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Xaaji Xunjuf

ssc Military commander keyse cabdi yusuf defects to Somaliland

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Whats with the dacas iyo military uniform :eek: :eek:


The SCC elders should kidnap these flip floping fools and hold them in the basement, I bet you those same 10men will go back to the other side or even join Puntiland again and continue going in circles till they die or people stop paying them attention. With all that said it shows this conflict is just pants for the most part, I can't imagine if my clan was attacked by another clan and it was an all out war, that half way through it, some of our men would suddenly decide they are joining the otherside, come back and then go again, berri hoore ay lugah ka jebin laheyin so they dont walk no where. :rolleyes:


To borrow JB words this not war was mashurc

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^^ Mashruc in English is a "Project". SSC is a project, SL is a project and even the TFG is a project. The beauty of politics is that some projects work and others don't. The SL project looks like working here and the question should be why did these men forsake their clan to rejoin SL? Money alone is not the answer. There is more to this than meets the eye.

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^^ It's an Arabic word dee and its exact meaning is "project" (could be any type of project, including business). :P

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Ngonge you are lossing your old coolness if you embrace wax oo kale- SL ba madax ku gooni!!! :eek:


In this case I meant business not project- anigu Somali ban ahey.

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^^ SL, PL, TFG and SSC are just projects and I am (and shall always remain) an opportunist out for the best deal available. Long live the flip floppers (apart from Sheikh kadaab). :D

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I told you that Project is coming to an end ,,, this is a good sing that the ex-employees are now choosing their alternative sides. Interesting development though ...........

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I am not sur how this story helps the secessionist project in any way. Have they captured Buhudle, and have they stopped the daily killings in LA and the armed struggle in CAYN. Nothing has changed.

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Let us not put more weight on flip floppers, It is over generalizing, the majority of the people of SSC has spoken, and their demands are clear, they don't want anything to do with the secessionists, if you can't see that ,like those who lead SL, then this circle of violence will continue.


Congrats to the courageous people of SSC.

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S/L celeberates the join of a man who was sacked long ago from ssc.. Here is the interview from SPR with ssc second man Sabarey:


Buhoodle,(lasanod Online)- Col. Cali Sabarey oo ah Hogaamiye ku xigeenka Maamulka SSC oo waraysi siiyey idaacada (SPR), ayaa waxa uu sheegay in Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf..


uusan ka tirsanayn oo ka mid ahyn Saraakiisha Hogaanka SSC.


Cali Sabarey ayaa waxa kale oo uu tibaaxay in uu baxsaday ninkaasi, isla markaana uu ku biiray Maamulka Somaliland.

Sidoo kale waxa uu sheegay in mudo haatan laga joogo afar bilood ay xilkii ka qaadeen, wax saamayn ahna ayan ku yeelanayn baxsashadaasi dhaqdhaqaaqyada ciidanka SSC.


dhegayso.gifHalkan Ka Dhegayso Col. Cali Sabarey




Source: SPR

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NGONGE;702486 wrote:
^^ Mashruc in English is a "Project". SSC is a project, SL is a project and even the TFG is a project. The beauty of politics is that some projects work and others don't. The SL project looks like working here and the question should be why did these men forsake their clan to rejoin SL? Money alone is not the answer. There is more to this than meets the eye.

NG, I like your honest, but I disagree with you that S/L project is working. It isn't because over 20 years, it has no a signal reconginition. Plz have JB and Xaji Xiiq to understand that S/L is a project. SSC exists only year and half, so give it time to evaluate if it works or not though I believe it works since it's about to bring S/L to its knees where S/L cheers one man's join (Kayse) to their side this much.

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NGONGE;702486 wrote:
^^ Mashruc in English is a "Project". SSC is a project, SL is a project and even the TFG is a project. The beauty of politics is that some projects work and others don't. The SL project looks like working here and the question should be why did these men forsake their clan to rejoin SL? Money alone is not the answer. There is more to this than meets the eye.

So yesterday Dalbac crossed over to SSC with some SL milatery hardware and no word from you. This secession project is clouding your judgement, war nagadaa nothing has change except your uncle's foolish adventure in Kalshaale.

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General Duke;702510 wrote:
I am not sur how this story helps the secessionist project in any way. Have they captured Buhudle, and have they stopped the daily killings in LA and the armed struggle in CAYN. Nothing has changed.

What happened to farooles Empty threats last time i checked he said i will fight the Somaliland army in sool we are still waiting is he still in adis ababa;)

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^^^XX adeer Puntland troops are in SOOL, and in Buhudle and in Sanaag setting up regional councils in Haylaan & Sanaag. There is nothing you can do about it.

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