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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland government upgrades airport and seaport securities+VIDEO

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Somaliland upgrades airport and seaport securities


BERBERA — Somaliland’s civil aviation minister Mr. Mohamoud Hashi Abdi unveiled new airport security systems including x-ray scanners and surveillance videos for Berbera airport on Friday.


The minister said it was part of an ongoing security measures to secure Somaliland’s ports and airports. He cited the region was vulnerable to terrorism and as a result travellers will undergo enhanced screening for explosives and other concealed threats. They will face more vigorous body and special bag searches as well.



Berbera: Jubba airlines

Mr Abdi called on the international community to assist Somaliland to enhance its air and port securities but maintained the current system possessed no global threat. He said Somaliland airports were some of the safest in the region however it was important to monitor extremist networks in the region and in the neighboring Somalia which is considered to be prone to terrorism.


He said Somaliland is upgrading its ports and airports both in infrastructure and in security and could become a new security buffer zone to help bolster regional threats. The minister believes Somaliland should become a security buffer zone between Western countries home to hundreds of thousands of Somalis and Somalia, home to al-shabab and other extremists.


He believes with the current system, where Somalis travel back and forth between Western nations, Somalia and Somaliland–there is too many security gaps. He said passengers should be screened before they aboard planes to the West or Middle East.


In accordance with required International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) standards the port of Berbera deployed similar security upgrades in early this year. It was carried out by Norwegian-based company Nordic Crisis Management.


The United Kingdom government equally believes Somaliland is important for its own security and thus donated the current system about to be installed in Berbera airport by an Indian firm. Up to 250, 000 Somalis live in the UK according to unofficial reports and many of them travel to Somalia’s south where extremist elements operate.


Similar upgrades will be introduced to airports across Somaliland.


The government says it is also upgrading terminals and runways of Berbera and Hargeisa airport at a cost of $10 million which will be provided by the government of Kuwait.


While Somaliland runs its day-to-day tasks smoothly, poses strong democratic institutions and maintains strong stability – the state remains unrecognized by any country or international organization.

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Wasiirka Duulista Oo Sheegay In Madaarada Dalku Yihiin Kuwo Nabadgelyo Ah oo Ka Duwan Kuwa Somalia

March 11th, 2011


Berbera (Somaliland.Org)- Wasiirka Wasaarada Duulista Hawada iyo Gaadiidka cirka Somaliland Md. Maxamuud Xaashi Cabdi, ayaa sheegay inay qalab casri ah oo wax ka taraya nabadgelyada ay ku xidheen madaaradda Berbera.qalabkaasi oo ah kamarado wax ka duubaya dhaqdhaqaaqyada ka socda gudaha iyo dibada madaarkaba.


Wasiirku wuxuu sidaasi ka sheegay xaflad maanta loo sameeyay hirgelinta qalabkan oo lagu qabtay Madaarka Berbera.


Wasiirku wuxuu xusay in madaarka Berbera ahmiyad weyn ugu fadhiyo dalka kana mid yahay madaarada ugu waaweyn qaarada Afrika.


Md. Maxamuud Xaashi wuxuu u mahad celiyay dawlada Ingiriiska oo ugu deeqday qalabkan. Waxaanu sheegay in madaaradda Somaliland ay yihiin kuwo nabadgelyo ah oo beesha caalamku qirtay isla markaana ka duwan madaarada Muqdisho, Boosaaso iyo Garoowe.


Wasiirku waxa kale oo uu intaasi ku daray in isla qalabkan oo kale lagu rikabayo madaarka Hargeysa.

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Madaarka Caalamiga ah Ee Berbera Oo Markii U Horraysay Lagu Xidhay Qalabka Ammaanka Lagu Baadho


Berbera,March, 11, 2011(Berberanews) Qalabka dhinaca amaanka loo adeegsado ee kamaraddaha la socda dhaqdhaqaaqa ayaa markii u horaysay taariikhda lagu xidhay Madaaraka caalamiga ah ee Magaalada Berbera.


Munaasibad maanta oo Jimce ah lagu qabtay madaarka Berbera oo xadhiga lagaga jaray munaasibad loo qabtay qalabka lagu soo kordhiyay madaarka oo lagu qabtay dhismaha garoonka waxa ka hadlay Wasiirka Wasaarada Duulista Hawada iyo Gaadiidka cirka Somaliland. Maxamuud Xaashi Cabdi, oo sheegay inay madaarka ku xidheen qalab casri ah oo wax ka taraya nabadgelyada, kaas oo ah kamarado la soconaya dhaqdhaqaaqa ah, isla markaana wax ka duubaya xarakaadka ka socda gudaha iyo dibada madaarka.

Wuxuuna xusay in madaarka Berbera ahmiyad weyn ugu fadhiyo dalka kana mid yahay madaarada ugu waaweyn qaarada Afrika. Sidaa awgeed ay lagama maarmaan tahay in dayactirkiisa iyo amaankiisaba waxbadan loo huro.

Wasiirku wuxuu u mahad celiyay dawlada Britain oo sida uu sheegay ugu deeqday qalabkan. Isagoo xusay in madaaradda Somaliland ay yihiin kuwo nabadgelyo ah oo beesha caalamku qirtay, isla markaana ka duwan yihiin madaarada Muqdisho, Boosaaso iyo Garoowe.

Sidoo kalena waxa uu xafladaa ka sheegay in qalabkaa oo kale lagu rikabayo madaarka Hargeysa. Si loo sugo amaanka madaarada dalka.

Munaasibada qalabka casriga ah ee dhinaca amaanka lagu xidhay madaarka waxa kaloo ka qaybgalay masuuliyiinta gobolka iyo magaalada berbera.


qalabkaas oo kale ayaa hore loogu xidhay Dekedda magaalada berbera, ka dib markii lagu rakibay kamarado meelo fog wax ka duubaya oo wax weyn ka taraya arrimaha amaanka ee Dekedda.

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