriiri badan,isagoo si gaar ah bulshada uga codsaday in ay arintan maamulka ka taageeraan.


Saynab Cali Aar oo iyaduna loo doortay gudoomiye ku xigeenka degmadaasi ayaa ugu baaqday haweenka in ay ka qayb-qaataan hormarinta degmada ,iyadoo intaa ku dartay in ay la shaqayn doonaan dhamaan ha'yadaha QM.


Ugu danbayntii dhamaan golaha deegaanka degmada Badhan oo ka kooban 28 xubnood ayaa shalay la dhaariyay,waxaana maamulkan u umuuqanaya mid ka duwan maamuladii horay u soo maray Badhan.


Faisel Maxamed Hassan, Hiiraan Online

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