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Buhoodle - Maleeshiyada S/L ee dagaalka ku qaaday Deeganada G. Cayn, ayaa waxay shacabka deegankaas

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Buhoodle,(lasanod Online)- Maleeshiyada Somaliland ee dagaalka ku qaaday Deeganada Gobolka Cayn, ayaa waxay shacabka deegankaas u geysteen..


xasuuq iyo xadgudubyo ka baxsan sharciyada aduunka.

Odayasha iyo waxgaradka Buhoodle waxay baaq u direen Hay'adaha Caalimiga ah si ay degaankas ugusoo diraaan guddi xaqiiqo raadis ah oo indhahooda kusoo arka waxyeelada maleeshiyada Siilaanyo u geysatey shacabka gobolka Cayn.


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JB may call these Calaacal but these are real people affected by your militia's invasion for just a mere madness project.

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When will the lies stop , ilahoow ummadan xaqa tus. Somaliland armed forces will never hurt an innocent lady, this is the work of the nabadiids and now they want to get Sympathy from the diaspora more funding to hurt more innocent get more financial support ilahoow nabbadiidka shacabka buhoodle ka qabo. dadki way dhibeen.

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Adiga ilahay xaqa ha ku tuso markaad dadka dhib loo gaystay oo cadaan ah aad dafiraysid kuwii geystayna aad ka dhigayside malaa'ig aan danbi ka dhicin..

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