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Xaaji Xunjuf

Mogadisho: Axmed Diiriye elder supports Increased UK aid to Somaliland

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It's official. Axmed Diiriye come to seek his cut. SL better understand the language odaga speaks. Axmed doesn't spend words without any gain.

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Gheelle.T;700640 wrote:
Aqoonsigii Axmed Diriyana ma laga deyay? Desperation iga dheh

:)...I am sure haddii aan mowduuc SOL ku soo qori lahaa aan leeyahay waan aqoonsanahay gooni-isutaagga Waqooyi Galbeed, idaacadaha degaannadaas ku yaalla ayaa soo qaadan

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Dadkan meesha ka hantatacaya Manay ogayn in odayasha la xushmeyo siba oday dhaqmeedka (salaadinta iyo cuqaasha) , Anaga reer Somaliland hadanu nahay odayasha xushmad iyo ixtraam baanu siina hadaladooda na wa hadalo miizaan leh Ma garanayo Somalida inta kale siday ula dhaqman amay siday hadalada axmed diiriye u arkaan balse .. oday Axmed diiriye beel Somalida ka mid ah waliba beelaha ugu tunta waweyn Koonfurta Somalia ayuu oday u yahay marka dee hadalkisa mizaan bu leeyahay. Odayashayadu markay 50 kor u dhaafan laba Go oo cad intay qaatan iyo tusbax gadhkana wey caseystaan safka hore eeh Masajidka na wa fadhistaan Taladana waanu weydina Cuqaal talisa Boqor caaddila iyo culimo miisaan leh. Ilaahi Carshiga Nuuriyoow kaaga caban mayno Ayuu yidhi Ninki jiray

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Ahmed Diiriye is a nonsense peddler, cid uu matalo oo aan calooshiisa ahayna ma jirto.


Shalay ayay ahayd markaad aflagaadeyneyse Imaamkii AS habaaraayey, maxaa yeeley your Zubeyra ayuu ka soo horjeedaa, maantana halkaanad ka qudbeyneysaa in odeyaasha la respect gareeyo. You really are one confused Ethiopian sirdoon wallee. :D

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^^ somalina Imaamka marnaba maan aflagadeyn waxan idhi uun Maxammad dheere bay isku magac yihin goormey noqotay Maxamamd dheere ayey isku magac yihin ceeb Mise awoow waxad u haysata maxammad dheere nin xun hada wa ninka TFG difaaca inkasto si xun lo galay:D

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Awoowe, waan is gararenaa by now ayaan u maleynaayaa. Kii SL ka hadlo si fiican waa your hero, kii AS habaarana waa your enemy. Waxaad supportgareysaa 2 fikradood oo habeen iyo maalin isku ah. Mabda' ma lihid awoowe, and it is unfortunate runtii.

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Maya mayaa anigu i am an open minded person i believe Alshabaab is part of the problems of Somalia the same way TFG and all the mamuul goboleeds are,, but i also believe alshabaab can play a big role in the long term solution of Somalia since somalis especially Koonfurians are very much involved in political islam. Anigu Awoow koox na Somalia gaar uma tageero laakin kooxa oo dhan wa inay Heshiiyaan si maatada iyo shacabka masakinta lo badbadiyo. Ka as Habaaray is not my enemy ka TFG habaara na is not my enemy awoow. laakin idinku wixinu wa black and white waligin idin ma arkin idinku ka hadlaya Solution for Somalia

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