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Dhuusamareeb Christianization Underway thanks to Ahlu-Sunnah and Shariif.

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Family Laments Kidnapping of Christian Girl in Dhuusamareeb




MOGADISHU, Somalia, October 6 (CDN) — An underground Christian family from central Somalia is agonizing over the kidnapping of their daughter nearly eight months ago by Islamic militants bent on punishing those who leave Islam.



Ghelle Hassan Aded told Compass that he has not seen his 15-year-old daughter, Anab Ghelle Hassan, since Islamic extremists from the al Shabaab (“the Youth”) insurgency kidnapped her on Feb. 15. Certain that the militants would come after the rest of the family, they immediately fled, said Aded, who spoke with Compass from an undisclosed location in Somalia’s autonomous region of Puntland.



The family formed part of a growing movement of underground Christians in Dhusa Mareb, capital of Galgaduud Region in central Somalia, said other sources in Somalia who confirmed the kidnapping. Aded and his family had become Christians in 2001 while living in Kampala, Uganda. In 2008, the family returned to Somalia and settled in Dhusa Mareb, where their tribesmen live.



The al Shabaab insurgents fighting the Transitional Federal Government soon began monitoring the family’s activities. Aded said they took note that the family did not attend mosque, and on several occasions the insurgents or other Muslims questioned him. In Somalia, Christians hold small meetings in secret and are advised not to keep Bibles or other Christian literature at their homes; they often have to keep them buried in a hole.



On Feb. 15, Aded and his wife sent young Hassan to the market to buy food, he said; relatives told them later that day that they saw al Shabaab insurgents kidnap her at 10 a.m. as she was going about her business at the local market. Knowing that the insurgents would soon come after the rest of his family, Aded said, he fled immediately with his wife, 11-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son to Puntland.



At their location in Puntland, the family appeared devastated by the kidnapping, with Aded’s wife often weeping over the loss, but they said they maintain hope of seeing Anab again.


“We are increasingly afraid of being discovered by the militants on our trail and wish to go back to Kampala as soon as possible,” Aded said. “After months of monitoring, the militants were convinced that we were practicing Christianity, contrary to their banning of all other religions in Somalia.”


Al Shabaab insurgents control much of southern and central Somalia and have embarked on a campaign to rid the country of its hidden Christian population. With estimates of al Shabaab’s size ranging from 3,000 to 7,000, the insurgents seek to impose a strict version of sharia (Islamic law).



Al Shabaab was among several splinter groups that emerged after Ethiopian forces removed the Islamic Courts Union, a group of sharia courts, from power in Somalia in 2006. Said to have ties with al Qaeda, al Shabaab has been designated a terrorist organization by several western governments.



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The family formed part of a growing movement of underground Christians in Dhusa Mareb, capital of Galgaduud Region in central Somalia, said other sources in Somalia who confirmed the kidnapping.

acuudu bilaah. this city is the birth place of macalin Cayroow, the famous alshabaab founder and respected scholar who was assassinated by USA in dhusmareeb. it is tragic.

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Sheekoy sheeko, sheeko xariir ah....


Kampala intaan ku soo gaalownay ayaan Dhuusomareeb ku soo noqonay miyaa sheekadu? Hmm.

(Shabaab doesn't need you to be Christian to kill you, this much is clear.)

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Mooge;701016 wrote:
acuudu bilaah. this city is the birth place of macalin Cayroow, the famous alshabaab founder and respected scholar who was assassinated by USA in dhusmareeb. it is tragic.

Dad musliim ah aa la gaaleynaayaa, adna waxaad ka walwaleysaa magaca tuulada uu ku dhashay ninkii iishay ee Ceyroow!.

Waxa ka sii daran waxa dhacaya oo aad group gooni ah dusha uga tuurtay. Magac(Mooge) iyo Musiibo maalin bay kuu eaacaan illeen.

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The family formed part of a growing movement of underground Christians in Dhusa Mareb

this statement should worry every somali with a sense of right or wrong. it doesn't matter if you hate one group or the other. hiloowle and cawaale who support Amisom killers, the topic is about the growing christian movement in the heartland of our country.


it is weak and irrelevent to focus on mooge. stay on topic.

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Is there a difference between Burtinle and Dhuusa Mareeb? -- We shouldn't be that alarmed with few gaalo considering what is happening in the world. And because of globalization, humanity shares both problems and benefits, this is a spill over effect and we will get used to it over time.

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Che, they aren't the only groups that preach. You ignored the "Burtinle" part...


Taleexi, the whole article is a joke, and honesty I don't pay that much attention to this kind of huu haa. Che baan ku duraayay his "diversity" statement.

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