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Breaking News: Libya declares a ceasefire [has Gaddafi bottled it?]

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Che -Guevara;703414 wrote:
How's it different?

I'm not naive enough to believe the West's interests are humanitarian in this escalation, however I am not partial to either side of the narrative. Are Libyan deaths more relevant at the hand of American bombs as opposed to their own?


This reminds of Somalia in relation to the people who fume against civilian deaths at the hand of the TFG/Amisom but remain silent if AS are the perpetrators.

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The Zack   

LOL@Somalina .. so true.


Jacphar, nobody thought Libya would be before Iran. I bet Qadafi is saying "F%$^! I should've never gave up on my dream of getting WMDs"

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The mad man Gadaffi gave those who after oil the right opportunity, they been waiting for this open chance for a long time, and he will be elimated,Which is great.


For libyans, The greater evil is Gaddaffi,

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A no-fly zone is now officially in place over Libya.


The US chair of the Joint chiefs of staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, told the NBC news station that Libyan government air defences had been "taken out" and there was no sign of Libyan aircraft.


"Several" US F16 fighter jets are waiting on the Tarmac at the Italian base of Sigonella in Sicily, after an unmanned US drone landed at the base this morning, say Reuters.


An extra four Danish F16s have arrived at the base this morning, adding to the two that arrievd there yesterday.

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