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Xaaji Xunjuf

ssc Military commander keyse cabdi yusuf defects to Somaliland

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Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf iyo xubno kale oo la socda oo isku dhiibey jabhada SNM.

Xubno uu horkacayo Kayse Abdi Yuusuf, ayaa waxay afka saareen dhanka magaalada Hargaysa ee maamulka dhiigyacabka Siilaanyo, xubnahan ayaa waxaa tegitaankoodu ka danbeeyey ka dib markii ayaamahanba ay kulaa shir sanaayeen tuulada Geed dheer xubno ka socdey jabhada SNM iyo beesha qurilugud


Waxaana la sheegay in Kayse raggan la socdaaba ay wataan qaar ka mid ah hubkii qurba joogta Guulleed Garaad, kaasoo ay kala baxsadeen dhawaan dagaalkii Kalshaalle, arintan ayaa waxaa ka soo baxaya warar kala gedisan sababta ka danbaysay, waxaana wararka qaar tibaxayaan in dad waa weyni ay ku lug lee yihiin.


source jidbaale

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Koox Ka Soo Goosatay Ururka Nabadiidka Ah Ee SSC Oo Si Diiran Loogu Soo Dhaweeyay Burco

March 14th, 2011


Burco (Somaliland.Org)- Xoghayaha Arrimaha bulshada ee ururka nabad-diidka ah ee SSC Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf, oo ay weheliyeen xubin ka tirsan golaha dhexe ee ururkaasi iyo sodameeye qof oo kale oo ka mid ah maleeshiyada deegaanka Widh-widh ee gobolka Buuhoodle ayaa galabta soo gaadhay magaalada Burco ee xarunta gobolka Tog-dheer ka dib markii ay ka goosteen kooxda nabad diidka ah isla markaana ka tanaasuleen falalka nabad gelyo darrada ah ee kooxdaasi ka waddo deegaanada Buuhoodle iyo Sool.


Kooxdan soo goosatay waxa si diiran magaalada Burco ugu soo dhaweeyay maamulka gobolka Tog-dheer, waxaana la dejiyay guriga martida ee magaalada Burco. kooxdani waxay wateen afar baabuur oo midi tikniko yahay.


Tallaabadani waxay dhabar jab ku noqonaysaa kooxda SSC, iyadoo Xoghayaha arrimaha bulshada ee SSC Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf uu kooxdaasi ka ahaa xubin miisaan culus ku dhex lahaa oo ka mid ahaa qab qableyaashooda ugu caansan, waxaanu ka hawl geli jiray deegaanka Widh-widh oo uu dhalasho ahaan ka soo jeedo.


waxa kale oo uu Keyse Cabdi Yuusuf waxa uu hore ugu magacownaa badhasaabka gobolka Buuhoodle ee maamul goboleedka Puntland ee dalka Somalia.


sarkaalkan iyo waxgaradka weheliya ayaa la sheegay inay ajiibeen dalabadii Madaxweyne Axmed Siilaanyo ee dhinaca nabadgelyada, waxaana la filayaa inay ka qeyb qaataan shirarka nabadeynta ee la doonayo in lagu soo afjaro dagaaladii ka dhacay deegaanka Kalshaale ee khasaaraha dhimasho iyo dhaawacba geystay.

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I hate flip floppers- they are the ones who create and fan this crazyness so they can get paid and double paid- shame for selling your own people even AFTER people have died.


THat;s assuming XX is not creating news

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Incidents like this are statistically insignificant to the over goal of liberating this region from the invaders.

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Ibtisam indeed waxa fiican qof qadiyadisa ku dhinta, however some one can see the light look at keyse he was the mayor of widiwidh for puntland then he joined ssc then he joined NSUM then he joined ssc again. And last but not least he joined Somaliland it could mean that he found out that Nationhood is much and much better then tribalism

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Taleexi;702024 wrote:
Incidents like this are statistically insignificant to the over goal of liberating this region from the invaders.

Trabilism is a bad habit but coming from western educated people its disgusting and dangerous. Sxb go get some help because these invaders you are seeing do not exists, only geljires from so and so on the move for water..

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Nimaan dagaal lagu qaban, ama xabsi ku jirin...laba beri markuu mirqaamo halkiisii ayuu ka miisi...


Take lesson from Moqadisho,,,, or Inadha cade.....

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Xaaji Xunjuf;702025 wrote:
Ibtisam indeed waxa fiican qof qadiyadisa ku dhinta, however some one can see the light look at keyse he was the mayor of widiwidh for puntland then he joined ssc then he joined NSUM then he joined ssc again. And last but not least he joined Somaliland it could mean that he found out that Nationhood is much and much better then tribalism

Aint you a dreamer? It means he is a man with no principles who is selling his people to the highest bidder. Nationhood kulaha, I saw pigs fly

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Bashiir;702031 wrote:
Nimaan dagaal lagu qaban, ama xabsi ku jirin...laba beri markuu mirqaamo halkiisii ayuu ka miisi...


Take lesson from Moqadisho,,,, or Inadha cade.....

children write a note of what he said;);););)

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Abokor Omar;702026 wrote:
Trabilism is a bad habit but coming from western educated people its disgusting and dangerous. Sxb go get some help because these invaders you are seeing do not exists, only geljires from so and so on the move for water..

Saaxiib adigu qabiilka ma ka bedqabtaa? Your clan chauvinism, expansion policies, oppression, and domination of others must I say I'm against! even if that qualifies me in your skewed mind the title of tribalist, and other negative names in your disposal.

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*Ibtisam;702032 wrote:
Aint you a dreamer? It means he is a man with no principles who is selling his people to the highest bidder. Nationhood kulaha, I saw pigs fly

Well we don't know Inadeer ,, he is a flipflopper indeed but we have to wait and see how he responds to nationhood he was part of a clan rebel faction called ssc , and before that he was part of another clan enclave called the piratestate we just have to wait and see how he reacts to nationhood. And that will take time.

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^^^What is he a rat experiement- what do you mean we will see how he response iyo reacts!!! :eek: :eek: Caadi maba ahan sheegando :eek:

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Xaaji Xandjuf. I say this guy must be taken to Tadjoura & Sacadin Islands so he never comes back to SSC militia. ;)

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