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Xaaji Xunjuf

Ethiopia: Daroor district the newest district of Dhagaxbuur province Somali region of Ethiopia

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Lool. You singled out one tinny district out 15 districts, and still dancing around.


Taleex, you see how unity of the artificial state of Ethiopia is kept, while breaking Somalia in to triangles. Dadkan maba qajilayaan! :D

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Saalax;702386 wrote:
Bashiir. Aar meel fadhiisho xageed ka gubaynaysa? Viva Daroor.

Maba taagni, adeer. Laakiin lugta hoosteeda ayaa i gubanaysa, si aan u dhaho viva daroor ma dhabi yaa Saalxiya?

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Bashiir: Lama bakhaylayo Viva Daroor hadday reer tolkay meel u bogsiinayso ee Xaajiyow hambalyo baan leeyahay reer Daroor.

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The Zack   

The refugee camp that stood for 23 years deserves to be district, of course. I see Bashir's point though, Xaaji Xunduf singled out 1 out of 15 new districts for some very odd reasons :) :) Tolow yaa dega kobtaas? Mother of coincidence ahaa yaa Xaaji.. just like you call Godane an "Amiir" , another coincidence. If I were you banaankaan is keeni lahaa LOL.

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Daroor waa laba dirgadood ,,, ceel ay amxaaradu ka cabto wuu ku yaalaa....waa gedo yar oo ay ONLF iyo TPLF isku hardiyaan ...laakin xaaji adeerkiis ayaa maqaaxi shaah ku kariya.... kolba qoladii u timaadana qamandiga oogu tuura... :D

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Zack why u hating on daroor i was just reading some of our websites and they posted this news and i felt like posting and used the exact same title i don't read cakaaranews so don't blame me, As fo Amiir Godane well that's just the tittle he carries for the organization he represents

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The Zack   

Xaaji Xunjuf;702407 wrote:
Zack why u hating on daroor i was just reading some of
our websites
and they posted this news and i felt like posting and used the exact same title i don't read cakaaranews so don't blame me, As fo Amiir Godane well that's just the tittle he carries for the organization he represents

No hate bro, no hate. LOL@our websites. I see whacha saying now, shame on "your" websites for picking one district out of 15 LOL.

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