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Warrior of Light


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Actually, its a recommendation from the best doctors of All, the Prophet SAW adviced us not to consume hot things. And according to the reports in Iran where stimming hot tea is consumed they have a high rate of throat cancer.


Guess breaks over, the chit between workers coming to an end :( -> back to work.

Ps. Got to congratulate you, your doing a good job. Mashallah.

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^ :D

I found the following two articles relate to the subject, so I hope they are of benefit to the readers, 32705410621.gif


Constant Awareness of Being 'Prepared'

Imam Ibn ul Jawzee

Islaam.Com - Tazkiyah


It is a duty upon every sane person to be prepared for his departure (from this world), for one does not know when he will be served by his Lord's commands (to take away his soul) nor does he know how long it is going to be before he will be summoned (for the Day of Judgment).


I have seen so many people enchanted by their youth. They have forgotten that their peers no longer exist, yet they are preoccupied with prolonged hopes (to stay alive).


A person in the process of acquiring knowledge may tell himself; 'I will acquire knowledge today and will adopt it the following day.' Such (postponement) may leave him in his deviation whilst giving himself a break (for the day)! Delaying his readiness to achieve repentance, whilst exposing himself to be indulged in (sins, such as) backbiting or listening to such (backbiting) or getting involved in a Shubhah (suspected, Halaal or Haraam) matters. He hopes to cancel it out (i.e. the bad deed/s) through his would be observance, the following day, forgetting that death may be sudden.


The wise one is he who values each and every moment of his life, observing one's due duties. Then, if death was to come suddenly, one would be ready (to face The Judge, Allaah subhanahu wata'aala). However, if one is granted his wish (in his life being prolonged) that would mean the increasing of (one's scale of) good deeds.




Between The Past And The Future

Imam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah

al-Fawaa’id, pp 151-152

Al-Istiqaamah, No. 2

Islaam.Com - Tazkiyah


Your life in the present moment is in between the past and the future. So what has preceded can be rectified by tawbah (repentance), nadam (regret) and istighfar (seeking Allaah’s forgiveness). And this is something that will neither tire you, nor cause you to toil as you would with strenuous labour. Rather it is an action of the heart. Then as regards the future (then it can be corrected) by withholding yourself from sins. And this abandonment is merely the leaving of something and to be at ease from it. This also is not action of the limbs, which requires you to strive and toil. Rather this is a firm resolve and intention of the heart – which will give rest to your body, heart and thoughts. So as for what has preceded, then you rectify it with repentance. And as for the future – then you rectify it with firm resolve and intention. Neither of these involves any hardship or exertion of the limbs. But then your attention must be directed to your life in the present - the time between two times. If you waste it, then you have wasted the opportunity to be of the fortunate and saved ones. If you look after it, having rectified the two times – what is before and after it, as we have said – then you will be successful and achieve rest, delight and ever-lasting bliss. However, looking after it is harder than that which comes before and after it, since guarding it involves keeping to that which is most befitting and beneficial for your soul, and that which will bring it success and well-being.

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Salamu Calaykum Wa Raxmatullah


May Allah reward the writer for this reflective piece- aamiin


Surely we have all been fooled by our youth thinking we still have time to increase more in ibaadah tomorrow, but what we tend to forget (and it's because we haven't taken it into our hearts and mind that death is certain and one of the things man will never flee,)another minute is not something promised to us.


The Salaf they used to think that they would not live to cross the corner, death was a certainty to them, insha Allah we must make it a reality, something that can come anytime, only then will we be able to get the best of our time and increase in ibaadah and come closer to Allah through submission, actions and love


May Allah forgive and help us remember him constantly/ aamiin

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