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General Duke

Hargaysa: Warlord Siilaanyo Commits Genocide in Somalia's SSC Districts

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The Secessionist Mujahids want to wage war in South Somalia against the Ethiopian filth. *** er they do not want to fight the same Ethiopians in NW Somalia. A suicid attack in Mogadishu is ok, yet it's a heinous crime in Hargaysa.

The folly and the farts of those who claim the Queen is their lost mother is more than amusing.

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1 man godane does not represent a people of millions so come with something better ya clannish old same General Duke.

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War heedhe wuxu ma dhukan yahay mise anaa mooday? Xaaji you're better off inaad topic furtid SL inspires the world powers to remove Gaddafi or something along the lines duriyadda inspiring global warming awareness or something like that.


Read this line thoroughly and carefully. Three or more times to sink in and fully understand. Somalia, Jabuuti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan & Uganda are all Igad members. That could only means one thing, Somalia is the official country which your clan falls under.


By the way, if I were you Meles dad kuma caayeen if you know what I mean.

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Jacpher you still did not tell us what Igad will do for Somalia other then telling us they are member of the club, or what Yoweri will do for Somalia other then saying stuff like Islam will be send back to the middle east where it belongs? or perhaps you believe he did a noble job for Somalia for sending his troops to Mogadisho Just Like Melez did before.

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Somalina;703456 wrote:
Who can forget that beautifully worded love letter to Zenawi.

Don't worry oday zanawi will rescue Sh dalxiis he is thinking about sending his troops again:D

Just like old times.

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He is not sending troops as he himself confirmed it just the other day.


Concentrate on Warlord Siilanyo. You are desperately failing to change the topic of discussion awoowe.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;703457 wrote:
Jacpher you still did not tell us what Igad will do for Somalia other then telling us they are member of the club, or what Yoweri will do for Somalia other then saying stuff like Islam will be send back to the middle east where it belongs? or perhaps you believe he did a noble job for Somalia for sending his troops to Mogadisho Just Like Melez did before.

It would be a waste of time and disk space to go into detail why Amison troops are in Somalia. Zubeyra brainwashed you so much that you don't know what is actually taking place in Moqdisho.


The irony of all ironies is that the likes of you kiss the behind of UN, EU and AU to get the desperately needed recognition yet you can't comprehend these same entities have peace keeping forces in Moqdisho. If you deem these world organizations demons, why seek their recognition xaajiyoow? You can't have it both ways. You and Red Sea keep praising Godane and his murderous militia in Moqdisho and in the same sentence back peace and stability in your clan circles in Hargeysa? That's downright munaafaqnimo in every sense of the word.

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Somalina Sheikh dalxis is a warlord and a hypocrite who was screaming jihaad yesterday against foreigners and today crying for Ethio/Amisom help. His excellence Mujahiid Siilaanyo is a principled man.

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Start a thread about him then. I don't know If you can read but this thread is titled Warlord Siilanyo commits genocide in Somalia's SSC districts.


AO- I didn't name any nomads brother.

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What bothers me the most is Jacpher you never come with a solution for your country all you say is we want more troops more foreign troops just like your leaders Sh dalxiis and his predecessor Warlord Cabdilahi Yuusuf. UN EU AU are organizations but these organizations don't own your country or your people. And they should not dictate your constitution or your rule of law they even pick your leaders.They even scheduled a mandate for your leaders. Amiir godane said he will rule Somalia and does not need WFP and other UN agencies nor does he need their Foreign troops and mercenaries or their silly mandate. He wants to turn Somalia into a self sufficient nation, now sure Alshabaab is not the perfect govt for Somalia but it's a step in the right direction for now . And sure there should be a different form of governance in Somalia in the near future and i think there is another alternative which will lead to a peaceful country eventually if the so called TFG stops allowing Foreign troops in Somalia. Alshabaab in the longterm can be changed from with in and the result will be they will drop their international agenda for the bigger cause. Inshallah. Habeen wanaagsan.

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Is Zubeyra against writing love letters to Zenawi? how about the Ethiopians in Berbera?

Sheik Sharif with his bulletproof gear visits his troops almost every week. Where is Zubeyra? eh! yeah, I thought so.


Ragnimo waa loo dhashaa, our Sheik tuute inoo soo xirto ayuu frontlineska imaadaa, whilst Zubeyra ay isku qarineyso niqaab cabsi awgeed. :D


Yaa la aaminaa? nin is qarinaayo ama nin banaanka soo taagan, baankoorna sita?

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