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Xaaji Xunjuf

Ethiopia: Daroor district the newest district of Dhagaxbuur province Somali region of Ethiopia

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Magaalada Daroor eeh degmada awaare eeh kilinka Somalida Ethiopia oo loo magaacaabay degmo Buuxda oo ka tirsan Gobolka dhagaxbuur



Kalafadhiga golaha barlaamanka dowlad deegaanka somalida Ethiopia oo maanta si rasmi a uga furmay hoolka shirarka eeh Sayid Maxammad cabdulla xassan.


Shirka barlamaanka somalida Ethiopia oo uu shir gudoominayey afhayeenka barlaamaanka Somalida Ethiopia Md maxammad rashid ayaa waxa la so hordhigay in deegaanka Somalia Ethiopia yeeshi sadex Madaxweyne kuxigeen sidoo kalene 15 degmo lagu so kordhiyo degmooyinka ismamuulka Somalida Ethiopia.

Dhamaantoona way isku raaceen Mudanaysha baarlamaanku sadex Madaxweyne kuxigeen oo kale ah Adan farax Mudane Dr suldaan wali iyo Mudane Axmed deeq maxammad cabdi.


Degmooyinkan cusub eeh lagu soo kordhiye Kilinka Somalida ayaa kala ah sidan


Gobolka liibaan, 1.mubarag 2, Dekasuftu

Gobolka qoraxay 1. marsin

Gobolka Shiniile 1. hadhagaala

Gobolka dhagaxbuur 1. Araarso 2. Birqod 3, Yoocaale iyo 4. Daroor

Gobolka jigjiga 1. Tuli guuleed

Gobolka Fiiq, 1. Qubi 2, Gol Jano (galaalshe)

Gobolka Afdheer, 1, Qarsaadhuula 2. Raaso, Degmadan raaso ayaa waxaa lagu xaliyay win win strategy oo ay macnaheedu tahay in maamulka iyo dhamaan hawlaha guudba lagu qaysan doono 60% iyo 40%, Maadaama ay degmadaas ka jiri jireen iskudhacyo sokeeye.

Gobolka wardheer 1. Doraadtoole

Gobolka Godey 1. Galbeedka godey (west godey)

Degmooyinkan ayaa kadib markii fikrado laga soo jeediyay waxaa lagu ansixiyay codbuuxa dhamaantood.

shirkan baarlamaan ka ayaa wali ka socda hoolka shirarka ee sayid maxamed cabdule xasan wixii war ah ee kasoo

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Lool@ hoolka shirarka ee Sayid Maxammad cabdulla xassan.


Out 15 new districts, you have recognized only Darooor. Besides you're convinced that it belongs to Ethiopia.


But why is that if it could be explained to the forum? ,,,

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If the people decide to be part of Ethiopia then they should be given that right if not they should fight for their self determination and take what belongs to them , And yes i care what happens there

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Did the people vote for it yet, was there any referendum? You are going ahead or behind the freedom movement that is already wet and fresh....


If you cared about Daroor and not being hypocrite in this case, ..... you wouldn't have called it an Ethiopian district....

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Well they did not organize a referendum in daroor district yet ,we have to wait till a referendum is held. And it's a district with in Ethiopia and the Ethiopian regional goverment in jigjiga named it as a district.

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You have given up, why hung up in dreams? ,, Daroor is a dead horse for you so let it go and leave for the brave ONLF to finish and do the manly job... ... ..

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You said .."And it's a district with in Ethiopia and the Ethiopian regional goverment in jigjiga named it as a district." That is wrong. You should have said the Somali regional admin made it district. Even in their website they never said it is an Ethiopian district nor in their news. Ethiopian's colonial policy is still there. But Somali regional admin have their own leaders armies, police, flag and constitution. Their parliament house is named after Sayid M.Abdella. They are somalis ,and Daroor is Somali district no matter what you keep telling to yourself. On the other hand, there is ONLF armies who are military and politically advocating for the total freedom of the Somali region, and except few puppets no one consider him self as an Ethiopian citizen. Even Oromo, Afar etc never consider their land or districts as an Ethiopian land or districts. There is a reason why the true Afars and Oromos never give up the fight for freedom, truth and justice.


But we have here XX lander, praising black colony , and handing his Daroor away. Seriously you have given up everything. They live in your triangle, Daroor and use your ports with out resistance.


Is that not right and true yaa XX lander? ,,,

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Sure they have their own regional police army and Administration regional president Yeah their parliament is named after Muhammad abdulla hassan even melez claimed he was an Ethiopian hero. That's why it's called a federal republic the term Ethiopian is not an Ethnic group you do know that right that Ethiopia is a multi Ethnic society. i know many oromos they have no intention to Break Ethiopia into smaller pieces yet they want to become tomorrows elite in Adis ababa. Just like how melez did , i have not given up on anything if the people of daroor in the future decide to be part of Somaliland or part of another creation Future Somali country i will support them or remain part of Ethiopia i have no problem with that as long as it's peaceful and there is development in that region. The Ethiopians who live in Somaliland are mostly refugees from the Somali region and The oromo region. As for the Ethiopian government using the berbera port i have no problem with that that's pure business

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So basically you gave up, and faced the reality but hanging on a dream of taking the little Daroor toward Somalia, or northwestern province.


Why was this a news to you objectively? ,,,,

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Bashiir;702263 wrote:
Lool@ hoolka shirarka ee Sayid Maxammad cabdulla xassan.


Out 15 new districts, you have recognized only Darooor. Besides you're convinced that it belongs to Ethiopia.


But why is that if it could be explained to the forum? ,,,

Bashiirow wax fahan!

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